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CS office Froze our Bank Account

mamacat_30's picture

I get a text alert this morning that my bank account balance is low, so I check on line, my balance is ZERO. I look into and make some calls and head to the bank. The Child Support offices have levied (sp?) our account and it is now frozen. I know that DH has arrears, (we used to pay her in cash and then she up a tells the court we didn't pay her anything - anyway...) but we have been on a payment plan and have not missed a payment in 3 years! We have been paying CS and arrears on time and in full for all this time. I know that they reserve the right to place a lien on our account, but I thought that was what the payment plan was for.

So the bank says that we have 10 - 15 days to have the hold released before the money is really gone. Has anyone been in this situation before? Since we have a payment plan in place and have not missed any payments I am hoping that the CS office will release the hold but I really don't know how they work. Anyone know what my chances are? Side note: I live in sunny California.


imagr8tma's picture

I would call them and explain about the payment plan. My guess would be she went down and said she was not receiving the more than likely. I wish you the best of luck getting the lien removed.

mamacat_30's picture

We make all our payments to the CS office, I hope they would be smart enough to look into that, if that were the case...But who I am to say how things should be done.

herewegoagain's picture

These freaking women and cs offices make me sick!
I am sorry you are going through this...they don't care if you have food to eat as long as they get their money and kickbacks! They ruined MY credit DH didn't owe a darn thing, but they put that he owed on his credit report which made our cc go up from 9% interest to 24.99% and garnished half his check for over 4mos...when I couldn't pay the outrageous interest on the cc and the house, since DH had 1/2his check I chose to not lose my house and my credit was ruined! 20yrs of perfect credit down the tubes! That witch and TX will be sorry they did this to ME when DH stops paying cs!

I am so sorry...I'd try to get a lawyer and sue the aholes!
And then sue the ex for lying!

stepkate's picture

This just doesn't sound right. Adding false information to a credit report is a crime, and you can sue. Why couldn't you prove that DH did not owe, and take BM and CS to court where that mess belongs?

herewegoagain's picture

Because the idiots at cs stated "they could not forgive arrears..." and even though he never owed it, at the cs office they claimed they had to show "paid in full"...they told DH they had NOT reported to the credit bureau as the law states once they send a letter claimimg you have arrears, you have 30days to contest it BEFORE they begin reporting to credit bureau, liens, IRS and garnishment...and because he called them the day they garnished his wages "two days before he received the letter" and again when he received the letter, none of this would be done. It wasn't until about 6mos later that I started checking our credit reports, checking online records, etc that I found out they had indeed reported to the credit bureau...and also posted a lien online in public records w/his full ñame,full ssn, address, tel, dob, etc! We contacted cs and they "released the lien", but the original stayed online and is still there...and they "corrected" the credit report to say "paid in full". I ctcd the cc companies and because we could not get the arrears removed, but instead paid in full they would not lower our interest rate unless we paid at least 6mos in full and on time...which again we could not afford since the interest was so high and we were recovering from over 4mos of not getting DHs full pay.

How could we afford a lawyer? There was no the time we somewhat recovered our credit wad ruined because of the high interest so why spend money on a lawyer that at the end basically told us " I can fix what started the mess, but the new ruined credit will stay since you didn't pay ontime..."

believe me when I hear truant call my DH an ahole because he won't give het more money it makes me sick! But once cs is stopped we WILL provide a letter with proof to her of what BM did so she has the facts...and everyone in her family will get the same package!

herewegoagain's picture

We did prove he had paid. CS said because of Bradley amendment once they put as arrears, even if provén it was never owed they could only change to paid in full.

herewegoagain's picture

We have disputed it...CS said they could only show it as paid in full. We disputed again. Same response. Last mediation/increased cs papers also say "paid in full"...they will not remove it.

Rags's picture

This is exactly why we do not give the CS office our primary bank and account numbers. We have all CS money deposited to an account we have with an e-bank and have the money immediately transferred to a different bank. That way if the CS office screws up and over pays us they can not take the money back from our account. They have to contact us. If they call for us to return any overages we tell them to take it out of future payments since they are the ones that screwed up.

The same works for NCPs who pay CS. If your DH is not on automatic payroll withholding open a separate account keep a ZERO balance, deposit only what you need for each check you write to the CS office immediately prior to writing the check.

That way if the CS office freezes your CS payment account they are freezing nothing....... or just pay them with a money order in person and require a signed written receipt from the CS clerk. That keeps the bottom 10%er Family Law clerk morons out of your accounts.

Good luck with this. I know this is enough to piss off the Pontiff.

Best regards.

herewegoagain's picture

If they overpay you, you should give that money back immediately...geez...the witch felt the same, wait till that witch gets no cs and has to pay us the extra money she received, plus interest, plus court costs and attorneys fees! We will take her to court even if it costs us moré to take her to court than what she'd get...cause the witch will still have to fork out the money for an attorney and will be sorry she ever kept money that was not owed to her! I can't wait! Payback will be he'll for that money hungry witch who kept our money and lied to get it!

mamacat_30's picture

We used to pay her cash way back when, but for the past three years or so all the money goes to the CS office and they mail her a check. They garnish partial wages and we mail in the rest.

Most Evil's picture

OMG that s*cks!!! It may be worthwhile for you to have a separate account, so that you can still access your pay, even if they try to screw DH.

Who knows why this is, you will just have to have DH call them tomorrow, if they are like ours they will not talk to the step. I am so sorry dear!

MamaBecky's picture

This happened to me. There was nothing I could do about it. The money that was in our joint account was gone and I couldnt close the account because it was frozen so I just let it dormate. I then opened new accounts in my name only. We will never again have a joint account. Not giving the CS office your bank information does not help you. They have the payee's SSN and will run that and sieze any bank accounts associated to the SSN #. Dont have a joint account or put your spouses name/ssn on anything that you own.

herewegoagain's picture

Yes, you aré right about the cs offices still having your bank acct even when you don't give it to them. It was about 4yrs ago that oír mess happened...guess what? When we moved back to the states DH and I had separate bank accts...everytime he'd deposit ANY check into his acct it would take a mínimum of 7 days to clear, where mine would clear same day or within 24hrs! In addition, when we married he chgd his W4 to add our kiddo & I as dependents and received a letter from the IRS that he could not chg his witholding to less! It took over 2mos to get the IRS to let him chg witholding! Never was he told by either the bank or IRS that it was related to cs, yet it was obvious because this never happened before the witch líed or to me...

We ended up chg our account to out of US so they couldn't touch it...which meant we could only do withdrawls of max ATM and pay withdrawl fees for every transaction! But it was either that or constantly not know how long it would take his checks to clear...

Funny, people wonder why I hate her so much...her líes turned our lives upside all that extra money we have had to spend because of líes has been only her fault...I'll be damned if DH will give her an extra penny...our son has suffered because of her, we will not give her an extra dime.

stormabruin's picture

DH had an issue with this before. I don't know all the details with it, but I do know that when he & BM agreed on CS, he agreed with the condition that it would NOT go through Child Support Services. His money is taken out of his check by his employer & mailed to BM, so CSS isn't involved at all.