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Got PO'd last night probably shouldn't have...

jojo68's picture

BF sprained his ankle yesterday afternoon. I came home and put ice on it for him for about 20 minutes and since sprains need compression proceded to wrap his ankle. It was quite sore and when I wrapped it of course it bothered him. His little Princess proceeded to shout at me and tell me not to hurt her daddy. I was beyond pissed....I actually had to go outside to cool off. Why I let this stuff bother me I dunno. She is such a little brat and never does anything for her father but annoy him and demand everything she sees and then she has the nerve to do say that to me. It really made me mad. I guess I just need to calm down and let it go.....


stepmasochist's picture

How 'bout, "Talk to me like that again, little missy and it's you I'll hurt when I wrap this over your mouth."

jojo68's picture

Oh yeah when the cat got underfoot one time and I accidentally stepped on her tail...she yelled at me like I purposely hurt the cat....same way with her father last I intentionally hurt him.

starfish's picture

i would have been pissed off, too...... first you have cry baby BF on your hands (i am not trying to sound mean about that, but i swear when dh hurts hisself or gets sick, he turns into a baby) and then you have this snot little brat running her mouth... you handled it very well.......i probably would have dropped a few f bombs and looked at her with pure evil in my eyes....

jojo68's picture

Oh yeah BF is a complete baby when sick or hurt....way over the top. No body f'ing cared the other day when I had dental surgery and had three molars pulled which is pretty painful to say the least. I was expected to carry on the very next day.

Pantera's picture

DING DING DING!!! That would be the right thing to do. I would be pissed if I were you too. I would be even more pissed if Daddy let SD believe you were hurting him. Why do kids say stupid crap like that? Im pretty sure if Mommy was doing it, nothing would have been said. That is so annoying.

Pantera's picture

Im sorry but thats bull crap. He should have looked at her like she was crazy and explained that you were helping him. No wonder these kids don't like us!!!

I would have had to accidentally bump into his ankle on my way outside, lol. }:)

jojo68's picture

No...I think she knew that she just wanted to be a brat. He ate it up...his ankle was so sore that it hurt that bad to wrap it...but a few minutes later Princess was wallering all over his lap and he didn't say anything until he got to hurting so bad he asked her to move and she told him no.

stormabruin's picture

Even if she knew, if her dad had said something to her to let her know that he wasn't supporting her statement about you hurting him, it may help it not happen so much in the future. If she knows he's willing to take up for you, she's less likely to try to get attention that way in the future.

jojo68's picture

Funny thing...we are watching TV last night...Americas got talent...and they asked one of the kids how old he was and he says "one one" (he was the rapper kid)...Princess says, "He's only one??" I told her no he's eleven and Princess comes back with "no he said he was one" :? Another part of the show there was a song that has the word Halleluah in it. She asked me what that meant and I told her and she kept asking me but what is halleluah...over and over again. Is she really that dumb or is it a ploy to get attention She comes up that random stuff out of no where...makes no sense when she talks to you. I can remember my daughter and stepdaughter being fun at 10 being able to carry on an adultlike conversation. WTF

oneoffour's picture

Sounds like she doesn't get enough drama in her life.

My IESM (Internal Evil Step Mum)would have told her "Sorry? I am hurting him? Oh honey, I haven't even STARTED yet!"
" OK, you do it then." And walk away for 30 minutes.
"Stop being silly. Of course it hurts. He has a tiwsted ankle." Eye Roll
" Me? Hurt Daddy? Oh come on. I cannot believe you said something so stupid."

As for the One One comment I would have pulled out a piece of paper and drawn 11 and said "See, eleven...get it? Its a joke!"

The Halleluag comment?
"I told you once. I am not telling you again."
Was she saying it every time the guy sung the word? If that is the case she is way too bored and needs a hobby.

She isn't stupid. She has been allowed to dumb down and not encouraged to grow up.

jojo68's picture

Very true...I don't get the constant boredom...she has everything...TV, DVD,computer,Wii,PSP,DSi,cell phone,electric go cart,she is allowed to drive the golf cart, she has a pool and she still can't find anything to do. My take is that her discontentment is that nothing is special when you are allowed to have everything anytime you want...I dunno but I know that there is no making her happy ever.