So pissed!
So my SS's 12 & 16 are spending the ENTIRE weekend with us from Friday thru Sunday night. This is not our normal schedule, we normally have them EVERY Sunday & Tuesday and alternating Fri / Sat. This weekend BM is going away so we get them all weekend. Then we also get them still on Tuesday, the following Friday and again on Sunday. I also found out that in July BM is going away again, and we have them for back to back full weekends with the week inbetween too. (Fri- sun, M-sun). My husband is at work alll the time so all this is, is an invonvience to ME. I don't even know what I'm going to do during that time. Everything is SO different when they are here, I can even fully relax in my own house when they are here. UGH! also, my DH just called me from work a few moments ago to tell me that my SS16 was on his way over to drop stuff off for this weekend. I just got out of the fucking shower and wasn't even dressed. You'd think SS16 would call me himself to say he is on his way over instead if calling his dad at work so DH can call me.. Or at least give me more then a 5 minute notice so incase I'm in the shower, like I was this time. Then SS16 gets here and barely says 2 words to me. Yup, just come and go as you please everyone, don't even ask the person who is home if they mind if you stop by. WTF!
- June's blog
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I would be livid, too!!! i
I would be livid, too!!! i don't do that extra time shit ~~ when bm gets back stick her with her kids for the extra time you got fucked with.....
Dh should have asked you
Dh should have asked you first. Plan something for your self and make DH and BM do their jobs. Whoops, I forgot, I am going aways with my girlfriends that weekend. }:)
Lol, I do that every weekend.
Lol, I do that every weekend.
Been there,done that and it
Been there,done that and it pissed me off, causing arguments between me and my bf.Now my bf knows that he should discuss changes with me first. As much as I dont like any changes to the schedule it helps if I feel involved first rather than it just being forced upon me.