New to all this - first time steps are visiting
I'm new to all this, so please correct me if this isn't the right forum for me. I've read some of the posts here and realize I have it much easier than a lot of you, but this is my first time as a SM, so please bear with me.
Not only am I new to this forum, but this is the first time I'm in a relationship with someone with kids. (I have grown kids - BS36 and BD32 - but have been divorced over 20 years, so I've dealt with my own kids' reactions to my partners lots of times over the years.)
I've been living with my BF (what's a DH? divorced husband? we're not married, so that doesn't fit) for about 8 months in northern CA. He moved here about a year ago from Ottawa, Canada. SS14 and SS16 live with their BM in Ottawa - both in HS. SD18 lives with relatives in NC, taking a year off to work before starting college there.
I should tell you that we actually live at my house during the week and on his boat (15 mins away) on weekends. Even though we maintain two places, we do it together and are always together and both have stuff in both places, so it's the same as couples living in one house.
Ok, so SS16 and SD18 are visiting this week for the first time since he told them about us. I'm staying mostly at the house all week, and BF is staying on the boat with his kids. We agree that this is a disruption of our regular lives, but we didn't think it would be a good idea to ask his kids to go back and forth like we do. (Most people think we're nuts doing it every week, but we like it.) Nor did we think it was a good idea for me to be with them 24x7 the first time they meet me. (Actually, I met SS16 once before, but I was introduced as "a friend" then for lots of good reasons I won't go into here.)
So SS16 arrived Fri night and stayed on the boat with BF. I joined them on Sat morning and stayed until around mid-day on Sun, when I decided I'd had enough. SS16 was cordial toward me, but he basically avoided us all day Sat (took off in the dingy for hours at a time, closed himself in his own room/cabin (on the boat) for a long while, went on shore and took a long shower, went to bed early that night). He did eat dinner with us (and actually prepped and cooked the steaks - probably because it removed him from the being in the same room with us). He gave short answers to my questions (all about stuff I knew he was into at home - sports, hobbies, etc) - being polite but not really engaging with me. Then he agreed to watch a movie with us, but when we had some technical difficulties with the Blueray player, he decided to go to bed -- at 8pm! So he didn't do anything explicitly obnoxious, but he really didn't want to be around us. That was clear to me.
Sunday morning, he slept until noon when BF woke him up. We had a quick breakfast/lunch, and then I decided to leave. BF was sad that I was leaving, but I felt that SS16 had had enough of me, and I wanted to leave them alone to have dad-son time.
I was trying hard to stay out of the way, not take up his time with his dad, not walk around like I own the place (although it is my home usually, and I'm usually much more comfortable there), and engage him in conversation but not too much. Talk about walking on eggshells! But by him basically not being around us, he was taking away dad time for himself, and there was nothing I could do about it but leave.
So my first question is... Is there any way for me to be around SS16 and get him to engage and not disappear? I'd like him to just do his usual thing with his dad, and I'll just be there but not get in their way. I'm happy to just sit there and watch them do projects together or read a book or whatever. He doesn't know that, I guess. Should I tell him directly? It was almost as if he didn't want to infringe of my time with BF. That's just the opposite of what I intended.
My next question is about SD18... She had a big reaction on the phone with BF told her about me/us. She's much more verbal, apparently, and asked if I have to be around during her whole visit. I like when people are direct but! BF told her no, that he'd like her to meet me (one dinner with all of us), but that after that I'd only be around if she's comfortable with it. I agree with that idea, so that's where it stands now. DS18 arrives late tonight, and then Tues night (tomorrow!) is our big dinner. I'll probably go to the boat and have dinner there with them, or we'll all go out to a restaurant - their choice.
DS18 is clearly resenting my presence already, and she hasn't even met me yet. She has a history of thinking that BF pays more attention to her brothers, so she's already craving his attention. Now there's me to contend with, too (in her mind). Does anyone have any advice for me about how to deal with her? I'm thinking that since she's 18 and a direct communicator herself, maybe I should just tell her that I have no intention of coming between her and her dad and that I want to support their relationship. Does that make sense? Or should I just let her initiate whatever conversations we have? Or what???
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
DH is dear husband....i will
DH is dear husband....i will respond later when i have a better chance to read more through in your post
My advice is not to let the
My advice is not to let the kids dictate how much you are around. If you let them, this will create a pattern that is hard to break out of with Adult Sk's. DH needs to be clear to them that you are with him now and they need to accept that and be cordial. The rest takes time. But, if you let them dictate the rules now, you will have problems for years. They will never be forced to accept you. My Dad has been remarried for almost 15 years now and my sisters can not accept my SM. They tried the same thing with my Dad and he let them for awhile. Now, he has no relationship with them. I do and I accept my SM. She is not really my Stepmom to me, she is the nice lady that married my Dad. No more no less. But, she is nice and I don't begrudge her anything. I talke to her via email and on the phone and see her once or twice a year. But, I am nicer than my sisters.
You need to be nice and cordial, but it is really up to your DH to set the guidelines here.
You guys are great! Thanks
You guys are great! Thanks for the advice. I hear you about letting the kids dictate the rules and how that establishes a pattern. I know we need to avoid that. One thing I didn't mention is that BF's divorce isn't quite final yet. It will be in a month or two, but these kids are just getting used to the idea that their parents aren't together anymore, and now they have to see their dad with me, too. I do think it's hard for them.
I didn't go to dinner last night with them. Ugh... I got all caught up in the fact that SD18 told SS16 (and he told BF, and he told me) that she'd go to dinner with us, but if I go to the movie afterwards, she wouldn't go. That made me not want to be around her at all, so I cancelled. BF was upset (not mad - just disappointed, missing me, wanting us all to be together), but I had the feeling that dinner would be extremely tense with a lot of silence (at best), and then I'd leave. Why put everyone through that? My stomach was in knots all day, and whenever I feel like that, it's a sure sign that I'm doing something that deep down I don't want to do. So I didn't go.
Now, in the light of day, I'm wondering what kind of message that gave the kids. Are they feeling all powerful that they got their way? Or do they feel bad that they screwed up what their dad really wanted? And now BF wants to reschedule for another night before they go home. Ugh... I can't wait for this week to be over!
Im sort of in a similiar
Im sort of in a similiar situation as you.....but down the track further....and really dont like my step teenage kids....and they make it very clear that they do not like the fact that their father married me....(i think its coming from the ex wife but thats another story)
Remember these adult children are being silly...its not you they are negative to...its your relationship with their father that they are concerned with....when my mother remarried I wasnt too happy but accepted it...and the man made my mum happy....but my older sister (50+ at the time) was furious....winged complained said the whole this was ridiculous etc older brother was also stupid about it....
this sort of upset happens over and over...its not you...if your BF was with someone else...they would be upset with her too....
I think you need to establish clear boundries and make the step children understand that you make their father happy...if kids dont want their father to be happy thats not your fault its theres....and make sure your BF is aware of what exactly is occuring as sometimes men put their head in a bucket of sand not aware of what is really happening....remember its not your issue...its theirs...