Am I wrong becaue I refuse to let my SD come for the summer ? NEW to this website
I posted this under a response to another person's blog but I felt I needed to post it under my own as well:
Hello to all!!! I finally found a blog that hit the nail on the head for me! I can totally relate to your situation "Mommy Love"! To give everyone a brief background. I have been a member of this forum for over 3 weeks but just didn't know what or how to say what all I needed to get off my chest. I am remarried for 3 years now, DH was married before and has 2 children, his BD(soon to bee 7) and BS(soon to be 11). I have two of my own BD(soon to be 12) and a BS who just turned 16. I am a sick with many issues but my heart is the main problem so i do not work but I am currently obtaining a masters degree, my 2 bk's live with us as well as his bs, whom we have custody of.
During the course of our marriage I have had numerous problems with his ex, trying to control our marriage and dictate to us and our household when it comes to their daughter. (he has 2 different baby mama's.) I have NO PROBLEMS with the ss's mother in fact we get a long great!. To many stories and details to give right now, so I will make the story short. I use to have a great relationship with my SD, but ever since my SS has come to live with us, my DH ex wife the SD mother, has restricted her from us, especially mew but only wants her to visit us at her convenience. When SD comes now since last year during her school breaks, she is rude, disrespectful, told me I am not the boss of her, wants to fight the other kids and acts like a little baby when her dad is around. I am the one who takes care of all the kids atleast 75% of the time because DH works alot because of his government job. So I want to discipline the SD but I know it will cause conflict with the ex wife, and my DH refuses to open his mouth to the ex about their daughter and her actions, as well as he allows the ex to pretty much run and control him because they have a child together.
This summer all the kids will be gone in less than a week for the whole summer. My SS to his mom's and my Kids to the father for the summer. My husband thinks it should not be any problem if the SD comes for the whole summer and I take care of her while he works all day and night, I cant discipline her and the mother is very rude and disrespectful to me as well! So I have put my foot down and told him NO she can not, i cant take care of her, there are no other kids here, I am in school taking accelerated classes, and I need my own little break while all the other kids are gone for the summer as well it should be a time for he and I to spend together. Lastly, I take a ton of different meds and me alone with a 6 1/2 year old who has ADHD isn't going to happen and not good at all. I even told him to take a week off and go to where they live and visit her there, so atleast he could see her this summer.
The Ex keeps calling us asking when can she come and he keeps saying he dont know instead of letting her know that she cant this summer but he will be to visit her. He acts like he is scared of her! (FYI, I know the mother still has strong feeling for him, even after 3 years and she has a man) but my husband doesnt see any of that!!!!
To sum it all up (cause I know I have rambled something terrible in this post. I am saying no to her coming A: because of the lack of respect the SD and mother have for me and dont appreciate a D%^& I do for the child, (by taking care of her when she does come. B: I cant discipline her as she should be when she is in our household, C: no other kids will be at our home for the summer and D: I am not the darn nanny or babysitter to their rude daughter and my health doesnt allow me to be as active as anyone should be with younger children that constantly need help with a lot of things.
With all of this said, my husband and I have not spoken to one another over a week and this one situation with his Daughter is ruining my household, family, marriage and my life. SD and her mother have been a constant problem in our marriage but until recently it has taken it over!
- mskool37's blog
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ask him : if i did not
ask him : if i did not exist, what would you do this summer? whatever that answer is is the answer he must have for his SD and him this summer period. YOU are not the caregiver, he is.
Thank you for your reply. I
Thank you for your reply. I have honestly said these very words to him. So because in the past I have always been accessible to him and their daughter always, I am always the one who takes care of her, her care taking needs, bathing, clothing 3 meals a day and 2 snacks, when she is sick I nurse her back to health. As all of this has taken place over the past few years that we have been married, the ex has never asked me about their daughter, her health, anything, she would call him to ask him and he knew nothing because he was and is never there. So he has no other way to provide care for her even if I am not really here or well taking on this responsibility. Let me add, we are a military family, but he is not deployed anywhere, but does work hectic and crazy hours!
If the visitation is
If the visitation is court-ordered, I don't know if there is much you can do about her coming to your house, but you can notify him of a few things:
1) He will be her main caregiver
2) He is to make arrangements for her for when he can't be there to watch her
3) If she needs anything, she is to go to him
4) If she disrespects you, you will let her know in a polite-but-firm tone that you don't tolerate disrespect
5) He is to handle all communication with BM and keep it SD-centered
Does he have family nearby? Perhaps she could stay with them and he could go visit her often there.
Thank you Anon2009 for your
Thank you Anon2009 for your reply. I have tried to tell my husband to take her to court for his proper visitation so she would have to stick with the court order or else, but again he acts as if he is scared of her!!! We have no court ordered visitation, its really all at her hands, so this is why I say she uses their child as a tool to yet control him and now try to control our marriage and family. All the other kids tell us that after 2 or 3 days most when she coomes, they are all ready for her to go home because she is that BADDDDD! But my DH hears everything we have told him, I have told him and shown him but yet he is still blinded by his princess daughter! No family near us, he has lost both his parents and so all he has is my family whom also dont want to be bothered by the child because my DH don't discipline her or correct her when in the presence of others! And the communication between my DH and his ex is only to be done at our hom by land line phone, she is to not have our cell numbers because she use to call my DH and only talk about her and him and the past, and what she wants with him, never about their daughter, so I told him NO, change number, she can only call the house phone. So now she has the child to call our home and then ask to speak to him, and he only talks to her in front of me, because I will correct the convo. Its just that bad Honestly, horrible. Let me note, I am 8 years older than the ex. I am a RN and Have a few degrees but aren't able to use them due to my illnesses, but I know she is a very jealous and vindictive person. She doesnt work or have any college degrees and education, never graduated from HS. I taught my SD how to tie her shoes, learn her multiplications from 0-15's and the mother told my DH that she was to young to learn that and for me to step back with helping her.
Would you consider a
Would you consider a medium?Maybe she could come for a week or 2,and then go back home?
I did that during her spring
I did that during her spring break, she came down for a week at the end of march, while our kids were still in school and thier break started a week after hers. I even took her all the way back home with the rest of the kids to be with their mom and their father. My SS acted a plum darn fool during the whole trip home and when I met to drop her off to her mom, the mother stayed in her care on the phone, popped her care trunk as to let me know to drop her bags in the trunk myself, and then refused to talk to me about the well being of her daughter or how she was while she was with us because I was the only one who took care of her, she ignored me until I told her you need to get her bags and put them in your car so I can drop off the remainder of the kids! (Mind you I drove 12 hours by myself to not only take her child but mines and my SS as well. She didnt even say think you or nothing. and My SD didnt even say good bye to me or wanted to give me a hug or anything. That hurt me so much so I had already told my husband that whenever she does come again, she will need day care or camp to provide for her. Well he cant afford it because while the Ex begs for more money for CS he just gave it to her and in return bought her a brand new Car, but has no job? lol Real crazy as well as true drama both my DH and his ex (Mind you I have a dog, waste of a ex husband , but we do work together and get a long for the sake of our own kids, and he even gets along with my husband.
I think the reason why SD did
I think the reason why SD did not say goodbye is nothing personal against you,I think maybe she did not want her BM to see that she likes you.I was a SK and only saw my BF a couple of times growing up,and although he was my BF my loyalties remained with my stepfather.I wish you lots of luck though since I started reading some of these posts,alot of the problems seem to be with husbands (including my own)!
Thanks! I agree with you,
Thanks! I agree with you, that she is very much in the middle of the whole situation. I know her mom and mom's boy friend tell her all kinds of crap as well as allow her to be in and around adult conversations. Which in my household we don't play this at all!!! SD is a very loving and compassionate child but as she has gotten older the mother has really changed her for the worse, due to me and my DH relationship and marriage. But yes I blame is primarily on my husband as well, because he wont grab his testicles and abe a man and set some ground rules to his ex and to me. I can not stand drama and bad ass kids so until he can stand up for him self and open his mouth, he and the Ex really prevent the child my SD from gaining all that she can from me and our family as well as the most important thing every child needs "Love"! Thank you again for your advice and help!!!
Men and their testicles I
Men and their testicles }:) I think that SD,as she gets older will see what BM is saying is not true.She's lucky to have a SM like you,and your welcome:)
My DH just talked with my Ex
My DH just talked with my Ex for the us to meet with him to bring my BK and SS to him to take him back where we are originally from and he will drop off SS to his mother for us as he has done in the past. My Step son who is 15 from my 1st marriage will come and stay with us and my BD who is 16. Problem: My DH wants me to let my SD who is 6 1/2 still come so the boys can watch her? lolololol I said again to him HELL naw, they are boys who are both teens and have their own lives to live and enjoy during the summer instead of babysitting a unruly little girl, and I am still sticking to my plan, Im no babysitter and she cant come!
:jawdrop: He is now starting to Piss me off even more now!
No way,It's summer time and
No way,It's summer time and both of the teenagers have been in school all year,they look forward to summer all year long.I would personally love to see their faces when they are told that they will be babysitters all summer,I know what my 17 year old son would say,I can't say it here though }:)
SD will not be coming during
SD will not be coming during the summer break, and as far as I am concerned my husband my not be in his home for the summer as well! Lol, he refuses to understand everything I have been telling you all on here. I don't understand how everyone else seems to see the logic in the whole situaion but he seems totally dumb founded! I am sticken to my word as well as my plans, my bs will enjoy his summer without babysitting! That is a promise ! Thanks again and Good bless you and your family!
I agree with you decision
I agree with you decision wholeheartedly. If I were in this situation..... DH would have to handle his child for her bad behavior and stand up to BM before I was left alone as the complete caregiver for a child who just acts out when she can.
If she does end up coming - then he needs to find daycare for her and become the caregiver. I would not let a child come into the household and run all over you and use and abuse you along with her mother and take that with a smile.
Bottom line he needs to work that out with his child's mother - and be a man and take care of the situation with the child. I would not have the foolishness. They can not expect you to be the babysitter without any recourse for a bad child who acts out simply because mommy and daddy allow her to.
No kid should be in your care
No kid should be in your care and you won't be able to discipline him/her. They (DH and EX) want you to be the babysitter.