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I think DH is turning into BM!!

Rain's picture

Has your DH turned into BM? I think mine did!

DH used to get every other week for a little bit but usually was every other weekend unless BM needed a free babysitter. DH used to complain how bad of a parent BM was.
Things that he used to gripe about….
BM let the boy lie all the time, she paid too much for his designer clothes, she paid to much for his gas, she did not stay on top of his grades, she spoilt and babied him too much. She NEVER disciplined him; she let him be too lazy. She took SS to the dr. every time he stumped his toe. And so much more. Now it is DH's turn to act JSUT like her!!

Well, now that SS is with us, DH acts just like BM. Maybe even worse. It makes me wanna puke!!!

BM started the process of ruining poor SS now DH is just finishing the job for her. I don’t get it. The boy acts like a 10 year old, (when it suits him) and DH just continues to enable him. I still can’t believe he is doing all the things he used to gripe about BM doing. I have dis engaged as much as I can, but it hard to watch your DH be such a bad father. Am I the only one that has a Disney parent that is full time?


LValleyGirl28's picture

Meesh, Wow! I mean the sporatic wetting the bed isn't too uncommon, but the pooping thing, geez...

Rain, that sucks! Have you pointed this out to your DH? If so, what's his excuse?

LValleyGirl28's picture

My SD7 used to do that - too busy to go stuff. She got squared away by me and DH and is better now. You gotta put your foot down on the drinking til bedtime thing. Beverage service stops at 6 p.m. in our house, except to rinse out the toothpaste...

smnikki's picture

wow and i was annoyed when ss was still wetting the bed at 4...makes me realize how great we really had it considering hes going to be 5 in a week and no longer has any accidents.

does this disney dad have to do the washing of the sheets when ss wets the bed? i bet that might make him better at controlling liquids.

Rain's picture

Rain, that sucks! Have you pointed this out to your DH? If so, what's his excuse?
Oh heck yea! Lol. But it is the same old excuse. When he had him every other weekend his excuse for Disney dad was that he did not see him much so he was not going to put his foot down on anything.

When SS first got here (several months ago) his excuse was that since he was new into our home full time he just could not bring himself to discipline or anything YET.

Now he says he can’t do it because he only has him for another year or so and does not want to send that year ragging on him. Whatever.

I have disengaged so much, but it still kinda makes me look at DH in a different light. I hate that.

EXAMPLE. SS is a pig. His room is disgusting. And I am a firm believer in that they don’t have to keep their room spotless like the rest of the house. As long as it does not smell and things are not growing I don’t care what it looks like. Well, SS room stinks to high heaven. DH told me that he told SS if he did not clean it up he would not give him money for gas this week. Well, room is still a disaster. I noticed DH leaving SS gas money this morning. I said I thought you were not going to give him gas money if his room was still dirty. DH looked me straight in the face and said, I don’t recall that. And I don’t think he is bald face lying I think he just blocks crap like that our.

BUT, it was my bad for even saying anything. I normally stay out of all that mess and the question slipped out before I could stop it.