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Life's a beach! Update on living situation

herewegoagain's picture

We are finally out of rental shack at MIL's place! A childhood friend of mine has a beach apartment and because of his economic situation he's been trying to rent it. His parents and brother also have apartments here. Anyway, after a couple of weeks staying at another friend's boat marina apt, we were able to have some time to add up all that living at mil's place was costing us. We were paying more there than at this apartment and kiddo has a beach, pool, playgrounds, lots of kids to play with, especially on weekends. So we came straight here and didn't return to mil's place at ALL! We even realized that water/electricity here is charged two months late, so although we moved in January, my DH had paid the November & December bills for her! He is ticked! He said he will NOT pay for the last two months we were there since the bills after we moved in were actually lower than those before we moved in! Of course she called him day before mother's day and made her scene crying after she asked to speak to our son...too bad! In four months she couldn't even take him to McDonalds while we mowed her lawn and helped her is a beach!

The only problem is that DH and kiddo love this place so much they want to stay here instead of buying a house! haha...

My friend, his dad and brother each have their own businesses and are getting DH connected w/others to help my DH sell more at his company...his friend and another friend have already bought some stuff from DH for their offices...and his boss is super happy that he's getting all this sales that they were not counting on, besides meeting his normal budget.

Financially we are still a bit behind, but in the next few months we should be able to have more income than expenses...

Thanks to all for your support! I thought I would go crazy living at mil's...but DH says I actually did! hehe...but admits he did too!

As far as crazy witch and preggo girl? Haven't heard a thing since their last attempt to make DH feel guilty by asking for more money for "school clothes"...if she calls again maybe DH should ask her size and tell her he'll buy it fir her! Although she only wears the latest brands while we shop at walmart & kmart!
