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I'm a Step Grandma!

bananaseedo's picture

So, my little step grandson is here, he was a little early but him and mom are doing well, healthy and back home.  Remember she moved out of state with her fiances family.

OMG he is absolutely perfect!! DH the hard as* who hated everything related to her pregnancy and all of it, is quite obviously melting and having a huge change of heart (I knew it would happen lol).

BM dragged my MIL to see SD - MIL didn't want to go because it was a long trip, and frankly she's quite a hermit.  Even though BM is busy playing MIL's best friend and support these days (longer story for another day)- I am glad my MIL went - she got to see the beach, and enjoy her great grandson.and frankly she needed to get out a bit.

My job is going very well, though incredibly busy- I mean it's long days, and some weekend events.  It's been a tough onboarding because of a launch next week and it's a new market.  So I"m pretty overwhelmed and busy ALL the time, but busy is better then depressed and hopeless as I was. I do love the new company and the people are absolutely awesome.  

Financially we are at an all time low- and when I mean low...well it's bad....but my pay is kicking in so we'll start climbing out of the whole of my long unemployment with Covid.  Pretty much counting pennies and my brother has had to help out a few times financially as well as my MIL so we could fix DH's car to get to work.   It will be a year before we start climbing out of the hole at least I feel.  DH continues working but pay continues to suck.  He continues to check other places still though- we have to be super careful because unless the new company offers excellent healthcare, it's not worth him switching. 

Anyways- just a quick update- I have absolutely NO time at all to socialize in person or online anymore lol.  I miss you guys, I've read a few blogs.  Hugs to you all! 



caninelover's picture

Enjoy the little step grand kiddo.

JRI's picture

Glad to hear you sounding busy and positive.  Dont worry, when you have time to get back, we will still be here with our mini-wives, Disney dads, psycho SSs and all the rest.  Lol.

caninelover's picture

Sad...but true!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Love reading this, bananaseedo. Things are looking up! *yahoo*

CLove's picture

Lovely news about baybay.

And great news on the job front.

Things seem like they take forever to get off the ground...but things are getting better for you and Im so gad!