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Skids are ganging up on me.....

NachoMama's picture

I have 3 skids...all have different mothers and YES I know I am an idiot for getting into this situation but it's done now so......SD16 and SS11 have joined forces to hate me. I don't really care about them hating me....however in turn you know that means I feel nothing but absolute resentment towards them! SD16 thinks that SS11 is just precious and that I should want to spend time with him when all he ever causes me is grief and headaches! This from a girl that sees her brother MAYBE 6 times a year. Of course he is an angel to little brat! He freaking idolizes her and she is his SISTER!!! (I know that she knows he is a brat though...she has told me before how bratty she thinks he is....she is only doing this to look good in his BMs eyes and his) My problem here....DH and SS8. I know that DH loves his kids but I find it very hard to love them....much less tolerate them. SS8...he and I get along great so I have nothing negative to say about him....his BM is bi-polar (I am pretty sure) but that's a whole other topic! I don't want these 2 kids at my house or around me at all for that matter....I don't even like to think that they might ever come over again. I know that I am going to have to make myself scarce when and if they ever do come back over. I have a temper and they will eventually push my buttons and I will flip the bitch switch on them....I don't want to do that. However....if I make myself scarce when those 2 are there...I don't want SS8 to think that I am punishing him or that I feel about him the way I feel about them. I have never spoken badly about them in front of him and I never would. They are his family and I respect that. Also DH has made it quite clear that we (he and I) are a family and he does not want me to leave when the brats come over. I don't know what to do....I don't want to go but I really can't stay on those weekends.....ugh.....


TheWife's picture

Ms. Freeze!!!

Who pissed you off today??



"If it sounds like I think I am better than you, it's because I do."