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I'm done!

redheaded_stepmom's picture

Ok, I am at a loss as to what to do anymore. DH and I have tried everything we can think of to get SD14 to understand that she needs to be turning in her work at school and now she has 6 zeros! I think I am just going to stop caring about how she is getting along in school and just leave it alone. It is a battle that I am obviously losing, it causes more stress than I care to add to my life, and DH is not backing me up the I think he should. He is tired having to get on to SD14. He says all we have done lately is get on to her for one thing or another. Well, if she would shape up and stop doing things she knows she shouldn't be doing and quit half-assing everything she does, then maybe that wouldn't be the case. But I feel like she needs to know that she can't just do as she pleases. I'm guessing that she is getting this attitude from her friends and from just being a teenager in general because she has never been allowed to just do as she pleases. I am so sick of always being the one that finds out about the shit she pulls and then when I tell DH he acts like I am finding things to bitch about concerning SD14. If I didn't check her grades, they would never get checked and SD14 would probably fail half her classes. I guess we shall see what happens because I am done with that. Let her keep slacking off and find out what summer school and losing electives because she has to repeat courses is like. I don't give a shit anymore. Am I a bad SM because I care about her academic success so that she can go to college to get the degree she needs to do the job she wants and be successful in her own life? I feel like me caring about that is just looked at as me being a nit-picky bitch. I quit!


redheaded_stepmom's picture

Thanks really know how to put things in perspective. I will definitely take your advice and see if I can get BD to take the responsibility off my shoulders.

May those that love us, love us.
And those that don't love us,
May God turn their hearts.
And if He doesn't turn their hearts,
May He turn their ankles
So we will know them by their limping.
~Irish Blessing

Purpleflower09's picture

It shouldn't be on your shoulders to begin with.
It's plain and probably love your SD, but, is it REALLY your problem? She has a mother and a father, your there to support your DH...thats it..not take the world on yourself.
Step parents ALWAYS feel that have to go up and above to do things for their step kids. Their primary caregivers are their mothers and fathers. You take care of you, your husband and any bio kids you have. When my step kids act bratty, I don't do a damn thing, I tell my husband and he deals with it. I don't deal with BM, I don't do more then I have to.

" Faith is a bird that feels dawn breaking and sings while it's still dark"-R.Tagore

nkbrown's picture

When I entered the family my SD-17 was in the same situation. I am a teacher and I took charge.

1) Got on line and found out if the school had a parent grade access program and enrolled
2) Emailed all her teachers asking for their help. Asked them to email me AND her dad their weekly lesson plans
3)Put up a white board calendar with all her upcoming homework, tests, projects.
4) Had area on board for daily reminders
*She liked this because it helped organize her and helped us stop nagging all the time. It was written on board -- no need to say it verablly.

She is a senior and was in grave danger of not graduating. I explained her options. She changed one of her senior electives to make up one of her missing credits.

It's not always fun but SD went from failing all her classes to As and Bs in all classes last report card.

Good luck