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I m the bad one , what happens next?

strumpet's picture

So I m new to this site I guess my first post does not make much sense but I hope I ll get better in time. I got married almost a year ago and we lived in Europe (I m from Europe) for some time together. Then I came here, met my SD 4,5 9 ( every Wednesday evening and EOW). My husband spent the last 8 months here having her every other weekend so they established their lifestyle but the problem is I m not able to fit in into this. The problems started practically the next day after I arrived, I asked if we can put SD’s toys into the closet ( we have a small flat and she is only here for 4 days a month) , he would do it but couple of days later I was accused that I want her out of his life and “she lives here too”. So anyway after three months we ended like this : I hate SD I want to discontinue his relationship with him and he tried everything and sacrificed his time with his daughter for my whims ( my whim was that we visited my family for Christmas, my sister lives in America and that was the first time I spent time with her in 5 years).
I tried to give DH articles about stepfamilies but he thinks they are all irrelevant cause she is too small to be held responsible for her actions. I admit I was the one starting arguments but some things needed to be changed and he would not talk about it , so I waited couple of days and then vent. Not very productive.
At the beginning SD did not even had a bed time, she would go to sleep whenever she felt like it (sometimes at midnight) “because he just enjoyed spending time with her”. So basically I was the bad guy telling my DH that he should limit tv time ( she is watching cartoons for 5 hours in a row or longer) , his response “tv is educational”, he should handle her tantrums in a way - ( his response was that he it was my fault he wouldn’t handle it , cause I m impatient) .
After our last emails when he sent me this long list of things he had to implement “to satisfy my whims “ ( things like bedtime, hanging her jacket instead of throwing it on the floor ) and he listed things I had asked him to do it but he refused yet he has resentment over them ( putting away her suitcase so it does not lie on the floor in the living room where SD sleeps for three days, or picking up her toys before bedtime) I decided I should not ask him to change anything concerning his daughter cause it just ends up as me attacking a poor child. The funny thing is that I meant some of the changes as a good thing eg I thought it would look more like at home for her it we put her things into her drawer .
I guess my story is not that unique so please tell me what worked for you. I don’t need to disengage cause DH does not require me to do anything for his daughter , he prepares her meals ( snacks all the time) , entertains her etc. She barely notices I m there. But it is hard for me , I feel like this is not my home EOW. Should I just go and spend time outside of the house ( I did go to the bar couple times in the evening but that enraged my DH cause he thinks I should be with him when SD is asleep , the thing is that I m so pissed off at him when I see his bedtime “routine”, (snacks in bed , whining etc) that I don’t want to be around or we end up arguing.
I used to think I should stick around and spend some time with them otherwise I will never give his daughter a chance. But it is just too frustrating , after three hours of cartoons I m getting angry, when we try to watch a grown up movie , SD throws a tantrum over some silly cause (paint does not work the way she wants it) so we end up not watching a movie anyway.
I know arguing about it is unproductive. DH agreed to put away Sd’s bedding for the day ( she sleeps on the mattress in the living room and her duvet or pillows ended up on the floor all over the place) and clean the table from time to time (she does her artwork on the table and the pile just grows and grows over the weekend , maybe I m petty but that is the only table in our flat and I would like to be able to eat my meal on it) but he did nothing about it while she was here, when I reminded him about it he said I did not put my glass on the coaster and he started cleaning the furniture . Should I stop saying anything , start cleaning myself ?
Is there any possibility that if I just keep disappearing for most of the day and ignore them , my DH will want to include me. Or will he just be happy that he has me off my back ?


Thetis's picture

Ok, heres a little excercise that I found in one of my step parenting books.

Have Dh sit down and think about all the rules/expectations he believes his daughter should have. EVERYTHING, down to whether or not she should dress herself. And you do the same thing.
Once you get the lists done, compare them. No negative comments yet! Hopefully you both will have alot of things on the list that she already does, or does sometimes. These are the things you can focus on right away. You will see that there are things that she is doing right, and that will lift a bit of weight of your shoulders and his.

Then you move to the things that you do not agree on.
First you have to think of HOW important these things are to you.
Then you think of WHY these things are important to you.
Then you think of how they can benefit the FAMILY.
Without blame, let him know your feelings. If you approach this without emotions, or blame, and from a place of honestly trying to help the FAMILY he should have more reasons to listen.

But then again some guys just don't listen and you may have to go as far as councilling.

Thetis's picture

Ohh and never suggest that something should change without a way to change that something! (Then you're just bitching and thats why we're here.... not him!)

strumpet's picture

I am guilty of bitching for sure:)) It is really hard to suggest way of changing anything cause he dissaproves them all .
One of the things I tried to change was to make our bedroom child free zone ( basically because I spend time in there and ever since SD noticed that she became a bit jealaous and started to demand to go there and since our living room belongs to her on weekends I needed some space)
So first DH provided me with all the reasoning how it will impoverished SD's life cause they used to spend time in there to , and she likes to jump on the bed . Then he agreed that makes sense and I (we?) need some adult space, ok we have this rule in theory. But then after I spend the morning in the bedroom, SD wants him to dressed her SPECIFICALLY in the bedroom with the door closed ( she has never done that before , my DH has the whole scientific explanation how she is shy and does not want me to see her naked ( which does not stop my Sd from sitting naked in my presence the next evening) or how they used to do it... anyway the hardest part is that we cannot have any rule with so many exeptions that it stops being a rule

Thetis's picture

Google Stepmonster by Wednesday Martins, actually nvm here's a link:
Read this to him, just for his opinion on it. Tell him you're thinking about getting the book but wont bother if he thinks its BS. It may just enlighten him.

Btw, what he is doing is completely normal and completely unacceptable. You need to set up some boundaries on what you will and will not accept from both of these people. You need to know what you want before they can be what you want. Then you need to show them that, that is how things are going to be. If you are not worthy of his respect (like him ignoring your simple requests) then you need to either accept being unworthy (which you are not) or stop him from treating you this way.

You set the standards for how you will be treated. It is your responsiblity to yourself.

Take care.

nycSM's picture

I really like these suggestions. I have spoken with my BF about what rules should be in our home so he can begin implementing them with the kids before I even enter the picture. I think this might be an excellent practice for us to work on over the next month.

Thetis's picture

Yea I'm going to do it again after baby is born to make sure we're still on the same page. I've heard that having your own kid changes the way you look at things so want to make sure me and Dh are on the same side!

strumpet's picture

Thank you, I ll try it for sure , I think I ll try it for sure. The biggest problem with my DH is that he hates rules and routines. He is a very agreeable person and really afraid of confrontation that makes parenting a challenge and it also means he agrees to many things I say but then he just does not do them. He is also quite clever and able to find reasoning even for the strangest rule.
I tried to ask him what he expects of me in regarding to SD daughter and his response is nothing, at the beginning he thought I would basically be her mother and we will be on big happy family etc. I guess he realised by now that is a pipe dream. Right now he is like " SD is a great child she has low expectations of you. Fell free to disengage", " I dont expect you to adapt easily , or at all for that matter" I know this is not true and he resents the fact I m not in love with his daughter, and it is really hard to work with his attitude that he does not expect anything from me so I have no right to expect anything from him.

The hardest part is that SD is a nice child she is socialized,she has good manners (just not at our house),her BM seems to be pretty strict with rules so we dont have all this problems with correcting bad behaviour. My DH says that he wants to give his daughter a break from living with her BM so he does not want any rules.

strumpet's picture

No I never met her, I only been here for three months and I still feel pretty insecure about all this.She lives about 40 miles away At first I thought I should have some sort of relationship with my SD before I met her BM but now it does not look like I will be able to bond with my SD. I think BM just disengaged from his parenting, she has a notebook where she writes about my SD activities or her suggestions, she gives him SD's pictures from Disneyland trip or Chirstmas and that is it. I suggested asking BM about SD's sleeping routines but my DH responded that SD just gets so excited to see her daddy, and she is only with us for two days so we cannot do it the same way BM does blah,blah. My husband is really over sensitive about other peoples opinion , asking her for advice would mean he is not perfect as a parent , his ego would not handle it.

Rainbow.Bright's picture

He can't figure out whether he is her father or her babysitter. "I want to give her a break from rules." Why? Because her school will give her a break from rules when she is a teenager? Will she get a break from the rules if she is ever capable of holding down a job? Will the police give her a break from the rules?

I will never for the life of me understand what these people are thinking by not setting any rules and boundaries for their children.

Saying "I don't want to give her rules" is saying "I REFUSE to be a parent." Statements like this drive me crazy. A child who raises themselves and does whatever they want is not a happy child, and does not grow up to be a well adjusted member of society. And furthermore, the rest of us have to deal with an asshole person because "daddy doesn't beleive in LIFE." WTF!

Sigh. Xanax. Where did I put you...

strumpet's picture

I guess he thinks her BM will do all the works anyway so he does not have to , he can be best daddy in the world. He thinks that nothing can be done about her behaviour cause she is only with us EOW. And maybe he has a point is some way ( I mean he is very patient so he just waits over her fits, or does not mind making her a snack every 15 minutes etc.), he thinks there is nothing wrong if she wakes him up crying Daddy!!!! from the other room , but I almost get a heart attack , so I end up complaining again.
Recently he wrote me " I raised her to try to please me rather not fear of consequences" - fine but then how can I exist in it? If SD only does things to please her father I dont think I can influence her behaviour at all.