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Dr. Phil anyone?!

vgill's picture

The people over at the DR.Phil show are now aware of this site and may now adress some of the problems we face as step parents. Let our voices be heard and our thoughts, feelings, opinions, and concerns be addressed publicly so that we no longer need to be the evil stepparent but people who have issues that need to be adressed!


Jbee27's picture

Oh jesus. With some of the fruit loops we have rolling around here, the last thing we need is Dr. Phil's crew looking at some of these posts for advice or guidance. There'd be ten kinds of crazy running around these parts. We don't need no more!

Denial's picture

Kind of what I was thinking! The fruit loops would just confirm the step parent stereotypes.

10 kinds of crazy - love it!

vgill's picture

No just, to validate that we as step parents get shit on more than we deserve, and that we deal with some issues that just don't seem important to others unless they are a stepparent themselves. I think that most people here even when we have bad days and sound kinda crazy, are normal humans dealing with extrordinary pressure and not enough support!

vgill's picture

I think that they should enough of us deal with jelous, deadbeat, drug addict,slutty, fucked up BM's, something should be said. Privacy is what this site is about, we can rant and rave all we want here and we do it here privately, we don't stand in the middle of town and vent, just here within our own little safety net. Bm's, childsupport, bratty stepkids,disciplkine issues, these are things we deal with as step parents and I think these issues should be addressed!

Nemo's picture

Dr. Phil? Really? Now why in the world would someone do that??? Yes they should be addressed, but not on dr. Phil and not because of this site....

****There are 3 sides to every story. Yours, mine, and the truth.**** -THE WIFE

unbelieveable's picture

oh no. The last thing I want are my blogs being read across the Dr. Phil show. BM and FMIL would know for sure I am this site. BAD.

If they are going to address issues...they need to be honest. I want Dr. Phil to straight out come out and say - Yes, the courts give all of the BF's money to the BM - so much to the point to where the BF cannot live on they own. And then they can do a study of how many BF's still have to live with their parents because they are broke. Ohhh mannn...

Livin Large NY's picture


vgill's picture

I don't think that DR.phil will get anyone from this site on his show but I wouldn't mind having a voice saying that as a stepmom I am a human and deserve to be treated with respect and that the issues that I face are not imagined I am not evil and yes there are dads who need to man up and there are guilty parenting issues and disneyland dad isues and jelousy issues from ex's and if Dr. Phils show can give us a voice maybe we might be heard a little, because only a step parent truely understands the issues we face and no we really cannot discuss this with someone who has never faced these issues because the usually see us the same way the rest of the world sees us as evil stepmoms. These people are not in my house when my SS's are screaming at me and callling me names and telling my kids that their mom is such a bitch, these other people aren't here when these kids are being disrespectfull and hatefull because their BM tells them lies about me, these people never understand because skids are really good at conning people into thinking poor kid comes from a broken home, when the truth is this kid is manipulative because jelous BM's and guilty dad's teach them it's ok to treat us like this, and society tells us it's not our problem to deal with, but we still have
to live with. just saying!

Rainbow.Bright's picture

He technically is not licensed to practice. He has a degree, but lost the license and never did renew it. I beleive he does not have a PhD either. Neither here nor there, I just read that in the news last year.

MarriedwithChild's picture

WTH do you mean that idiot Dr. So-called "Phil crap is on, and knows of this site?

That's the asshole who condones "co-sleeping" right? Are you kidding me?!


All I need to gag any further is to hear ***** advice.

That dude is a waste of space without a clue.

In my opinion....


evangeline's picture

I think he would do the whole, they are children, we are adults so we have to rise above our feelings which is total bollocks of course.

MarriedwithChild's picture

Dr. Pill (name change)

"Now now ladies, you should all TRY to calm down a speak gently with your husbands, their children, and the ex-wives..." (notice it would be gender directed too)

This guy is a piece of work. (just can't name it yet.)