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BM hiring a hitman?!?!?!

srangel112's picture

FH received a message on FB that a friend of his, who is listed as a friend of BM on FB put in her status "looking for a hitman." because she is bipolar, attempted suicide 3 times last year, and threatened once last year to come by and shoot her kids and BD, I told FH to consider this a serious threat. I suggested he call his lawyer and/or police. I don't know if he will though, because sometimes he sees her threats as empty attention-getters. This all came about after some arguing between she and I about the summer vacation. Since she lives more than 100 miles away, she gets them for 42 days. I quipped that while that's true we also can come visit them any 2 wknds during the summer. That's when she posted her comment. Personally i would like to see her arrested and visits limited to only supervised, but looking at the bigger picture that she will be involved for atleast the next 13 years, will this make things worse? But what about our safety? Especially coming up to her home city where her family and friends live, and the law is rarely followed (back woods kind of folks). I've recruited my younger sister to come with us for our safety, but I told her it was just vacation for her.


stepmom008's picture

Um... are you serious? Wow - given her history I would definitely take this seriously. Can you call the lawyer and find out what to do about this?

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

iwishyouwould's picture

wow. you need to get this on record - if nothing else than at least as communicating threats. i agree that you should call the lawyer. ask the lawyer what he thinks you should do to get this on record... that is very scary, whether or not it is "true". if you feel threatened, contact the police. you have no idea whether she is doing it to get attention or if she is off her meds and delusional - better to be safe.

"if you don't have anything nice to say, then shut the fuck up."

frustratedinMA's picture

I wouldnt wait for him to do it. I would contact the police, give them her name and user name on FB, as well as her address. They will set up a sting and see if she is serious.

Dont take any chances.. SERIOUSLY!!!

Tryn2MakeIt's picture

Absolutely take her serious! Find a way to get on her FB and print off a copy. I wouldn't trust her given her history. Don't wait for DH to go to the police, protect yourself!

Kb3Hooah's picture

Shoot her kids????? You and your DH have a responsibility here to protect everyone involved. This should be taken would either one of you feel if something did happen and you didn't take it seriously?

And I don't think it's a good idea to get anyone else involved especially without letting them know what's going on.

“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”

TheWife's picture

Um, call the police. NOW. This is nuts. You guys haev heard of all these people who actually DO this kind of crazy shit right?

~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~

SteppingUp's picture

ABSOLUTELY take this seriously. How would you feel if she actually did something?

I have plenty of experience that the more documentation you get on someone the better off you'll be if you ever need to use it. If you call the police and nothing comes of it, you will at least have a record that this happened.

iwishyouwould's picture

also... the kids are supposed to go stay with her at some point soon right? i would be terrified to the point of tears at the idea of sending ss to see a woman who had said she wants to shoot him!! i didnt read that part until just now --- that sounds like she is depressed, or like cycling between mania and depression (my little sister is bipolar... wonderful kid when on her meds.. angry, hateful, teary and throws things when she is off them, just not herself at all) ..

"if you don't have anything nice to say, then shut the fuck up."