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Gift to BM from kids

srangel112's picture

I am starting to work through my own issues of jealousy and other things with BM. Tomorrow is the last visit she will have with her kids for quite some time. She is moving many states away, has been on social security for years, and isn't capable of taking care of herself or her 13 year old son who currently lives with her parents. While I am glad she's leaving so we can have some consistency in our home, I know there will be issues with the boys. We have already had a parent conference with a new therapist, and the boys will start therapy next week to help in this transition. BM made picture frames of pictures she took with her boys, and they sit in their bedrooms in our home. To do something nice for her and the boys, and make a step towards getting rid of the jealousy and acceptance of her in their lives, I want to engage the boys in making something for her. Does anyone have any ideas? I know this is last minute though. She is driving a uhaul, and when she comes to visit she will be coming by bus every few months or so.


HennyPen's picture

I know for my Dad's 50th birthday my siblings and I bought a small notebook, a pretty one, and each of us took it and wrote fun memories of our Dad. Things always made me laugh when he did his imitation of the lion from the Wizard of Oz... being little, hanging on to his arms when he'd lift me off the ground..small memories like that that will make them all smile. He loved it and still has it. It'd be an easy and meaningful gift for her and for the boys. Good luck!

sweetthing's picture

You can do album's on snap fish that are like a combo photo album/scrap book. You can write text in it. They are pretty affordable & very nice. I do not have the time/patience to scrap book and if something ever happens you can reorder them or even just share them on line.

BlueberrysBaby's picture

Does she have a DVD player or even a VCR? A little movie of them would be something small and she can watch over & over and hear their voices. Can also make little movies when she comes to visit and send home a copy with her - small enough to carry on the bus.

Blueberry's Baby