Stepmom Crossing Boundries
I have joint legal custody with my ex husband. We currenlty "unofficially" are living joint physical custody. I have a problem with my ex and his wife making decisions without telling me, and excluding me from important issues. Am I crazy when i say this "step mom" is overstepping her boundaries? I'm a step mother myself, and I would not imagine doing some of these things....
1.) Scheduling vaccination appointments and not telling me.
2.) Telling me I cannot text my daughter after 9 pm.
3.) Telling me I should have checked with her first before giving my daughter permission to shave her legs.
4.) Making and bringing her to dental appointments, and in one case, having 2 teeth pulled, without my knowledge.
5.) Bringing her to the Dr. without telling me
6.) Signing permission slips for field trips at school, that I don't even know about.
7.) Signed her up for dance class (which is great) only, how about telling me and letting me know where they are at... so I can go if I want?
I could go on and on. She says that she has the same rights as i do while my daughter is at her house. Her dad just says.... I give her the authority do whatever she wants. I feel like I'm being excluded in major decisions about my daughter, when I am the actual sole custodial parent. Someone give me advise.
- jilas0127's blog
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I have to repectfully
I have to repectfully disagree Ms.Freeze. OP stated at the end that her Ex is handing over all the authority to the SM.
I'm curious as to what to do in this situation as well. The exH is allowing SM to do all of these things, when clearly it isn't right. How would one fix this situation...I guess going to the court would do it?!
***Life - It's not a rehearsal***
No seriously! I respect
No seriously! I respect your opinion much of the time and wonder what you would suggest? She's obviusly questioned exH about this and he's responded with 'handing over the authority'. I don't know what I would do in this situation...
***Life - It's not a rehearsal***
I don't think the ex is
I don't think the ex is blameless either. I think that, at the end of the day, all 3 of these adults have to assume some blame, to varying degrees.
However, this BM sounds sane and like she has her daughter's best interests at heart. I agree that mediation is a good idea. I don't think it's good on either the dad's or the SM's parts to be taking the child in question to the doctor without this BM's knowledge, as she is the CP. If I were the BM I would definitely have a big problem with both my ex and his wife for doing that. I think any sane BM would.
It sounds like she has tried to address things on her own with her ex, as he told her that he gives the SM authority to do whatever she wants.
I'm with you
I'm with you Ms.Freeze...
exHusband is the source of the problem here.
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
The root of the problem here
The root of the problem here is that the husband gives the stepmom the authority. THAT is the problem. We can only do what our husbands allow.
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
DING DING DING... We can only do what our husbands allow. And it sounds like he is allowing her to take on his role as the parent here, and of course she won't tell BM. Why would she?? Not unless DH makes her!!! Power struggle!!
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
I think we all agree that ex
I think we all agree that ex is to blame for allowing it to happen this way.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
I just think that since
I just think that since she's the sole custodial parent of her daughter AND she's an SM, then she's just asking a question. She said that she'd never do the things with her SD that her daughter's father and SM are doing. Clearly the problem lies with biodad but he seems uninterested and is letting SM parent his child. I think SM is getting the blame for this reason. If I were a BM with sole custodial rights and this was happening, I'd have them in court so fast they wouldn't know what hit them. I know we get a lot of crazy BMs here but I'm not seeing this poster as one of them. I'll eat crow if it turns out different!
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
I don't think she is crazy.
I don't think she is crazy. She needs to be having it out with someone for this crap, but that someone is her DH.
EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. I did something that BM didn't like (like comb SD's hair....HOLY SHIT, major overstep LOL!!) she took it DH. Each and every time. Although she normally got no results because she was just being ridiculous, she had the right approach. Just the wrong argument
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
I agree - I don't think
I agree - I don't think she's crazy either. She and EH definitely need to have a conversation about this and if he's unwilling to budge, then I would file contempt.
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
I completely agree that exH
I completely agree that exH is the source of the problem. However, he has given the power to SM and it sounds like she's running with it.
I'm not a bio, but reading that made my skin crawl.
I too have taken SD to appointments, started teaching her about her body b/c neither parents thought to do it (may have over stepped there), etc...etc. BUT, if an SM to my bios (if I had them) took my kids to the dentist to have teeth pulled, or doctors appointments without my knowledge or told me I should have asked her before I let my own daughter shave her legs...I would freak the f*ck out!
Now in saying that, BM should be communicating with exH and SM if they're able to communicate. I also believe that the OP has the right to refuse communication with the SM (it works well in my relationship) if that's how she wants it.
It would be helpful to have more details about the situation, as I don't think any of us have enough info to 'pass judgement' yet.
***Life - It's not a rehearsal***
Yup. That one is
That one is logical.
"Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves." ~ Abraham Lincoln
I agree that you need to
I agree that you need to bring this up with your ex-husband.
As an SM, I would NEVER do
As an SM, I would NEVER do those things without the mother having been included in the decision. A lot of times things like this are in the divorce agreement - you may want to get things in writing, such as medical and other decisions pertaining to the child need to be made by both bioparents. What are some more of the specifics of your situation? Are you the primary custodial parent or is your XH, you share physical custody but I'm curious who is custodial?
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
Wow, I can tell you there is
Wow, I can tell you there is a LOT on that list that I would never DREAM of doing.. they would be 1, 3, 4, 6, and possibly 7
Let me explain the ones I didnt say I wouldnt do..
#2 the after 9 thing, not sure her age, but I would hope that my sd would be in bed and sleeping at that hour, and we dont generally like it when ANYONE calls after 9pm.
#5 If its an emergency, I wouldnt hesitate to get sd to a dr, I would try calling on the way there or once there, but if its an emergency there might not be time... but routine dr appts, no wouldnt do it..
#7 we live so far away from bm, that on our weekends I had considered in the past signing them up for ice skating classes, as they had expressed an interest.. but ultimately they would have missed EOW, so I didnt know that they would be able to keep up w/the class.
I do NOT agree that she has the same rights as you.. not even when in her house. I believe she has the same rights as far as respect goes.. but not to make major decisions for your child.. no.
I am not sure how I would approach that..
Your daughters SM told you 2
Your daughters SM told you 2 and 3!!!???!!!!
She is way over stepping her boundaries. Especially if you are the sole custodial parent. As far as advice goes all I can say is that you need to tell your ex that you do not feel comfortable with SM doing all these things when you are still a BIG part of your daughters life. Your daughter still has a mom that is very much in the picture. What is this ladies deal?
With not texting your daughter past 9. When skids did have cell phones their phones were to be off after 8 and we were to see no activity on them. Is it a rule that they are trying to enforce at their home?
Who in the hell does your ex new wife think she is by telling you that you should have checked with her first before giving your daughter permission to shave her legs? I hope you told her something along the lines of "Who are you to be telling me this?"
But yeah, she is totally out of her mind to be telling you these things. Can we say "insecure"
If you are being excluded
If you are being excluded from medical issues, then you aren't overreacting. You could request that they communicate/make these medical decisions with you via email, so then you can document it.
On the texting, I have to say I agree with them on that one, unless there is an emergency. That's their time with your DD (dear daughter).
As for the shaving her legs, how old is your daughter? I don't think you need to check with her (stepmom) on that. When I was growing up (my parents divorced when I was very young) my mom didn't check with my dad or stepmother on that. She just let me do it. My dad was fine with that.
I blame your ex. If SM is
I blame your ex. If SM is doing these things, it is likely because he is allowing her to. If he wants her to handle his responsibilities as your daughters parents in his home, he should have the common curtosy and common SENSE to at least advise you that these things are taking place. My opinion of the above senarios:
1. You should have been notified. Vaccinations are contraversial with some people. There is always the chance that you didn't want her vaccinated for whatever reason... you and your EX should discuss these things prior to them taking place
2. I actually agree with her on this one. I believe that while the child is with each parent, they should spend the time with them, not on the phone or texting with the other parent. Unless of course it is a simple "good night" or "you left your homework here" something like that I understand... I would have to say texting would need to be within reason, and NOT interferring with the other parents custodial time
3. Girls shaving their legs is between them and their MOM. This one, she is just being a jerk about. STRANGE
4. Dentist appointments: I would NEVER make an appointment and not tell BM about it. I would make it if SS needs it, but I would be sure to inform BM right away, especially if there is major work involved.
5. Same with Dr appointments. I see nothing wrong with a step parent taking the kid to the Dr. If the bio parents are aware, and agree with whatever the appt is for.
6. Signing permissions slips cool- not telling BM about a field trip... NOT COOL
7. Dance class... all extra activities should be a joint decision. These things affect homework time, focus, energy. And not all kids can handle extra activities and maintain grades. She probably just doesn't want you to show up, and that is just plain selfish.
You need to take your ex back to court and have the following added in to your custody:
-All NONemergency medical and dental procedures are to be discussed and agreed upon by BOTH parents
-All educational decisions are to be made by BOTH parents, this includes extra cirricular and all off site school activities
-Both parents are free to speak to the child while with the other parent, within reasonable hours, and not to interupt with custodial time.
I don't know how else to tell you to fix this. Your ex is allowing her to do it, and she is just in a power battle with you.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
Agreed! ***Life - It's not a
***Life - It's not a rehearsal***
It is your husbands fault.
It is your husbands fault. As a stepmom she should not be involved in anything medical. As for leg shaving. I would have loved to have heard that conversation. Text messaging I agree with the stepmom. We take away the cell phones at 8:30. No excuses. As for everything else, I would be having a long conversation telling her to know her boundaries. End of discussion.
My daughter is 12. When my
My daughter is 12. When my husband and I were married, he did nothing. He sat on the couch and watched TV. He lost got a new job that paid less, I agreed to him not paying child support, as long as he kept her on his insurance and paid daycare. I asked if instead of alternating tax years, if he doesn't pay child support, can I claim her every year. He said that fine but I have to talk to "so and so". SHE said no. He is the type of person that would rather not deal with it. I'm remarried myself, and had a child in April of last year, his wife was out of town, and while I was in the hospital giving birth, I asked him to bring my daughter to the hospital. His answer "I can't, I'd have to load both the kids up in the car" (they have two children of their own). My daughter wasn't able to be there. He doesn't make
ANY decisions, he's lazy and worthless. The way I look at it, the visitation is for HIM, if she's raising my daughter, and making all the decisions, and he can't do it himself, she should be back with me. He is only supposed to have her Wed and every other weekend. I've allowed him to have complete equal time.
She plans her birthday parties (isn't that my job?)
She always has one up on me. It's like she wants my daughter to be hers. My ex isn't going to do anything about this. I've talked to both of them. They told me what happends at their house and the decisions that are made by either of them is none of my business.
Medical and educational
Medical and educational desicions ARE your business 100% and if he can't act responsibly about having a hand in these discions, take him to court and get full LEGAL custody, so he can't make any desicions for her at all. Period. I am sure when the judge hears that SM took your daughter to have TEETH PULLED and didn't inform you, he will pull the plug on that power immediatly.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
One comment: "She plans her
One comment:
"She plans her birthday parties (isn't that my job?)"
Stuff like this depends.
We have two parties for everything. BM has hers, and we have ours. I plan ours. BM has absolutely no say so.
Do you have 2 parties or one?
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
Exactly. We do everything
We do everything like that separate.
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
We've always done the every
We've always done the every other year thing. My first year here, I did the party & Wilda baked the cake. Last year, Wilda did everything. I'm about to be PO'd this year though because it's SD's 10th, it's our turn and she's already trying to plan the whole thing without even talking to BF. I'll only be pissed because I know it'll hurt him. He was really looking forward to having her 10th so I'm preparing for battle on that one.
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
I meant to say something
I meant to say something about that too. 2 parties... one here, one there. Things that happen AT our house BM has no say so, things that happen TO SS, BM should know about. Things I am sure to share:
Accomplishments- when he learned to swim, ride a 2 wheeler, ride his skateboard, poop on the toilet, pee in the toilet. His first hair cut, loosing his first tooth. Those are things that we are sure to share with BM, usually letting SS call her and tell her, now that he is old enough. Passing major tests, failing major tests. Report cards.
Injuries and illness- broken collar bone- call, fell out of a tree house- call, other broker collar bone- call, fever over 100, hasn't pooped in a week, throwing up. All time to call. Just to inform.
I tell BM when we are having BD parties, but that is it. And that was only back when the custody schedule was different, so she didn't schedule her party overlapping ours.
It seems like common sense to me. There are things the other parents NEEDS to know, and there are things that just don't involve her, so why tell her? Period.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
We also do seperate bday
We also do seperate bday parties.. and I end up planning them and buying the supplies and decorations.. and sending out the invites.. dh picks out the gifts (that is the part he likes) he also has brainstormed w/me on the theme.. we used to surprise them each year w/a different theme.
I'm with ya! I'm all for
I'm with ya! I'm all for seperate birthday parties but it's not my call so I just do my best to roll with it.
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
If my daughter does not call
If my daughter does not call her on while she's with me, when my daughter gets back to their house, SM gives her a total attitude and tells her "You ruined my weekend, you didn't even call me". When my ex and his wife go out of town, they don't give me right of first refusal, they send her to her step grandmother's house. Daughter stayed there on night, and then called me to come get her. When they got home, SM told my daughter "do you have any idea how much you hurt grandma's feelings by calling your mom to come get you?". She plays headgams with my daughter, is very manipulative, and constantly makes my daughter feel guilty.
Okay, I totally understand
Okay, I totally understand what you're trying to get across MsF, but why so hostile?
Wouldn't you be pissed if SM was doing/saying some of those things to your kid?
OP should be talking to her ex about these issues, but at the same time, SM shouldn't be saying/doing these things.
***Life - It's not a rehearsal***
Gotcha' too ***Life -
Gotcha' too
***Life - It's not a rehearsal***
She's already tried to talk
She's already tried to talk to the SM, and it doesn't seem that SM is willing to meet in the middle with anything. Granted the source of the problem is her Ex because he's *allowing* it, but SM is taking FULL advantage of it. Regardless if BF allowed me to take this much control or not over his and BM's kids, I would NEVER feel comfortable doing so. I have absolutely no authority to make those kind of decisions without the consent of BOTH Bio parents especially when it clearly states in their divorce decree that some of those decisions are to be made by BOTH bio parents. Why as a SM should we expect a BM to respect our boundaries and our home, but we aren't held to the same standard towards the BM????
You are projecting your situation onto hers. She sounds very involved in her children's lives (unlike your BM correct?), and is feeling like she's losing any control she has over the decisions for her OWN DAUGHTER.
I think you asked in an earlier blog if we would all agree with your BM if she posted here just for the sake of agreeing with her b/c she was a BM, but yet, you seem to only agree with the SM side of things just b/c they're an SM.
I don't agree with an SM just b/c she's an SM, and I don't agree with a BM just b/c she's a BM...I take a step back and look at the situation from BOTH sides and form my own opinion not based on a "Title".
“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”
We don't always give BM
We don't always give BM first right of refusal either. We feel like if it's our time, we should be the one making alternate arrangements for SD. Basically, the burden of her care lies with us. But, my SD considers my family more like her family than BM's own family.
How does your daughter feel about SM???
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
Officially she has no
Officially she has no rights. As a StepDad I have lived this legal limbo for 16yrs.
However, there is little you can do to stop it. Other than the "I have the same rights you do when she is in my home" BullShit, it sounds to me that she is not a bad StepMom. She is interested, involved and participating in your daughter's life. I do the same for my SS.
I would go after this from the tact that you want prior notification of activities and medical activity.
Good luck.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)
OK - Here is an email I
OK - Here is an email I received from HER today.
I’m doing nothing I’m not allowed to and again, decisions made for our household are made by me & him, not me alone. I am not acting on his behalf, he is acting on behalf of himself as her legal Father and I am acting as the acting as her legal Mother in my house, which I legally am. It is not our responsibility to inform you of anything, just as it is not your responsibility to inform us of your decision-making.
I know this has to do with us signing her up for Dance. I’m sorry you aren’t happy about it, but I really don’t understand why. We have Her every single Monday and Tuesday, so it is not far-fetched that we would sign her up for a Monday dance class.
We didn’t discuss it with you because it doesn’t affect you at all, as you don’t have Her on Monday nights. It really is that simple. If it affected you, we would have discussed it with you.
Court my dear. Fast and
Court my dear. Fast and furious! She has no legal standing to your child. The father does. He is the one you should be fighting.
What does it say in your divorce decree regarding medical/dental/etc?
***Life - It's not a rehearsal***
I'm totally with you on the
I'm totally with you on the extracirricular stuff - no problem at all. The thing I have a bit of a problem with is the SM calling herself the "legal Mother" in her house. Not sure - that gives me some bad joo joo vibes.
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
that doesn't bother me so
that doesn't bother me so much... BM and DH have both agreed that although me and SD's SF are not her "mommy or daddy," when she is in our household, we assume the "mom" or "dad" role.
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
Yes, I may be in a mother
Yes, I may be in a mother type role, but I would never call myself SD's legal mother when she's with us. that seems weird to me but it could just be an interpretation thing.
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
ok - let's forget about the
ok - let's forget about the dance thing and focus on the medical stuff b/c that's where I think things are squirrely. Since she the primary custodial parent, wouldn't it be true that there should be full disclosure for such things? I've not had to know too much about that until recently so I'm still learning how it works but I know that our agreement states specifically that both parents MUST be involved in all medical decisions (except emergencies of course).
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
The OP original point was
The OP original point was not that DD was signed up for dance, but that she wasn't even told about it so she couldn't attend to see her DD dance. I would be totally pissed too!!! (Not that she was signed up, but that I wasn't informed so I could see her dance!)
***Life - It's not a rehearsal***
I understand that you are
I understand that you are putting yourself in the SM's shoes, and I think it needs to be done! However, (again I'm not even a BM) put yourself into BM's shoes. She wasn't informed that DD was being signed up for dance and was never told when or where!
Wouldn't you be upset if your kid was signed up to a sport/activity and you didn't know therefore missing out on something pretty special?
***Life - It's not a rehearsal***
Can I ask this: Where is the
Can I ask this:
Where is the email you sent HER first? Based on the tone of the email, she is responding to something you said first...
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
Agreed. ***Life - It's not a
***Life - It's not a rehearsal***
Hmmm... I just re-read the
Hmmm... I just re-read the email and now I'm very curious about this as well...
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
Hmmm. Why do I feel like
Hmmm. Why do I feel like there is a part of the story missing here...
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
You may have a point, but
You may have a point, but I'm not even a BM and that email made me blind with anger!
***Life - It's not a rehearsal***
When I contact my ex, via
When I contact my ex, via email, he copies her on the replies, and before I know it, he has dropped out of the issue and she is in control. There is no doubt she wears the pants, and that's not my business. I haven't mentioned my ex much, because it isn't to long before she butts in and takes control of the situation. I don't get to deal with my ex much, and he will not make a decision without or agreement without talking to her first, and whatever she says goes. I do not have joint legal custody with my ex husbands wife. Its with him.
Refuse to talk to her about
Refuse to talk to her about it. Go back to court. That's really your only option, honestly, especially since he is giving her so much power.
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
Well, I think it's fine that
Well, I think it's fine that he confers with her so much - I wish my BF did. Whatever happens in their house affects her so I feel that she should be part of the decision making process. When we're in situations like this, we're all interconnected and everything that each of us does affects everyone else. It does sound like she may have a bit too much control over certain things though.
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
court. only solution is
court. only solution is court.
or a response like this
I would think that you could practice some common courtesy. You are her stepmother in your house, but I am her mother. Therefore, yes, I should know what activities my daughter is in and have an active role in discussing her participation.
Perhaps you do not understand your role, which is not the LEGAL mom. You are the one who does help parent, but you are not the parent. While I appreciate all that you do do for my daughter, you need to step back and understand that this is not your right.
oh, first, before court, it
oh, first, before court, it is worth the $200 for your lawyer to write a really lengthy and informative letter explaining the agreement and concept of shared custody. In the letter threaten court.
Response: "You are her
"You are her StepMother when she is in her father's home. I am her mother all of the time. I expect and demand the curtesy of knowing what activitities my daughter is envolved in and the schedule of those activities. Note I do not demand to be consulted of what activities she is in when at her father's home only that I be informed.
As for consultation and notification of immunization or other medical treament for my child, my attorney will be filing for an immediate emergency ruling that I have prior or immediate notification of any medical treatment my child receives when under the care or her father. As a stepparent you have no legal standing. However, you are legally responsible and liable to provide for her wellbeing when she under your direct care.
Deviation from this requirment will result in further legal action up to and including my seeking punative damages against you for defying my demands on this.
I will of course continue to keep her father updated on any activities she is in while with me and of any medical treatment she receives when not on visitation with him.
Wouldn't it have been a whole lot easier for you to be reasonable about notifying me about my daughter's extracurricular activities and medical treatment rather than overstepping your bounds?
See you in court."
It sounds to me that you have primary custody if her father only has her on "Monday's and Tuesday's". Rather than the "unofficial joint physical custody" situation you have now I would recommend going to court as immediately as possible to get an Custody/Visitation/Support judgement in place. Then you can roll it up and beat the StepMom about the head and shoulders with it whenever she steps out of line.
We beat the snot out of BioDad and the SpermClan with the Judgement whenever they step out of line.
Just my thoughts of course.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)
Wait...doesn't the SM
Wait...doesn't the SM specifically state that she is not the sole decision-maker in her household? Doesn't she actually state that her and her DH (OP's exH) jointly make decisions regarding THEIR HOUSEHOLD? I have to agree with the SM that BM has no reign over the decisions in her house.
Remember, we don't know what lead to this disconnect in the desire to communicate. This could be another situation where a BM is seriously trying to control her exH's household and the exH and SM are laying out the boundaries.
Now, do we honestly know that ANY of those medical scenarios were not emergency situations? Do we know that exH wasn't involved in ANY of those situations? No, we don't. Do we know if the parenting plan or custody agreement stipulates that BF is required to 'consult' with BM before taking his child to the dentist?
OP, pick your battles. I don't know you or what lead to your situation so my speculation is not necessarily directed at you but at the 'quick to persecute' attitude. The issues surrounding medical care might be worth having more serious discussions with your exH.
At the end of the day, your SM in your situation is supporting her husband in caring for your daughter. She's not endangering your child and, in fact, she's giving her quite a good childhood from the sounds of it. I truly don't believe your issue is with her.
One other thing, do you
One other thing, do you consult BF on all decision-making regarding your kids? Just wondering because the lines of communication should go both ways.
I realized after I wrote that above, it probably sounded a bit harsh. That's not what I meant it to be because if it was the other way around, as an SM, watching BM making decisions regarding the children and not informing BF about it, it's very frustrating (albeit not my place to step in -- that's BF's job).
I can understand these
I can understand these things IF and only IF they are happening while at their home....
1. Field trip form, no problem with stepmom signing IF the field trip is occuring on a day that the child is at their home
2. Text after 9PM...their home their rules...I used to have rules for being on the phone during a weeknight after a certain time but have slowly let it go because husband makes no boundaries....I would let this ride, it is their home
3. Taking her to dental appts not an issue, however, the teeth pulled...I KNOW from the past that usually unless this is an emergency then people know in advance they are having their teeth pulled at the next visit which means someone, either the stepmom OR DAD or even your child should have had enough time to inform you teeth pulling was going to ocur at the next dental visit
4. Dance classes...once again their home their guidelines BUT I do have to ask, how old is your daughter because it seems like some of this stuff she could have communicated with you but chose not to especially is she if old enough to shave her legs?
EVERYTHING else on the list I would have to say she is overstepping boundaries
"The pic reminds me of the slaveboy and his queens in this depicts a kid ruling her Big sweet! What it doesn't show is the Big Daddy bowing and thanking them for the abuse and begging for more"!
I think there are
I think there are significant differences between 50/50 and primary custody situation. This case seems difficult because the two things. 1. Joint custody. 2. No court order.
Either a ruling of primary custody or a court order in general would tend to solve these issues IMHO.
I do not get the sense that jilas is attempting to control what happens in her XHs home, only that she would like to know the schedule of extracurricular activitier he daughter has when with Dad so she can attend these activities when available. And, more critically, information on medical treatment for her daugther. Knowing what immunizations the kid gets can prevent double doses and full medical knowledge on the kids both bioparents should demand. Again IMHO.
I also do not get the sense that StepMom is overly at issue. She seems to participate in her Skids life which is a good thing. I do however think that StepMoms contentious behavior would result in me smaking her around (from a legal perspective) every chance I got if I was jilas.
Time for a Court Order IMHO.
Just my thoughts of course.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)
JMO--Sounds like she takes
JMO--Sounds like she takes good care of your daughter when she is their care. I would be so proud if my son's SM did all that. Honestly I think SM is doing her part. Your ex should however respectfully include you in major (medical or school related) decisions.
Yup. Stepmom isn't the
Stepmom isn't the issue. It's dad. Hope BM will understand that...
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
I am going to jump in here
I am going to jump in here and go ahead and say they are both right but wrong at the same time!!! As far as the medical and shaving legs things, I would be pissed!! I would also hope my BM would chew my ass out if I ever did anything like that. My step daughters are only 3 and 4 right now and the topic has already come up. My BF said that if the girls start their "thing", as he put, when they are here then I would need to deal with no. One, I am not their parent lol and I will not be "dealing" with that, Two, that is something special between a mother and a daughter and so is shaving legs. Something your mother needs to teach you as it will be memorable and creates a type of bond. I have talked to BM about things like that and flat told her if that stuff comes up over here I am calling her and she can come get them for the day and do what they need to do. As far as medical I don't care if it is something so small as getting a zit popped she could have the manners to contact the childs mother to let her know what was going on period. AND for the activities she is not saying she does not want her daughter in them she just wants to know about them so she can participate as well. Everyone needs to stop bashing this woman and the step mom needs to back the hell off. Of course what non of you are saying or even bringing up is the fact that she does have a parenting plan filed and have decided to off record give the dad more time. SOOO if this step mom will not talk to you and come to an agreement that will be better for all involved then I say STICK TO THE PARENTING PLAN SET IN COURT. If they want to continue to be unreasonable about these things and take away expreiences with YOUR daughter then tell your ex and his power tripping wife that you will be going back to the LEGAL papers that are already in place and he will be going back to eowe and a smaller number of days during the week. No need to tell this woman to go back to court she already went once and was being the bigger person allowing more visitation, the step mother is abusing it and turning her daughter against her so go back to the original plan and make them stick to it.
And no I am not siding because I could be a BM, I am not I have no children of my own I am a step mom only, though I am not a blinded one and I know what is fair and what is not.
If my daughter gets her
If my daughter gets her period for the FIRST TIME while with her dad, I sure hope either SM or my Ex calls me. That is something I WANT to know about, finding out my baby girl has become a woman. BIG DEAL to me! And I do believe that shaving a young girls legs for the first time should be the decision of the parents. Not the step parents. I would be PISSED if my girls stepmom took it upon herself to allow them to shave their legs for the first time. That is a big step, and a milestone in a young girls life. I would at MINIMUM expect to be consulted, and even then I would probably say NO WAY, I will take care of it when she comes home if that is something she wishes to start doing (and she is the appropriate age). There are just some things that should be left to MOM. It is not going to cause any hygene issues if she has hairy legs for one more day. I am not trying to be a bitch or a controling BM, in fact I foster the relationship with my girls and their SM. I love her. But I think she would know better than to do this without talking to me first. Or having my ex talk to me. There is a line somewhere.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
no one is saying do not give
no one is saying do not give the girl a pad or something but the bm in most cases needs to be contacted. Again everyones situation is not like yours, when responding to people please keep that in mind.
It's unfortunate that it has
It's unfortunate that it has come to that. No matters who's fault... I know when I started my period, all I wanted to do was call my mom and tell her. I was at school and had to settle for the school nurse and a pad the size of a volkswagon. All full of hormones and no mom's shoulder to lean on. I also remember the first time my mom took me in the bathroom and shaved my legs. That also a big deal. I was YOUNG... I had really hairy legs, and my mom let me start shaving at a younger age than my sisters because I was being teased. Something that was really special with my mom and I. Maybe it's just me. I dunno.
Who knows, maybe if I did have a BM like yours I would feel different. But I don't think this BM is your BM. Maybe we can lay off her a bit and try not to take it so personal? She sounds like she just wants help in how to approach. And who better to ask then a bunch of SM's?? How would WE want to be approached about this?
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
AMEN!!!! And funny enough I
AMEN!!!! And funny enough I just got off the phone with BM cause I called her about his post and we were talking about it lol (she is a sm on here too but I will never tell hehe lol) and I was telling her I would sure hope she would call me and rip me a new one. Though that is not the way to go about but as I suggested earlier that maybe they should just talk and try to come to a better understanding.
I have a good relationship
I have a good relationship with BM also, and I know it is rare...I can't expect everyone on this site to be able to pick up the phone and call BM when something comes up... but their DH's should have the sense enough to. And even at that, girl issues are really something for MOM to deal with. Shaving for the first time, period for the first time... even later on boys and sex. I would expect my girls to want to talk to me about it... no matter how good a relationship they have with SM. I don't mind that they talk to her as well, but it's funny how this MOM thing works, you kinda want to be included on these things! I'm just sayin...
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
About the shaving legs
About the shaving legs thing- The OP said that the SM said that she should have talked to her (the SM) about it, before the BM let her (the SD) DAUGHTER shave her legs. No way is a Biomom going to talk to their daughters SM about letting their chid shave her legs. That was out of line IMHO
I actually agree with this.
I actually agree with this. And I feel kind of bad for this BM. She came here for help and she is getting a lashing. Yeah, some of it is petty stuff that we all do, and see nothing wrong with. But combine the petty stuff with the BIG DEALs that SM is stepping all over BM toes on, I would react just like this BM. Hell yeah, in a NY MINUTE. I agree that EX is hugely to blame here, but where is this SM's common sense. DH used to do that crap, push it all off on my, so I am the bad guy with BM. But I have taken that responsibility and I use it responsibly. There is no reason for me to shut BM out of SS's life. That is just WRONG. And if DH is giving me the "power" to do so, then shame on him... but it doesn't mean I HAVE to do it. I call her, I communicate with her, and most of all, I PUT SS NEEDS FIRST. What ever happened to that????
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
Awe Freeze, I luv ya... we
Awe Freeze, I luv ya... we can diagree on this one. I know BM has put you through hell. I think this post struck a personal chord with you. I had one like that last week. I just like to give everyone the benifit of the doubt, especially when they are new. I kinda feel bad for this BM. I hope she finds an answer that is best for all of them.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
THERE she is! That's the
THERE she is! That's the Freeze we know and love. And YES, I would LOVE it if every step parent would love the SKids as their own. I know I sure do!!! BUT... that includes allowing the SKids to maintain a healthy relationship with their other parents. It is different for you because BM doesn't give a crap... this BM (OP) does. It is clear that she does. You are a GOOD stepMOM Freeze!!! And anyone that has been here long enough to have read your story, knows why you reacted this way.
You are the exception in this case, because BM is such an aweful human being.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
I think the mother should be
I think the mother should be contacted about those things, yes even deodorant, what if sd is allergic to certain kinds? The mother would know that. and I don't care if the child has chewbacca legs, what if the mother was a naturist and was against it? I can understand some of what you are coming from, but I think that you are letting your situation cloud your judgement. How would you feel if another woman was saying these things and taking away personal experiences with your children. And one thing I forgot about I can understand the texting thing, that should not be an issue if one house does not allow calls or anything after a certain time then that should be respected. 9pm is not an unreasonable time for calls to stop and everyone pass out for the night.
jilas0127, I'm arriving late
I'm arriving late to the party, and I've only skimmed the rest of these answers because I don't want to get too involved in the discussions back and forth. Just want to offer my opinion:
I do agree with others that, even though you are mostly dealing with the SM, the problem lies with your ex-husband. He is giving up this power to her. And truth be told, as a SM myself, if my DH was doing absolutely no parenting, I would feel compelled to pick up the slack when the kids were in our home. (I would personally be upset with DH and do my best to make him do his job, but that's another story.)
It sounds like your ex is more than happy to pawn off the parenting to SM. Again, that is HIS FAULT. And I think that you could probably do a lot toward moving forward, rather than backward, if you could find it in yourself to thank SM for doing the VAST majority of the parenting at their home. Let's face it: if it wasn't for her, most of this stuff wouldn't be getting done on their time. And it does sound like she is taking care of them. So, I would try to not make her entirely the enemy here, and thank her for doing so much for your kids.
That's not to say that your husband (and she) aren't doing some things "wrong." Most of the things you listed, I would NEVER take the authority to do. However. Consider that she may well be DOING things that she and her DH have discussed and he has approved. She may be (and probably is) just the one who carries these things out. Again, this is your ex's fault.
Thing is, your ex is who he is. If he is not going to change -- that is, if he will always be this lazy -- then you have two choices: either SM does things for your kids, or neither one of them does. So. Given that, what are your options?
1) You can go to court. But that may not make a lot of difference unless you go for sole custody, which would probably be a real fight. Even with a legal document in place, they may still not obey it. I know that the BM in our case routinely does not follow the CO, even though it is legally binding.
2) You can talk to your ex, alone, and together go over the ways in which he is not doing his job. But he probably won't really change. And if you try to talk to him without her, that will make her more defensive against you. Not saying it's right or wrong. Just saying that's probably the case.
3) You can try to talk to them together and try to turn over a new leaf of co-parenting where you include her more -- being realistic about the fact that she will be doing most of the work. In an ideal situation, I would not suggest this, because in an ideal situation, the biodad and biomom would work things out jointly, with the biodad consulting his wife on all matters that affect her. But that's not the way this dynamic works. It sounds like in this situation, if you want their household to respect you, then you'll need to try to work with the dynamic that they have in their home.
That last one is tough, because it involves swallowing some of your pride. But my guess is that it's the one that will work the best. Coming to the table with a spirit of cooperation and acknowledgment that the stepmom does a lot of the parenting work will get you farther with them both. It will also create a dynamic, hopefully, where they will consult you on the things that you should be consulted on. For the record, I think you should have certainly been consulted on #s 1, 4, 5, and informed in advance about 6 and 7. Regarding #3, my guess is that your ex and the SM think she's too young to shave her legs, and I agree that you should have talked to your ex on that. I think that a lot of those rites of passage, moms don't consult the dads because they think those are "girl things", but most dads want to be told. In our case, BM didn't tell my DH when she put her daughter on BIRTH CONTROL!!!! Her reasoning was that it was "personal", but I'm sorry, that's just crazy to not tell him about a major medical decision like that. As far as #2, that's a house rule that they make themselves, and that's something you should respect.
Hope my perspective helps a little.
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
This message is for MsFreeze
This message is for MsFreeze -
Example: My daughter was in kindergarten - My babysitter calls me with a "______ didn't get off the bus" I replied, what do you mean she didn't get off the bus? I'm not sure if your a "BM" or not, but there is no worse feeling, then your missing child. She was 5. 5 years old. I called the school, frantically asking where my daughter was. You know what they told me? "Her mom came and picked her up". Mrs. "SM" didn't feel the need to tell me, or the babysitter that she was picking her up. Let alone, claiming to be her mother. Now, you tell me that's ok. OH, by the way, it WASN'T their day.
I refer to HER because I'm new this acronym stuff and I wasn't going to call her by name.
For the record, her and I used to be very close, and we all had a wonderful relationship. As my daughter is getting older, and moral and value decisions are now needed, if we disagree, SM is telling me she can let her do what she wants. She told my daughter she would give her a facebook page. She was 11. I am her mother, I think she's to young, and I don't want her on facebook. That is NOT a decision she should make. SM is an athiest, I am a Christian, she is teaching "when you have sex, be safe" I am teaching keep your purity and wait. They drop her off at my house, and 7 inches have been cut from her hair, because "SM" thought is would be cute.
I am not jealous. I will not deny that she has been very good to my daughter, but when it comes to issues like all I've listed in this blog, I have a problem. I am not going to have some "SM" instilling her values in my child. I gave birth to her, and when it comes to the important things, like medical decisions, sex, vaccinations, shaving, ear piercing, whatever - stepmoms have no place. I am a step mother. Maybe it's the Christ in me that enables me to know MY place as a step mother, and not cross those boundaries for out of respect for the woman that gave birth to my step son. May God bless you and I pray he will turn your bitterness to peace. Thank you all for your input.
In Ms. Freeze's defense: The
In Ms. Freeze's defense:
The BM in her situation is NOT an involved mom. She could care less about any of the things you mentioned in your post, and Freeze has done MORE than her part as a SM, because she has been forced to (and she loves her SKids). Also, she is pregnant, so when things hit home... it REALLY hits home, and the hormones (as we all know) kinda take over.
Also, sometimes it is hard to NOT take post personal. Especially when you have a lot going on in your own situation. To separate your own personal situation from that of the posters, gets tricky for anyone. I think here at the end Freeze realizes that not all BM's are like her Skids BM. And some of us BM's are just normal 'ol people, that have the desire to know what is going on with our own children. There is a fine line between LOVING OUR SKIDS AS OUR OWN, and OVER STEPPING OUR BOUNDARIES, and I think that line is different for each situation. It truly depends on the people involved. You are a stepmom, you know this as well. And being a GOOD stepmom, is not easy. That's why we have a forum, to help each other achieve this goal.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
Honey, with all due
Honey, with all due respect:
I know that you meant this as a response to Ms. Freeze. But:
I just want to clarify, I agree with you in what you say regarding the fact that stepmoms should not be making medical decisions and the other things you list (unless, of course, the biomom has abandoned the kids, in which place the stepmom ends up having to take up the role of mom in the biomom's absence).
However: I have to say that I am struggling not to take offense at your statement 'Maybe it's the Christ in me that enables me to know MY place as a step mother, and not cross those boundaries for out of respect for the woman that gave birth to my step son." I, like the SM in your life, am also an atheist. But I would never overstep those boundaries. I think it's extremely unwise to attribute your SM's views to her atheism. The BM in my life professes herself to be "Christian" and yet she has done absolutely monstrous things to one of her daughters (including physical and emotional abuse). Yet I do not attribute her being a terrible mother to her younger daughter to her being a Christian.
Please respect that a person's religious beliefs do not necessarily indicate the way they act toward others.
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
DISbelief~ ~You have to BE
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
vaccination appts. -- as a
vaccination appts. -- as a bio mom (which i am not) i would think i would be on top of it -- since most vaccinations are required to start new schools (relocating or advancing).
i have to wonder if the dentist advised teeth to be pulled, how long has it been since BM has takin bd to the dentist? in my situation, BM has NEVER taken either skid to the dentist to date...... and rarely to the doctor until we got insurance with $0 co-pay for skids --- she would make them wait until our day and tell the skids to tell their dad they need to go to the doctor.... and never pick up prescriptions EVER.... but now with $0 co-pay, she's johnny on the spot
leg shaving --- who gives a f%4k, unless sd was bothering the crap out of sm for special shaving stuff she needs b/c she shaves now and has to have what BM got her.
permission slips --- i have signed tons --- mainly because they require money. so either BM encourages it or they have learned to wait until last day to be turned in and shaft us.
dance class --- doesn't your kid tell you about this stuff?? maybe sm thought if you wanted her in dance class, you would have signed her up.
texting after 9 ---- do you not set bed times?? how late should she be texting if she has to get up and go to school the next day.
i'm with Ms. freeze...... kinda --- it may not be your ex, it may be closer to home than you would like to admit.....
1.) Scheduling vaccination
1.) Scheduling vaccination appointments and not telling me.
------> Should be discussed between BioF and BioM, afterwards if BF wants to designate SM to be the appt maker and provide transportation that's between them.
2.) Telling me I cannot text my daughter after 9 pm.
------> Depends on the relationship between BM and SM, if it's a rocky one, BF should address this with BM. But I agree, calling/texting after 9pm is too late in our home as well.
3.) Telling me I should have checked with her first before giving my daughter permission to shave her legs.
-------> LMAO, she told YOU to check with HER about shaving YOUR daughters legs??? WTFE I don't have to check with another woman about allowing MY daughter to shave her legs!
4.) Making and bringing her to dental appointments, and in one case, having 2 teeth pulled, without my knowledge.
-------> Dental appts should be discussed between Bio parents, ESPECIALLY if there is a major procedure scheduled! After discussed, if BF wants to designate the appt making and transportation to SM, their business. (See #1)
5.) Bringing her to the Dr. without telling me
-------> This is situational. Was daughter sick? If daughter was sick, then she needs to see a doc, BF or SM can followup with BM to let her know that daughter was sick, took her to the doc, and this is what doc said.
6.) Signing permission slips for field trips at school, that I don't even know about.
-------> Also should be discussed by bio parents. As a BM, she may have not behaved well enough to go on a field trip, I may want to go with her, and/or I need to make arrangements for lunch or pickup/dropoff if the field trip is on my time.
7.) Signed her up for dance class (which is great) only, how about telling me and letting me know where they are at... so I can go if I want?
--------> Also something that a BM should know about because BM will probably be providing transportation as well and will more than likely want to attend.
“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”
Has Anyone Checked how long
Has Anyone Checked how long this supposed "SM and Bm" has been a member? She has been a member for 1 day and 7 hours!!!!! Us real SM's know this person is a FAKE.
In my situation I'am my SDs Main caregiver and final decision maker!!
My SD lives at our home 70% of the time. I watch her and HOMESCHOOL her on our days and BMs days! SD only spends only 4 complete days with BM per month. Being that I have been this for years and still I'm the person both Husband and BM depend on for care I will have a say in EVERYTHING. I have always taken SD to appointments ( on occasion BM did take Sd to some, which was helpful). I have not had a problem with BM calling late however if she did ever call late I would put my foot down. My house my rules my money paying for that phone! As far as Dance goes I have and will again put my child (sd) in Dance or anything else if I feel like it. I do invite BM to plays and concerts ( but we are on friendly terms on the moment. I dont ask BM to pay half of the stuff SD is currently enrolled either. BM is far behind on child support arrears and should pay this first.
I have talked to BM more in the last month then my husband probably has an a year.
I tell this supposed "BM and SM" get over your self. She cares about your child and is loving toward her would you rather her be a wicked stepmom and treat your child like crap?
It sounds like someone I
It sounds like someone I know, the language, the story...... Nope nothing wrong with posting immediately, just obvious this person is not a stepmom
Doesn't seem this way to me.
Doesn't seem this way to me. Are you thinking it is someone you know???!!!??? Hey, are you this evil stepmom she is talking about?? LOL. I am just kidding.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
DISbelief you always crack
DISbelief you always crack me up and have wonderful advise. I'AM THE EVIL STEPMOM SHE is talking about how did you know? lol. Maybe our BM's starting hanging out and this post is about both of us put
AHH HAA!!! I knew it! Just
AHH HAA!!! I knew it! Just tryin to lighten up the mood around here... this post has been on FIRE all afternoon. I need to get some stinkin work done!
If this post was about me and BM wrote it, it would say "I LOVE DISBELIEF, she is my best friend... I text her 800 times a day and tell her all of my deepest darkest secret, because I am JUST THAT CRAZY!!!". So... it can't be about me!!
Thanks for the are too sweet. Now really... who do you think this poster is?
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
Is your DH a crackhead? I
Is your DH a crackhead? I have to ask... cause, well... I am nosey.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
Oh no, I get it... I was
Oh no, I get it... I was asking "loves2hateme" if her DH is a crackehead, because she was saying that this person sounded like someone she knows... so if her DH is a crackhead, then we have a winner... this is HER BM posting!!! I was kidding.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
That was a great response,
That was a great response, very well put.
I am the sold custodial
I am the sold custodial parent, we have Joint Legal custoday which means we share the responsiblity of making medical, educational, and religous decisions.
StepAside --- great
StepAside --- great question..... i would hope BF does since it doesn't appear that BM has a clue what's going on with BD except allowing her to shave first........
Excuse me? I don't have a
Excuse me? I don't have a clue what's going on with my daughter? Let me tell you a little something. I met that my EH in the Marine Corps. We were married for 3 years before we both got out, I got out 2 months before he did. We decided that we would move to HIS home state. I moved first, to get us established, I moved in with his parents, whom I'd met ONCE. I was here 3 weeks, I moved thanksgiving weekend, 3 weeks, christmas eve, I picked him up at the airport and on the way home he told me he wanted a divorce. Found out later it was because he slept with 3 girls that were my friends and 2 that I didn't know. I had no job yet, no friends, no family, just my car, clothes and my daughter. i could have very well had the military ship my stuff to my home state but I didn't. I stayed here, in which I have NO family, except my new husband and son, and my daughter. NONE. I stayed so that piece of shit could see his daughter. He is only supposed to have her Wed and every other weekend. HE HAS HER MONDAY, TUESDAY, AND EVERY OTHER WEEKEND, i HAVE HER WED THURS, AND EVERY OTHER WEEKEND. And guess what.... it's because I ALLOW IT. He pays no child support. Becuase I don't think it's fair for him to pay, since he has her 1/2 the time. Again.... A NICE GESTURE FROM ME. My daughter is my life. After he cheated and abandoned me here, i could have left and there would be nothing he could do about it. Don't tell me I have no clue what's going on in my daughters life. The only reason he sees her as much as he does is because I'm doing HIM a f*&King favor. I'll be damned if Him and his wife are going to treat me like I'm the visitating non custodial parent. I do take some responsibility for the position I am in, because I let him and his controlling maninuplative wife have say in my daughters life. Now, they think they have all the say in her life and that's why I'm here. I am really disappointed in this website and all the bashing I've gotten. I'll venture to say, with what I've listed above, that there is not one of you "SM"'s that would be 1/2 the woman I am and sacraficed what I did, and given your EX 1/2 of what I've given him after what he did to me. Let alone even give him the opportunity to argue with me about anything.
Speaking as a SM who has ...
Speaking as a SM who has ... by this list... overstepped her boundaries...
1. I took SD for her Guardisil shot. I did talk to BM about it, but basically I am the one that took her for 3 of the 4 vaccinations.
2. I have not told BM that she cannot call SD... but DH has said that SD requests that BM not call her for a while...
3. Not applicable - the SM over there should not be telling the BM to get her permission for anything
4. Not applicable - BM over here works for a dentist
I have done #5 and #6 on this list.
#7 - Questionable. If the child wanted a class, and the dad and SM signed them up for them to enjoy with the kid, why does BM have to be there? Why do her rights trump father's? It's a gray area. Since BM could sign her child up for something and say it was for her and kid and no one would say boo. So I'd like to hear more of this story.
Jilas - I understand your concerns and anger. But some of it, we really need to hear "the other side". As far as taking a child to the doctor without YOUR permission, it stands to reason that the husband gave permission. Personally, I feel that the father's permission is as good as the mother's. So if my DH says to do something for SD, I'm going to do it... without confirming it is okay with BM.
I am supposing that most BM's do NOT consult ex-husband's on every decision.... soooo??
I think we need a lot more info before we trash the husband or the stepmom.
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
You make some good points,
You make some good points, Stick, especially about most BMs not consulting their ex-husband on things like taking a child to the doctor. Most BMs would bristle at the mere idea of having to ASK their ex whether they can take the kid to the doctor; however, in my experience, if an ex-husband takes said kid to the doctor without consulting BM first, they would go into orbit. I KNOW that's the case over here.
Some BMs generally neglect to consult their exes on quite a number of decisions. Yet they expect to be consulted on every tiny little decision that the biodad makes. Quite a double standard, in my opinion.
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
Stick- I am guilty of some
Stick- I am guilty of some of the above too.
I have done:
#1, but BM was aware
#2, but she was calling and keeping him on the phone, so he couldn't spend time with his dad
#5, I have signed, but BM is always aware of field trips. I want to know when my kids are taken off campus by someone other than one of their parents. I return that favor to her.
#6, but BM is made aware of every practice and every game so she can come watch him if she wants to.
I don't think this BM was saying they needed to get her permission to take SD to the doctor and such... she just wanted to be informed, by ONE of them. I don't think that is asking too much. A lot of these examples leave much to be inturpretted. And without the full story, it is hard to say if she is right... or if she is a control freak BM, from what I gather, she is just feeling like her toes are being stepped on, and wants to know when her daughter is taken to the doctor. A reasonable request IMHO. Maybe...?
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
I do agree that they are
I do agree that they are reasonable requests. I probably should have said that. So you are right DisBelief! But, in my experience, I have signed SD up for field trips and then told BM... so I could be considered overstepping. SD wanted to go. DH said ok...
We also have the situation here where BM has now not seen her daughter in about 7 weeks. So, my situation is a little different.
But I can pretty much bet that BM over here could say all this about me. Which is why I really just am trying to be as non-judgmental, but asking for more info, ....
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
I know that I have
I know that I have completely pushed the envelope at times. I have waited until the last minute to tell BM about appointments and such, and YES... I did it completely out of spite. But then.... "I saw the light" lol... no, seriously, I put myself in her shoes, and I was really pissed off at myself. I wanted to kick my own ass. So, I stopped doing that. That was a few years ago, and things have been much more peaceful since then.
It's funny, my girlfriend watches the kids afterschool. Every once in a while BM will pick SS up from there. They will make light conversation but my girlfriend always comments to me when BM says to her "I really want SS to _____ (insert activity) but I will have to ask his dad if it's ok." My friend thinks it's funny that she "asks"... but really, we would have to "ask" too if it is something that affects all of us. There has to be a mutual respect involved, or it just gets ugly.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
is it possible that SM & SD
is it possible that SM & SD have a great relationship, BF works and SD prefers to do dr. things with a girl (SM) than a boy (BD), b/c BM doesn't want to do things until after the fact??
well, I'm not a fake. But
well, I'm not a fake. But thanks. I'm glad I've found such a nice group of people here.
The reason I haven't been able to give further details on circustances is because I was at work, and I shouldn't have been on here in the first place, and now, I'm at home taking care of an 8 mont old that has a double ear infection and brochitis. Truth is, x husband does nothing but smoke crack and pot. step mom is doing a great job and loves my daughter. I am just feeling a little pushed aside here with my daughters upbringing. My x is NOT a good role model to raise a child, and the sm and I have different upbringings and beliefs. As far as the athiest thing, there was no punt intended. I'm just saying, I gave birth to my daughter with dreams and hopes of who she would be. I don't want the sm making all the decisions without my knowledge and trying to raise my child her way. I could tell all of you the whole story and you'd wonder why I've even allowed him to be near my daughter. I was just reaching out for a little help and wondering if my feeling loss of authority over my own kid and being left out of activities in her life just because they take place at their house is odd. It certainly doesn't make me a bad person. I'm a wonderful mother, and a wonderful step mother and wife. I don't mind her taking her to the dr, dentist, whereever, I just want to know about it, and not find out from my daughter after the fact. I have to go now, I've got responsiblities to tend to.
Wouldn't that be ideal?!?!
Wouldn't that be ideal?!?!
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
jilas --- you're
jilas --- you're right.....WHY would you allow a child with some one who does NOTHING but smoke crack & pot (as you stated) allow him to have your kid 1/2 the time? and btw how's that insurance working out with that crack/pot smoking job??
I know that he has been
I know that he has been caught by her blowing 2000 bucks on crack. He told me himself. Whether he's still doing it, I don't know. I know he smokes pot. As far as insurance, well smartass, although he has been ordered to cover her on HIS insurance, his wife is doing it. Why do I let him see her? Because I'm to nice.
Wow, so she is also covering
Wow, so she is also covering the kids on HER insurance? She is extremely nice to do that.
I would guess that that also sheds some light on why she is planning vaccinations, dental appointments, etc. instead of you? Again, that makes me feel a little less like she's overstepping her bounds, and a little more like she is making sure your child is cared for because your ex isn't.
You know, the way I see it right now, you kind of have two options: One, you decide that your ex is not a fit parent and go for full custody, and recognize that means that you should give him no more visitation, and also not expect any more help. (And put your kid on your own insurance, because it isn't fair to expect SM to cover the kid for you.) Or two, thank your lucky stars that someone over there is parenting the kid, and that the SM is willing to cover her on insurance -- and do your best to reestablish the good relationship you used to have. Given the completely worthless ex you have, it seems to me that you're looking a really HUGE gift horse in the mouth, here. Sounds like she has a tough row to hoe over there. She may be under so much pressure, between dealing with a deadbeat husband and trying to make sure your kid doesn't suffer -- AND getting flak from you about it -- that she is about ready to bail. I know I would be.
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
for the record, SM has her
for the record, SM has her covered on the family plan (no extra cost for my daughter) and I ALSO have her insured. So, both of us have her insured. I do not get child support, so no help there. As a favor to him I might add. SM shouldn't be covering her on her insurance, you are absolutely right.
1.) Scheduling vaccination
1.) Scheduling vaccination appointments and not telling me.
2.) Telling me I cannot text my daughter after 9 pm.
3.) Telling me I should have checked with her first before giving my daughter permission to shave her legs.
4.) Making and bringing her to dental appointments, and in one case, having 2 teeth pulled, without my knowledge.
5.) Bringing her to the Dr. without telling me
6.) Signing permission slips for field trips at school, that I don't even know about.
7.) Signed her up for dance class (which is great) only, how about telling me and letting me know where they are at... so I can go if I want?
I didn't read the responses to this stuff...the shock I felt upon reading the original post was enough to catch my attention.
While I don't necessarily agree with the actions of this stepmom I find myself wondering...does she feel the child won't get taken care of if she doesn't do these things for her? That was the feeling I got when reading about dental appts and vaccination appts...normally,in my experience here as well as in real life, a (sane)woman will not take over the responsibilities of her skids bm UNLESS the bm has proven she isn't keeping up with the care of the child. if the Bm is keeping up with the care, these things would already be done,correct? Therefore, the sm would have nothing to do with any of it bc it would be done already by mom. Obviously, sm feels like the child is being pushed to the side as far as healthcare and activities are concerned.
Getting upset with her for signing permission slips for field trips at school is reeks of control issues. if it's a school field trip, she was probably just trying to help SD out by signing it and allowing her to get it back to school as soon as is also possible that your daughter told SM you already said it was ok.
I don't agree with how she handled the dance class thing. i'd never do that and i'd be pissed if someone did that with my kid. So I get your point on that one.
About the leg shaving, are you sure she meant you should have "checked" with her first? or maybe she was upset bc you didn't let her know the kid was allowed to shave her legs and she was caught off guard when the kid was at her house trying to shave. IF you are ABSOLUTELY sure she was upset that you didn't "check" with her first then as a mother, I would have told SM to go shit in her hat and calm down.
it seems as though your ex has dumped many responsibilities on the SM. it seems the SM is more than happy to take over the father's responsibilities probably because she just wants to please her husband. There is nothing wrong with wanting to please her husband by helping him out with things. BUT it sounds like the three of you need to sit down in a public area and just TALK. Ya grownups:) lots of adults have issues clearing the air and it's perfectly normal to avoid doing it. But in your situation, the air must get cleared or the SM will continue taking over dad's responsibilities and you will continue being frustrated. it sounds like both women will benefit from healthy discussion about what they expect out of the situation. And BOTH women need to tell dad to step up to the plate and start being a more active parent instead of laying the responsibilities in Sm's lap and telling her it's A-OK. Obviously, it's not ok. TWO WORDS: PARENTING PLAN.
good luck
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
"If they sold clues at Walmart,I'd be first in line to get one for DH" ~the lovely Jbee~
It seems like you are
It seems like you are frustrated at not knowing what is going on and not being told about major decisions being made or having the opportunity to discuss them, and not so much that the stepmom is making those decisions...since your ex seems to have handed everything over to her, maybe you could talk to her about keeping you in the loop and sit down and have a conversation about boundaries. It could be that your ex handed these responsibilities to her and she feels overwhelmed and is overcompensating, you know? just a thought...
"if you don't have anything nice to say, then shut the fuck up."
Damn! I go off to a soccer
Damn! I go off to a soccer game and all THIS happens! Never fails......... lol
There are some major overstepping issues here, no doubt, and I dealt with a SM much like this once upon a time. (Meaning, one that takes control and the man is too big of a wimp to do anything about it).
My only comment to make on all this is:
THIS is why I'm thankful I've always had sole legal and physical custody with standard every other weekend visitation with EH. Takes care of many many problems.
seems to me that the sm is
seems to me that the sm is more up to date on things with your daughter. for all the doctor appointments the sm is making, why are you not making these appointments?
I think this is where bio's need to realize that these sm's do care. I would rather see my child have a good sm like this one, then have one who didn't even care at all.
you also have to respect the "other" homes rules. you have your own rules and they have their own as well.
My daughter's SM does care,
My daughter's SM does care, and I am very grateful for that. The problem is, she is trying take over. Why aren't I more up to date with things....
I mentioned to my daugther that it was time for her teeth to be cleaned, that I would be making the appointment during her spring break so she wouldn't miss school. The next day, my daughter said "SM already made me a dental appointment" I asked, when is it? "I don't know"
I asked my daughter why she was squinting while looking at the tv. she told me "it's blurry" I said, I'll call and make an appt with my eye doctor, you may need glasses. Her appt was 2 weeks from that day. One week after this conversation with my daughter, she tells me SM took her and she needs glasses.
I told my daughter that she was going to need to get a shot before 6th grade. A few days later she says "SM says I dont get it till I'm 12, She is going to schedule it for when she brings me to get my flu shot"
Christmas time: I contacted SM so we could discuss what we were going to be getting her for Christmans (like I said, we used to get along) so we didn't duplicate. I told her I wanted to get her a guitar and lessons because she had been wanting to try it. SM replies "we already got her an electric one, and lessons". So I
got her an acoustic. She didn't get lessons from them.
I told them one year I was going to buy her a digital camera. SM says "That's what we are getting her", I didn't get it, neighter did they.
I told my daughter I wanted to take her to see Avatar. I can't, SM says she wants to take me."
I ask my daughter "honey, come watch American Idol with me". She says "I can't SM is recording it becuase she wants to watch it with me.".
My daughter is a very happy, loved child. I just feel like SM is pushing me aside and trying to be mother. Maybe I'm wrong. Why do I let him have her so much when he has so many problems? Because I don't have the heart to take her away from him, that's why. Plus, i didn't know about all this stuff until the recent year, and i don't want her to know about it. So far, it has not surfaced to be a reaccuring problem, nor does she know about it. Yes, my ex has dumped all the responsibility on SM. He is lazy, and could care less. When they fight and he moves out for weeks at a time, he asks me to keep her the whole time he's out of that house. He doesn't want to have to take care of her by himself. SM has been wonderful, and I'm glad my daugther has her and loves her. Lately though, SM has started excluding me from things and if I want to do something with my daughter, sched. appts, watch shows, go to movies, buy her something, once my daughter tells her, she has to do it first. I feel like she is trying to push me out of the picture now, and be her mother and make all the decisions.
By the way, I am a SM. My SS is 9 years old. Major issues with that child are discussed between the "bios". I know my place.
Hm. Jilas, I'm not trying
Hm. Jilas, I'm not trying to excuse her. But I am trying to help you figure out what to do. I know there are three sides to every story: person A's version, person B's version, and the truth.
From what you've written here, I do see your perspective that she has taken on more of a mom role than you are comfortable with, and more than she should, given that your daughter already has a mom.
However, in the spirit of trying to help you figure out what to do, can you tell me/us: if you put yourself in her place, can you think of reasons -- besides the idea that she is simply trying to "take over" -- why she would be doing these things? In other words, can you put yourself in her shoes and imagine some reasons why she might be feeling the need to take on these roles? Anything that she might be seeing or imagining from your end that makes her think this?
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
I believe that (and I've
I believe that (and I've heard from my x-inlaws) she is just very controlling. She has to be in charge of everything that she is involved in. She only allowed their house to be in her name, their savings account is in only her name, the cars are only in her name, she pays all the bills etc. They have 2 children together, and he really has no say over them either. Which works out for him because it's less he has to do. Maybe his lack of responsibility is the cause of her contol, but it doesn't mean she has total control to take care of my daughter by herself. I'm her mother. Technically, if he can't take care of her, she needs to be with me.
That is just F'd up IMHO.
That is just F'd up IMHO.
My wife and I hold everything jointly with the exception of her car(s) which are in my name (I by them as a surprise so they end up in my name). The car I drive is in our names.
If I was this woman's SO there would be nothing in her name only. This guy is so screwed when she decides to ditch him.
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)
Yeah, I agree that that's
Yeah, I agree that that's just F'ed up. However, in their case, it's probably good that she's in charge of everything. He seems like he's kind of a waste of air.
Reminds me a little of someone I work with. She has pretty much no regard for her husband at all, and has actually said to colleagues that she only married him so she could have a baby. He is so just the sperm donor. But she chose someone who would let her control everything so he wouldn't have to do anything. Sounds like the relationship works for them.
However, what that means for you, I think is that you do only have a couple of options: accept things the way they are, for better or worse, and try to communicate better with her, even though it will suck to do so; or, decide that you will try to go for full custody and no more visitation. But you say your daughter is happy and well adjusted, so that may not be the best thing for her.
I feel for you. Really. In fact, I feel for you so much that I kind of want to send a copy of this to the BM in my life -- to make her realize that she could have done worse than having me as the stepmom in her life!
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
So, this hit a cord with me.
So, this hit a cord with me. We have everything the same way. I have an over 700 credit score. His just hit 620, we get waaaay better rates with my name only lol. Both of our names are on our joint accounts tho.
But I pay all the bills, pretty much control the whole household,e tc, but DH loves it that way, the lazy fucker...
And I even call the shots behind the scenes when it comes to SD... Oh yeah, BM may TALK to DH, but the answers she gets are me... Ex...
BM: Can you keep SD such and such weekend? Also, can you pay for he daycare transpo this week? I don't have any money.
DH: Lemme get back to you.
DH to Me: Can we do this?
Me: Yes.
DH to BM: Yeah I can swing it.
LOL- He just likes not to have to think, and our lives run much smoother when I am in charged. I don't take the control, he gives it to me...
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
Well, my miss "blameless SM"
Well, my miss "blameless SM" as she been called in this blog, asked my Ex's mom to buy my daughter clothes because they didn't have the money. Two week later my EH found a bank statement of their savings account that had $8,000.
I see that you are determind
I see that you are determind to place all blame on SM... But how can't you see that he is giving her the control?? Really, it's his own damn fault he doesn't know how much money is in their savings account. You may dislike her actions, but he is the ONLY ONE who can get control of the situation. AS LONG AS HE LETS HER DO IT SHE WILL DO IT!!!!
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
TW, I too am a Lucky Fucker
I too am a Lucky Fucker as you have labeled your husband. Our joint credit score is very high and I give all the credit to my wife for managing the payment of bills, etc... She pays them all and I get to play when I want to. Occassionally my score will be a few points higher than hers. I tease her incessently when that happens.
She will reign me in if we hit a cash flow pinch. usually due to quarterly life insurance payments or some other large periodic expense. All of our accounts are joint and our assetts are jointly held with the exception that we each have a credit card in our own names. Mine from prior to our marriage and hers so she could build her own credit record. The only thing mine gets used for is to buy gifts for her or if we take a joint vacation. Hers for some reason gets used to buy gifts for her European boy toys. Some guys named Lancome, Christian Dior, etc..... I just don't get it. With a gorgeous hunk of red blooded American man meat like me who needs these European boy toys.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)
"With a gorgeous hunk of red
"With a gorgeous hunk of red blooded American man meat..."
Rags, you made my day!!!
***Life - It's not a rehearsal***
Now I see it a little
Now I see it a little differently - yes I understand the BM's point of view on things such as the dance recital etc.. but the dr appointments and dentists I don't because if DH where the one doing this I'm sure there wouldn't be a word said.
Stepmom is DH's partner so it's just assumed if DH can't take SD to the dr that stepmom will etc...
Now the leg shaving thing I agree with - you have no reason to have to discuss it with stepmom at all, maybe your ex but not stepmom
If there is nothing set in
If there is nothing set in stone, stop the visitation. Seems pretty simple to me.
When I was married to my
When I was married to my ex-husband, I was a step-mom. He gave me the authority to do anything and everything as "mom." However, I called her mother to notify her of doctors, school activities, etc. If husband was out of town and she got into trouble at school, I called the mother and asked her to handle. Just because a husband gives SM the authority, that doesn't mean you take it. It also reveals an entire set of problems about how your husband perceives you and his ability to be a good father. He was mother-shopping and he was extremely abusive when he found out I provided mother with the information to which she was entitled. Uh, red flag anyone? Guess who turned around and tried to find a new mother for our us baby after I left him? Why would any woman want to be with a man who has such little regard for a BM rights? Are you under the illusion that he won't do the same to you in a few years? If you think not, you are kidding yourself.
Now my daughter has a brand new stepmom, a young one without independent thought and an uncanny knack for crossing boundaries. I am very supportive of my daughter's love for those that love her but I think it is very often a BAD idea for mother and SM to speak and attempt to resolve issues. First of all, BF will say he gave SM authority to do all of these inappropriate things so this is his "agent" of sorts and there's little you can do about it. It's like enforcing manners. Bad manners are bad manners but they aren't illegal. UNLESS - your custody agreement sets legal definitions for medical and school information and decisions that aren't being followed. Then you mediate with BF, then you take him to court for breach.
I understand were this lady
I understand were this lady is coming from. I am going through the same thing. The problem is because the father has turned his responsibilities over to step mom and step mom is isolating the biological mother. Dad has to take back over his responsibilities. In my case, step mom has brain washed my child. My son calls her mom and told me i was not his mom. The step mom is very rude. She is controlling. The reason is that she does not want you to have contact with the father. She is very insecure. You must be an attractive woman and she may feel that your ex is still attracted to you. You can get a directive form from the health provider, so that you and dad can be contacted to make medical decisions gor your child. For you people who are attacking her, what mother does not want to be there for their child if the child gets sick? What mother would not want to be an active participant in their child's life? My son's step mom puts down that she is his mother on every documemt possible. I always have to prove that i am my son's mother. Get hold on the situation now.