Need some ideas....for the move to San Diego as far as group meetings in the home
OK all,
While posting advice to someone else (not sure how great my advice is since you guys have read my posts) But while posting about what she could be doing on the weekends I came up with some great ideas:
When we move to San Diego I have stated that there is no reason why I have to leave and NOT enjoy my location for a while because afterall my son is the reason we get to move there and he will have all of his therapists involved (some even in the home) and I will benefit from them as well. Anyhow, I do plan on starting a job again, buying another car (I left mine with my daughter in my home state, where she is living in the house I bought) and will get my social life back. I am way too isoalted here and am not working so I have no outside friends, influence anything...stuck at home in this one horse town where the highlight for me is the tanning bed, commissary and Wal-Mart because I don't want to spend too much of my savings...I will need that!
Anyhow, I am thinking it would be great to bring people to my home in San Diego, many would shy away from it that were in my position BUT I think the more people I have in the home the more will be able to witness how he and his kids act...PERFECT
So I am thinking about
Bunko (never played but can learn)
Book Club
What else and how would I advertise I want to start these groupsand meetings could be at my place...we will be in a military housing community so it shoulodn't be too hard....
What other Group Meetings in the home can I do:...I am open and how would I much socialization as I can get would be wonderful!!!!!
Hell, I even thought about Girl Scouts for my daughter who has William's Syndrome and Boy Scouts for my son (Asperger's) who probably would not do it if I were not involved somehow....
ANYTHING?????? The more people in my home the better, it will be MINE and MY KIDS HOME TOO and I will make it KNOWN and if he really wants to act like and ass with others there more power to him!
- areyouserious's blog
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Hello Just a mom, Thanks for
Hello Just a mom,
Thanks for your response. I have lived in military housing and have always made friends and had contacts so this is the first time I have ever felt so isolated but I know part of it was because I knew I was going to be in this little bitty town for just a short while that I didn't even bother to throw down an anchor. That will change once we get to San Diego and I get back out into society both military and civilian. I have always been one to get the kids out and explore their environment especially while living in Hawaii. Just NOTHING to do here and at this point could care less about involving his kids...I did that in the past as though they were MY OWN and it bit me in the ass and all I ever got was grief...NEVER again, this time it will be my kids and I enjoying what is around us in Cali.
Also as for the Fleet and Family Member Support, because we have been granted a move based on Area of Unsuitability due to this area not being able to provide my son with the services he needs, I will be stopping by Fleet and Family tomorrow and having them start preparing San Diego Fleet and Family for our arrival so they can begin to get a list of services together for me...I have been working on this as well. This should be intersting since my husband has an open case already that he is trying to fight with Fleet and Family for the abuse charge regarding my son. I DO NOT care, I am going to use ALL resources available to me as MY son is the one who is a Cat 5 and the resources ARE there for us....husband can love it or leave it BUT he will have to accept it! Husband would never go and help with getting my son services, all he would rather do is bash my screw him! afterall, husband is the one who has told me I just made up the Asperger's....yeah tell that to the hospitals and doctors who diagnosed him!
Anyhow, the craft/scrapebook idea is wonderful as I have never really, except when the kids were younger gotten into the artsy side of me....and I know a lot of military wives are into that sort of thing. I also like the idea of a Special Needs group meeting in my home and that way maybe I could invite speakers from the community to help us with more know maybe some college students working on their Master's could guide us weekly and just vary with the speakers.
Also, the scouting idea, maybe for Special Needs kids because I know I never felt comfortable sending my child with williams Syndrome on camping trips because she was the different one...she did Girl Scouts with the normal kids BUT I stayedfor every meeting and Ido know there are many kids with william's Syndrome in San Diego area![Smile](
"The pic reminds me of the slaveboy and his queens in this depicts a kid ruling her Big sweet! What it doesn't show is the Big Daddy bowing and thanking them for the abuse and begging for more"!
Thank you, I will check that
Thank you,
I will check that out and maybe find some other ideas as to meetings I can hold.....anything to get my home brimming with HUMANS and not the fools that I deal with on a daily basis....maybe they will get embarrassed enough that they might just have to act right a few nights a week and then the other times my kids and I will just stay busy with whatever WE need to do!
"The pic reminds me of the slaveboy and his queens in this depicts a kid ruling her Big sweet! What it doesn't show is the Big Daddy bowing and thanking them for the abuse and begging for more"!
Oh Step, I can slap out the
Oh Step,
My kids are old enough they could stay at a friends or keep themselves busy elsewhere in the home...or hopefully mine could stay at another members house for the night
The drinks are on! My mom used to have a bunco group-several and of course as a kid I always had to go to the sitters so never actually got to watch the excitement-just heard thru 3rd party conversations
I can slap out the drinks
"The pic reminds me of the slaveboy and his queens in this depicts a kid ruling her Big sweet! What it doesn't show is the Big Daddy bowing and thanking them for the abuse and begging for more"!