Pink hair *Warning, I'm Pissed!*
*Warning* I'm quite irrate and not all of this is what I actually feel I'm just mad *Warning*
WHY DOES MY THREE AND A HALF YEAR OLD STEP DAUGHTER HAVE TO LOOK LIKE A CLOWN?!?! This is not fair to her. Her mother now has her hair dyed with a dark pink stripe going down the back of her hair and light pink streaks all over her head. This is f#cking embaressing!!! My family sees her on a regular basis, because my Uncle's daughter is in her dance class, and I hate having to hear about this dumb shit. I hate knowing that this shy little girl who has troubles enough with kids her own age has been made to look SOOO different from all the other kids. I don't get it? Why not just use the fake hair pieces, or the spray in shit? WHY does it have to be semi-permenant so that me and Dh have to be seen with her like that too? WTF is wrong with this woman? It is NOT cute, it is NOT funny and it can NOT be good for her! I can't believe that she is allowed to do this when ever she wants! So much for taking Munchkin to the Winter Festival this weekend. I'm not stepping out side the door with her, heaven forbid someone think I did it to her. F#CKING IDIOT! Dye your own hair! NOT YOUR CHILDS! F#CK F#CK F#CK! Just when I think the MORON has grown up a bit she regresses to COMPLETE MORON! ARGG!
Ohhh I hope my family has exagerated how bad this is. But I'm sure they haven't... I have pics of her doing this before. F#CK F#CK F#CK! Just when I start thinking things are going to get easier.
- Thetis's blog
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Speaking from the point of
Speaking from the point of view of someone who once had hot pink hair (yeah I'm a rebel, what can I say)...I still think this is messed up! She's only 3 1/2 ?! That's insane!!
"Live well, Love much, Laugh often."
Oh I did ALOT of crazy shit
Oh I did ALOT of crazy shit to my hair to, but the point is I DID IT, not my mom.
Ohhh and I was not allowed
Ohhh and I was not allowed to dye my hair untill I was 13 and in highschool.
And she really has the most
And she really has the most beautiful blonde hair. She looks like a little angle should when BM isn't pulling this shit.
I was pissed when BM used
I was pissed when BM used sun-in in SS hair... he is TOO YOUNG to be messing with his hair color (he is 6) I completely understand. The day he comes home with some off the wall color that BM did, is the day I go balistic on her ass!! I sprayed his hair green once... but it was SPRAY color and it was because he was HULK for halloween. These people, I swear!
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
Two different judges have
Two different judges have said its a co parenting issue. So she feels she can do whatever she wants. I hate it. I hate feeling embaressed to be seen with my family out side our house. This is bullshit that she pulls. I hope DH says something to her. I really do. When I see it I just want to take her to the hairdresser and have it all chopped out but its in the CO that we can't change her hair style without consulting the other parent. Grrr but its not enough to hold her in contempt.... BIASED ASSHOLES opps was that my CAPS voice?
She sees the child as a toy,
She sees the child as a toy, like a Barbie or Dress Up Doll.
Not a person.
Forgot the name of the syndrome.
Not safe.
You have my sympathy.
"Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves." ~ Abraham Lincoln
Thank you. I'm really
Thank you.
I'm really debating on just going to my moms and hiding untill tomorrow so I don't say anything mean about BM infront of SD.
Grr way to ruin my friday, and your kids self confidence Bm.
Hey Thetis - Calm down...
Hey Thetis - Calm down... take a deep breath and relax. Breathe....
I understand completely what you are saying about SD and the fact that she is only 3-1/2.
BUT... the skid may or may not care.
This is what I would suggest to you, or do, if it were DH and I over here.
I would treat SD with a smile and hug and just like any other day. Gauge how SHE feels about her hair. If SD is excited or happy about it, then don't take that away from her, or ruin her confidence about how she looks. She STILL is your cute little angel, you know. Whether she has blond hair, pink hair, or no hair... that does not define this child.
Second... have DH deal with BM regarding dyeing SD's hair. But go from the point of ... This may not be good for SD's hair at this young age, it could damage her hair, SD could have an allergic reaction to the dye, etc.
This isn't about SD's hair color. It's about BM overstepping her boundaries and also using her child as an extension of herself without worrying about the welfare of her kid.
BUT if you make SD feel bad about it, she will. And that's unfortunate, because I doubt she fully understood what was happening, or the consequences of that decision.
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
*LIKE* I tend to react like
I tend to react like Thetis does... this is good advice. I should take some of it, and tuck it in my pocket!
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
It's semi-permanent? Put her
It's semi-permanent? Put her in the tub and wash her hair over and over and over and over.
"One should examine oneself for a very long time before thinking of condemning others." ~Moliere
Yeah, Crizzle, but that
Yeah, Crizzle, but that could be damaging to the kid's hair and the kid's self esteem. SM and DH would be trying to "wash away" BM and her actions.
I really think that SD needs to not be "made" to feel any way about this. I think she should be gently probed and questioned to get at the root of how this little girl feels, not what BM is telling her to feel, and not what Thetis is feeling.
We can do more damage, on top of BM's damage...if we aren't careful.
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
Yep..... excellent advice!
Yep..... excellent advice! SD14.5 wanted to put some red and blonde in her hair, BM ok'd it, BM made the appointment and I took her to the appointment. The color wound up being more of a deep purple and it actually looked really cool on her. I mean, she was 13 at the time, it's just hair, might as well do fun stuff when you're young right? SD LOVED it, but BM had a FIT and told SD how awful it was, made her feel like shit about it, and then somehow it all became MY fault because I took her for the appointment?
Anyway, it destroyed SD's self-esteem for a long time because her mom was soooo ugly about it. So yes, we have to be very careful dealing with kids because the littlest thing can really damage their soul.
Just ride this out Thetis. I
Just ride this out Thetis. I know its embarrassing but it will wash out or grow out. If DH has a problem with this then he needs to tell BM to get his permission first next time. If he's really serious then he can add a stupilation (stupid + stipulation because BM should know better) to the parenting plan.
My BD has been wanting to dye her hair pink for the last year or so. She would be so jealous of your SD
Uh, what? A 3 1/2 year old
Uh, what? A 3 1/2 year old girl has dyed pink hair? First of all, why would she subject her baby to such harsh chemicals? Does she have no idea the impact that could have on her development? Is BM nuts or is she just testing you guys to see how much she can get away with? Instead of both of you losing it, why don't you do some research on the chemicals that are in the dye, their effect on the human body (esp. kids if you can find it) and present it to her rationally? This is NOT ok - I could talk myself into saying it's child abuse too...
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
Sure ride it out. But at the
Sure ride it out.
But at the end of the day, BM still sees that kid as a toy.
I hate mothers, stepmothers, fathers, stepfathers, grandparents ... whatever they are ... that refuse to see children for what they are: people. Little, uncut, raw, naive little people that have such great potential.
"Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves." ~ Abraham Lincoln
Get Paul Mitchell clarifying
Get Paul Mitchell clarifying shampoo.
I threw myself on the mercy of my hairdresser when BM pulled this same thing on us (twice now) and my hairdresser suggested it. I too was embarrassed to leave the house with my darling SD8, lest anyone think I had no brains and had dyed a child's hair.
The shampoo (which actually is for people with blond hair who swim a lot, so their hair doesn't turn blue) smells great and the little one won't go to her mother's house with stories of having her hair washed again and again. It won't remove the color, but certainly "deadens" the brightness quite a bit. Let it sit a bit.
I feel for you! I don't get this -- it just can't be good for children to have chemicals put in their hair.
Also mixing some baking soda
Also mixing some baking soda in with the shampoo will help pull the color a little..... I've colored my own hair once too many times so I do know this will help!
I think she did the dying on
I think she did the dying on purpose because she knows its CO and if she knows your going to a festival and wants to embarass you, she took the easiest route. Used her daughter against you guys.
I say, go to the festival! Wash her hair a couple of times, so its a bit light then, you can braid it along with her natural hair color to hide the pink.
Braid it! its going to hide it! She only did a her hair long enough to braid over the colored hair?
If not enough to braid, put beads in her hair for the day over that precise pink strip. This way, the beads are not permanent and you can remove them before she goes back to mom.
Beads are beautiful! its decorative and its fun to do with your sd. She'll probalby love it!
Didn't BM just get you a
Didn't BM just get you a V-day card last week? I really don't think she's doing this to get to you. she's just a BM who has really poor taste on what is appropriate for her kid. Permanent pink streaks? Ugh.
Yea, I know. But after we
Yea, I know. But after we have asked her a billion times not to do it, she still does it. So this I do think is a bit spiteful on her part, or she just thinks its cool.
She was bragging about it to my uncles wife at the dance class. "OHhh my little girl is the only one with pink hair!" and my Aunt was like "Uhg yea"
I think its the barbie doll syndrom thing.
"I think its the barbie doll
"I think its the barbie doll syndrome thing."---yeppers!
Thetis, I am so sorry that
Thetis, I am so sorry that BM did this to your SD's 3 1/2 yrs. old no less. OMG that's so pathetic - your BM has more than a screw loose up there. She needs to get a life and your DH needs to find where he left his balls and confront her with this - immediately. I can't help but wonder what damage BM will do in the future if she's treating this poor little girl this way now.
I agree with the above posters here - this is BM treating your SD like a toy, certainly not like a child that needs to be protected and loved. Did she know that you & DH were taking her to the Winter festival? Why did she do it in the first place?? I could see if she were in a little kiddie play or for Halloween or something (and even then, I would NEVER dye a 3 1/2 year old girl's hair) and even in that case, I HIGHLY DOUBT I would even allow use of a spray color or anything else at that young age!!
We had a similar experience with our BM and my now SD15 and BM dyeing her hair all different colors (she started doing it when SD was around 11 or 12, I think). I can't imagine what my BF would've done if our BM did it when she was 3 1/2 - he would've killed her. Our BM used to be a hairdresser, so somehow she thought it was acceptable to start coloring daughter's hair. It wasn't.
I'm sorry I don't have any "color removal" tips for you, but perhaps I'd try everything the above posters said - ASAP. Don't worry about "offending" your little SD or damaging her self-esteem by removing the color (sorry Stick, not meant to be a personal "dig" against your reply or anything. I just disagree with you about how she'll feel "stripped" of her Mom or have her self-esteem damaged by having the color lightened/washed out/removed)...she's 3 1/2, for heavens sake!! She's not going to have her self-esteem damaged any more by having the color removed than the damage to her self-esteem that likely will be caused when the other kids at dance class or whereever are busy laughing at her!!
No need to do anything extreme like giving her 100 baths or anything. It'll come out - eventually.
I could definitely see a case of child abuse being made - with this as just one example of probably many others you've witnessed at BM's hands. There is NO excuse for this whatsoever.
If I were you (your DH), I'd keep good records of all of this - it may come in very handy in the future if needed for court, etc... You may not remember this incident down the road, when BM pulls even more egregious stunts with SD in the future. Sounds to me like the "fun" is just beginning for you. How long have you been with your DH? How has HE reacted to all of this, BTW?
Most importantly, it has to be DH that handles BM and stops this from going any further. SD is their child together and it is HIS responsibility to handle this and to protect SD. If he doesn't, then HE'S just as pathetic as BM and he's just as much to blame for the poor treatment at BM's hands as she is.
You have EVERY RIGHT to be mad - I would feel the same way.
Well its not child abuse. It
Well its not child abuse. It has been reported as well as some almost pornographic images found on the web. Nobody did anything. They just told bm its not the best parenting.
Ohhh and it is real dye. Punky Colors by Gerome Russel. (It says keep out of reach of children on the bottle)
I know how you feel, just
I know how you feel, just not to the same extent. I believe Munchkin has been broken in other ways then physically. Its terrible that no one in power will step up and do anything for these kids.
I really hope you SS will be ok.
Well no shit. They don't
Well no shit. They don't want the kid eating it or pouring it in their eyes.
Go and buy her a cute outfit
Go and buy her a cute outfit that she can wear a hat with? }:)

Those chemicals could not
Those chemicals could not possibly be good for a child that young. I know you said that it was determined not to be abuse. But have you talked to a pediatrician about it?
This thread is stupid. You're
This thread is stupid. You're just a step mom. You should have no say in what her real mom does. Plus it's just hair dye. The vibrant colors are often natural vegetable dyes, no harmful chemicals. Get over it. Your language is much worse than any hair dye!!!
Did she disappear?? Lots of
Did she disappear?? Lots of stop being so mean posts have appeared!!! Hmmmmmm
If there's child porn
If there's child porn involved I can see being pissed over that obviously. But the hair wow. You guys need to get a life. If you knew anything about pinky colors you'd know it's safe!