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BM doesn't get it... who's the "real" mother?

Last-Wife's picture

DH told her not to contact me again. She came to town for SS15 ballgame tonight. She brought SD17 back home after only watching like half a game... (She made this big deal about watching him play, and then didn't even stay...) She came in with SD to try on some clothes they bought before the game. (Yes- we let BM in the house. I'll post about that another time...)

She tried to get me to sit and talk with her, but I blew her off. She took the hint and as she left, she handed me a note and a present. The gift was some school-teacher stationary, and in the note she wanted to apologize for being so horrible lately, and she wants to know what she's done wrong so she can fix it because she misses being my friend.

She's crazy for thinking I was ever her friend.

I'll tell you what she did... She's crazier if she thinks I'm going to forgive her for the things she said and did TO HER OWN CHILDREN after DH was fired in December. She does not pay CS and never has. (Not court ordered due to her lack of work and mental instabilities...) After DH was fired, DH called her to pay for lunch money and a few other incidentals before the holidays- she refused, and told him it was his fault he lost his job and couldn't budget his money- he'd have to find someone else to help pay their lunches... I'm sorry, that's just bitchiness at it's best. Then she TOLD us she had gone to the school to pay SDs final payment for the senior class trip and it was all taken care of... only to find out 2 weeks later SD couldn't go because no payment had been made. (After we'd made all the other payments, nearly $500 over 5 years...) SHE SAID SHE PAID IT!!! How could she do that to her daughter?!

When questioned, she said she decided not to pay it because she was mad SD wasn't calling her and visiting much. SD HAD TO GET A JOB TO PAY FOR OTHER SCHOOL EXPENSES!!! So of course she doesn't visit as much as she used to...

Luckily the school let us make the payment and SD gets to go on the trip... But I am just so angry at BM. I don't need her drama. What gives her the right to hold her kid "hostage" so to speak and say she did something, and then to lie about it? And she's always "giving up" on the kids. I live with them. It isn't easy, but I can't give up. How can she just cause she isn't married to their father any more?

She doesn't get what it really means to be a parent... Want to know who found the extra money for the trip? Me. I took all my Christmas money, and even returned a few items I got that I didn't like, and I paid the final payment. And yes, I'm not even talking to SD right now, but I did it anyway cause I thought it would really suck if all her friends got to go on the trip, and she didn't.

If that doesn't make ME the mom, I don't know what the hell does...


Storm76's picture

You ARE the mom, in every way apart from squeezing them out! You are amazing - you're letting this woman into your house, presumably because you think it's good for the skids to see the two of you getting along, you're doing all the day to day things AND making financial sacrifices so they don't miss out on opportunities.

You are a wonderful mom.

Don't let anyone tell you different.

To tired-stepmom's hubby:

Your wife is an amazing woman, standing up for your family in every way she can: emotionally, practically and financially. Please take the time to tell her that you see everything she is doing and that you appreciate it.

Storm x

Last-Wife's picture

Thanks for these kind words... I think DH is SLOWLY seeing what you said...

"I HAD to pick the road less traveled..."

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

You know I consider myself the real mom to skids. I'm the one that does everything for them while their POS BM freeloads off of her own mother 1,000 miles away. I have told my SO that I do NOT want skids to see their BM until they are both over 18. I don't ever want to see BM at our front door or even in our neighborhood. She abandoned her kids back in 2008 by leaving out of state without telling anybody but her oldest son that she lived with at the time. This lady had the nerve to call up my SO after months of not speaking to him to ask SO if he could pay the rent for the oldest son (I don't call him SS because he only lived with us for a couple of months after I moved in) It was her apartment she left her son high and dry and she had the balls and no shame what so ever to call my SO and ask that he pay the rent which was over $1000. My SO told her hell no. He didn't care that that was his son. This kid didn't come visit for a whole year while living with his dear mommy. And SO was never going to do BM a favor like that.

Sounds like the BM you guys deal with is bitter and manipulative just like ours.