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College Education

fedup315's picture

So, my SB17 has been accepted to state college and now the financial part needs to be worked out. I thought all along that is was BM and BF that are responsible for the paperwork that determines parental obligation and what she can borrow... I mean we just married in November.. it never even occurred to me I would have to fork over a sime for her schooling... WELL not true, if custodial parent remarries.. the new spouse must submit his or her taxes, savings and banking statements as well to determine the student's needs.
My savings is my savings.. I had money long before meeting DH from the sale of a home.. why is this now going to cause my DH to have to pay more for school than he would have without me? Why doesn't the BM have to pay anything, submit anything? I know in my gut she is still claiming SD17 even though she lives here ( she only goes to mom's when we try and discipline her )
I am really shocked and appauled by this.. it's terribly unfair.


folkmom's picture

federally, the custodial parent and stepparent must submit all information. it is expected that a stepparent of a custodial child has assumed parental level resposnsibility. did you not look into this before you got married? it is kind of a big deal...and the federal law.

second...the ncp has only to report their CS federally. now, if there are school level forms (a lot of schools have these) they usually require the information of ALL parents, including the spouse of the NCP.

more importantly, what does the divorce decree say?

Rags's picture

Bullshit! You don't have to provide crap to the school financial aid office as far as your earnings. Refuse. At most the impact will be that SD may not get gov't guaranteed loans.

I sold my busines and transferred from a community college to a BS program when I was 26 (I was ultimately on the 11yr undergrad plan and was in school every semester for 11yrs before I graduated with my BS in engineering). I had battles with the financial aid office because they demanded my parents tax returns. WTF! These people are just more of the bottom 10%ers who end up working for the gov't and they PISS ME OFF (no offese to anyone who works for a govt agency and was not in the bottom 10% of their HS class)!!!!! I was 26 and had been on my own for more than 5yrs paying for school out of my own pocket, married, divorced, bought a home, sold a home, etc... and these moron dipshits wanted my parents tax returns?????

I ended up augmenting the money I had accumulated for school by working and taking out a few private non subsidized loans.

So, DON'T PROVIDE ANY INFORMATION to the idiots in the financial aid office under any circumstances!!!!! You are a Sparent and you income has nothing to do with the kid unless you choose to participate.

Everytime we go to court for my SS's situation I get threatened with contempt because I refuse to provide information on my income. IT IS NONE OF THE MORON IN THE STUPID BLACK ROBES BUSINESS WHAT I MAKE! Of course I ultimately cave and provide information. Tons and tons of it in completely unintelligable format, unorganized and virtually useless unless the dipshit wants to spend days wading through it. But hey, I give them the info and I don't end up in jail for contempt.

Just my opinion of course.

Good luck and best regards,

Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)

folkmom's picture

weell if you deny the kid loans...who is making up the difference? the FAFSA requires both the CP and stepparent's info. without that how do you factor out the aid package? your only way around it is to pay full boat.

seriously...this is all in black and white and written out in law.

Rags's picture

No one said you have to inform the school or put on the financial aid forms that you are remarried. If that is the case go to Mexico and get a quickie (non binding in the US) divorce and claim that you are not married. It's not a lie, you really are not married ........ in Mexico.

These people piss me off. I lost all respect for the dipshits in the financial aid office when I was there attempting to apply for financial aid and they were giving me shit about needing my parents tax returns when this young lady walked in and said:

Young lady: "I need financial aid".
Idiot clerk: "We need your parent's tax returns".

YL: "I live with my grandmother"
IC: "Then we will need your GM's and your parent's tax returns"

YL: "My GM and my Mother are on welfare and don't work"
IC: "We will still need your father's tax returns"

YL: "I don't know my father"
IC: "In that case fill out this form" (ONE F'IN PAGE)

I had spent an hour filling out a ream of forms and requesting an intelligent answer to the question of why they needed to know crap about my parent's income when I had been an independent adult for more than 5yrs.

I went ape shit right there. I demanded to see the head of the financial aid department, the dean of students and President of the university. I got louder and louder and louder until campus police showed up and I got an immediate meeting with the Dean and the financial aid idiot.

The reason why I had to go through shit and the young lady didn't????? "We do not want to embarrass people of lower financial means".

Yep, true story.

My comment to the dean between demanding to be called Mr while referring to the Dean by his first name (hey, I am his customer he damned well better call me by Mr and I can call him Bob if I choose): "So, it is officially Okay to embarrass adults who know who both of their parents are but it is not Okay to equally embarrass everyone?"

I had the hairy eyeball of campus police on me for weeks after that.

About a month later I went back to pick up my private loan check ($5000) and who should appear to pick up her $15,000 in grants and subsidized loans? Yep, Miss welfare child who did not know her father. I turned purple, bit my tongue and left. The financial aid office experience that semester was the only time in my life I have lost my temper in public. It almost (note I said almost) makes me have some sympathy for people who go postal with these morons.

These people really do piss me off. The only job they can get is sucking off of the hind tit of the taxpayers.

That incident proved to me that most who can do, most who can't go in to school administration (or go to work for the government).


Please note that my ire is reserved for the administrators and not the teachers. However, the best instructors I have every had transitioned from private sector to education. The most heartbreaking thing about that incident is that I love school. If I could earn what I earn now just for going to school it would be my career. The only problem with school (and gov't bureaucratic offices) is that you have to deal with the people who work there. They forget that they work for the public and the people who interface with them are both their employers and their customers. For schools that includes both the students and the parents who are the customers. They need to learn some basic customer service skills. Few of them would last a week in the industries that I have worked in (Please note that I did not say all of them).

IMHO of course.

Best regards,

Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)

folkmom's picture

kind if hard to do. they need to supply their tax forms. so if married in the US, might have a hard time filing as single.

Most Evil's picture

That is just sick. I did not realize things were so bad. I am glad you stuck it out though, and got your schooling. I am very proud of you if that helps in any way.! HUGS
“Learn by practice.” - Martha Graham

Rags's picture

Your experience and mine just shows how financial aid offices must actively recruit the biggest dipshits they can find.

The good news is that we win by graduating and having a professional career that will allow us to support our own children and pay for their school so that at least they will not have to deal with the financial aid dipshits.

Best regards,

Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)

Rags's picture



There are many people more successful than I am but there far more who are less successful and I will never stop educating myself or working to improve.

Best regards,

Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)

folkmom's picture

oh and under 23 they can and will require your parents tax forms. at 26, you can refuse. trust me, my brother lost out when my father refused to fill out forms for one college.

fedup315's picture

honestly I had no idea and I guess it's my fault now for being ignorant.
So in order to protect myself I should have waited until both of his kids went through college...
I feel fairly attacked here.. I thought we were all in the same boat here.. surprises and frustrations... I get it.. thanks for your help.

folkmom's picture

and your husband just need to come to some agreement. you have to submit your info, but you do not HAVE to provide any money. no requirement at all. your husband and his exwife should have this already worked out and discussed what the division is.

so my suggestion is...protect yourself. if your position is no say no money. and file married but separate for taxes as extra protection. and have separate bank accounts.

of course you should keep your savings. absolutely. but it is going to be hard to get around giving up the forms required, so you just have to do more work on the homefront to protect yourself.

Rags's picture

Hell, married or not file single. You pay more taxes but the income will be lower and the Skids will qualify for more financial aid.

Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)

Rags's picture


I would not actually lie on the application or get the Mex divorce either. It is just that the topic of financial aid is my one "red flag in front of a bull" issue. About the only way I would have any use for those people is if I went in and they were all Mother Teresa. Even then I would have to bite my tongue.

The toga reference cracked me up. The older I get the more I look like John Belushi. Animal house is a close description of the the first two years of my 11yr undergrad plan. It took several more years of college for my GPA to recover from those first two years. Skiing, partying :sick: , girls, road trips to Rocky Point, Spring break at Havasu and Mazatlan, etc.....

I thought then I had a lot of class ..... but I never went to class.

Toga, toga, toga, ..... Biggrin

Best regards,

Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)

fedup315's picture

interesting idea... do we have to file married? We just got married at the end of November...

Milomom's picture

WHOA!! Wait a minute here! So you are saying that if I marry my BF in the future but before skids go to college (skids are now 15 & 12), that I will have to provide MY income info. for their FAFSA when they apply for financial aid for college??? Are you sure about that?? That makes absolutely NO sense!!

My BF shares 50/50 joint custody of skids with BM. BM is lazy, underemploys herself, entitlement & drama queen to the max, claims poverty yet uses her CS ($1,500/month) mostly for herself. Here in NYS, even though they share 50/50 custody, the "breadwinner" of the 2 parents MUST pay CS to the other parent.

BF's divorce decree does NOT require BF to pay for college at all, nevermind HAVE to provide his income info. (and I'm not a party to ANY of this crap, so why would they be privy to ANY of my info?).

In all honesty, I feel that unless you are well below poverty level, your child won't get much in financial aid anyway (not even sure if they have subsidized student loans like they did when I put myself through college since my parents couldn't afford it since they had 8 kids!). If BF puts his income on skids FAFSA, I doubt they'll get any help at all (not that he makes all that much).

What's the best way for me to handle this? Married filing separately at tax time after we marry??

Yet ANOTHER aggravation factor that we have to deal with in this never-ending saga called stepparenting. None of the glory, none of the credit (or even thanks half the time), but all of the sacrifice (and sharing the expense of raising kids that aren't our own in the name of love)...

God, I had no idea that I'd have to think about something like this when children that AREN'T EVEN MINE apply for financial aid for college. I don't tell ANYONE how much income I have (or don't have) - it's NO ONE'S business but MINE and Uncle Sam's. I only tell who I CHOOSE to tell (i.e. my BF, a mortgage application when I bought MY house, etc...).

OK, now I'm officially pissed...I think I need to go to bed and deal with this in the morning. RIGHT. AWAY.

belleboudeuse's picture

Check the laws -- I would perhaps consult an attorney, as well.

I did not have to provide any information for the FAFSA--public aid does not take into account the stepparents, only the custodial parent's income plus the amount of child support she receives from the NCP. However, the collegeboard website, which is what many private institutions rely on to determine aid, did require me to submit all my information. We are still waiting to see what kind of aid packages OSD will get from the schools that accept her.


You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved

Rags's picture

Yep, and I also have had to provide my income information to the court for consideration during BioDad's CS whinning. And the court actually reduced BioDad's monthly income by $1,000/mo when calculiting his CS obligation for my SS because of my income.

Grrrrr! It only reduced his CS obligation by ~$50/mo put it is enough to piss off the Pope when the idiots in the black robes decide to consider my income when I am holding the guideline in front of their idiot faces that clearly states Sparent income has no bearing on CS.

It certainly pisses me off every time.

Best regards,

Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)

herewegoagain's picture

I think it's all 18, if she wants to go to college and I don't want to submit a darn thing, she needs to just pay up...period...I would never supply any financial information for any child that is not my blood...period...and if that means she needs to pay in full, so be it...tough...

Milomom's picture

Herewego...I hear you and I couldn't agree more. You want to go to college? Pay for it. Where there's a will, there's a way. I know. I'm living proof. I paid for 4 yrs. of college & 3 yrs. of law school - all without needing my parents financial info. - and if I did, they didn't give it to me. There were 8 kids in my family (my parents never divorced and are now deceased) - they told me they were proud I wanted to go to college, but didn't have the $$ to pay for it. So, if that's what I wanted, I had to find a way to pay for it all myself...AND I DID!!!

folkmom's picture

here is the deal...colleges are unto their own. they do not in any way need to function in the confines of your divorce decree. for instance, my father never paid CS at all. he did not have to pay for college according to the decree. problem is...collegese really do not care about your problems and what is going on. collegese expect both parents to pay. period. now, fortunately for me i lucked out with the private college i attended (great endowment and financial aid office) and when my mom went in to explain with divorce decree in hand etc and the 17 court appearances for CS, my college waived my father's information requirement. however, my brother was not so lucky with the private college he wanted to attend. they refused to waive my father's forms. my father refused to sign them. my brother did not go to that college. luckily, he got a scholorship to a state school and it worked out.

the FAFSA (which yes I read...and there are reasons I am not married to BF:)) states that the parent who has primary physical custody must (it further defines it as who does the child live with the most) must file the FAFSA. if that parent is remarried, the stepparent must also provide information. if you are the spouse of the NCP the fafsa will not require your information, however a private school may require your information (not always). as for 50/50 well, that gets confusing and i think is best dealt with with a modification to the decree to work out who pays for college. it is also wise to put in their some limitations to choice of college so the kid cannot just pick a 50k school when all you can afford is the local state college. my BFs decree states both parents MUST agree on the application list. trust me, it is one of the first sections I read when i asked about his divorce decree.

a lot of colleges are easy to deal with by the way and you can explain situations.

folkmom's picture

oh one last thing, providing the information does not mean it has to go to BM. you can provide the information so it goes directly to the federal government or to the school. the BM is not the clearing house of your financial info.

my SS15 is off to college in two years. I have never even met the kid. am i married>? no way in hell!! until 10 months ago I made the most money of the 4 parental type units. no way am i on the hook for any of it. BM told my BF he could just give her tuition money when time came. HAHAHAHAHAH. no way. BF told her "no, check will go directly to the college." i tell you I think he is waiting for the college day because he will still have to pay out money but it will be money directly benefiting his child (college) and will NOT be in BM's bank account at all.

Most Evil's picture

I am the only one of the 'parents' in my group that is somewhat solvent, and if I have to I will submit info, but I have already said, I am not providing jack sh*t for SD's college. I would have at one time but after the massive undermining and disrespect BY SD, that offer is no longer available.

They ask for the step's info to see, if the actual BIO PARENT can contribute - the STEP is NOT required to pay for college. By any law!

I have filed 'married filing separately' even since I was married. You do not have to file together, especially if one of you has ex. credit issues! I am keeping my money separate so there is no question, and it has already come up (from the creditor), that I settle past debts - Hell to the No. I have my own debt!
“Learn by practice.” - Martha Graham

folkmom's picture

exactly. absolutely no requirement to pay at all. thisis a big deal. it really is a "sit down" discussion kind of thing. perhaps even hammer out your own agreement in writing so there is no confusion later...

Angel's picture

My SS (23ish)filed his FAFSA and was granted a loan (the biobitch co-signed) and no one asked me for a single document as the noncustodial spouse.

folkmom's picture the NONCUSTODIAL spouse you may not have to ever provide info. As a CUSTODIAL spouse, you are out of luck.

fedup315's picture

my fear here was that with our combined incomes, SD17 would have the opportunity to borrow less and DH would have a higher parental portion. That is what pisses me off. Now BM just got about $7k in her tax refund and SD17 went to dinner at her place Saturday night. IS mommy dearest helping with college? MAybe buy her a new computer? Buy some bedding? Something??? Nope. She did say she would hell DH pay for a graduation party... ummm... yeah.. There is no way we are doing anything jointly with this woman.. I allowed her in my home for SD17 birthday party last year and it was a nightmare. The bitch actually started to change her 3 year old son on my kitchen floor and got pissed at me when I said no way.. take him to the bathroom. Please... throw your own party and leave us out of it.