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fedup315's Blog

feeling guilty

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I am feeling guilty this am. My DH got a call from BM that SS13 had a seizure this morning and she was taking him to the ER. Of course DH is going. Should I have gone with him to support him? I know Bm's boyfriend is there and she is there... I did not want to go to be honest. What can I do really? Stand around and wait for testng. I just called him, they are going to do a CT scan with contrast because he has pain on his right side... they drew a lot of blood..
I am researching things on line here and I did not go back to bed.. but should I have gone with him

SD birthday and graduation party

fedup315's picture

So SD17 will turn 18 in July and graduate highschool in June. She lives with us so we are responsible for getting her ready for college, paying for college and everything else for that matter. BM does nothing.. I mean nothing. Christmas.. she gave SD17 $ 100.00.. last bday.. a card.. whatever.. she is a loser we all know it. However come tax time she is rich.. she has two other kids, on welfare etc... she rakes it in at tax time. SD went to her house for dinner last Saturday... she asked her mom if she would help her get a new computer...

College Education

fedup315's picture

So, my SB17 has been accepted to state college and now the financial part needs to be worked out. I thought all along that is was BM and BF that are responsible for the paperwork that determines parental obligation and what she can borrow... I mean we just married in November.. it never even occurred to me I would have to fork over a sime for her schooling... WELL not true, if custodial parent remarries.. the new spouse must submit his or her taxes, savings and banking statements as well to determine the student's needs.