OT - a dusting of snow and no one could make it in!!!
I'm sorry, but I've got to bitch about this somewhere and this site is my outlet for bitching, so here I go. We got a friggin' DUSTING of snow!!!! Not even 1/2 an inch. People that live in my town are complete idiots when it comes to driving in any kind of weather. Take it slow, take it easy. The roads were indeed slick. It took me 1-1/2 hours to get to work this morning, but I'm here!!! Three girls called in this morning saying they could not make it to work. Okay. If you can't make it in now, how about trying again in another hour or so. But no, they wrote off the entire day for about 1/4 inch of snow . . and here's the big deal - they all live within 5 miles of our building!!! I live 35 miles away, and I made it! Geez!!
- onehappygirl's blog
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LOL! Where do you live?
LOL! Where do you live? I've lived in the south all my life and I know EXACTLY what you mean. People are just crazy. My ex was from PA and when he moved to NC, the first time we had snow in our forecast I told him we had to go to the grocery store for bread, milk, and peanut butter. He asked me why and I said "because that's what you do in the south when snow is predicted!"
A couple of weeks ago we had snow predicted overnight. On the 10:00 pm news they were already cancelling schools, daycares, etc and it hadn't even STARTED snowing. I got up the next morning and it looked like frost on the ground. I told my SO that I went outside and made a snow ant with the snow.
I live in Kentucky. We
I live in Kentucky. We might get one good snow a season, meaning 4 inches or more. Other than that, our winters are dull, gray and cold. I love snow! I always have. It doesn't bother me to drive in it - it's the other drivers I'm scared of.
One time when I was a stay-at-home mom, my mother called me from her work and asked me to go to the grocery store for her to pick up bread and milk and take it to her house. We were supposed to get a couple of inches of snow. I told her no. If you can't get by with what is in that fully stocked pantry, then you'll just have to starve. And the funny thing is - my mom doesn't drink milk!! It's ridiculous!
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
ONEhappy girl, where in
ONEhappy girl, where in kentucky do you live?? I am in Kentucky too. and we have the same dusting of snow, I work at a school and the kids all think they are going home early because its so bad out there, lol, barely a dusting!! lol
If the Broom Fits, Ride It!!!!!
I'm in
I'm in Louisville.
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
I am in Ashland... If the
I am in Ashland...
If the Broom Fits, Ride It!!!!!
LOL... They called in???
LOL... They called in??? That's hilarious! Well, guess they're taking their own Snow Day off!
Hahaha....I love this... I'm
Hahaha....I love this... I'm in Arkansas and it's the same way here. Perfectson's school has already missed all their built-in snow days!!!! But he's a SR and doesn't care since graduation is set... LOL!
Although we're supposed to get hit starting tomorrow night... they're saying an inch of ICE with 5-10 inches of snow on top... ugh.... DH is a journeyman lineman for the electric company and he's sooooo dreading the possibility of yet ANOTHER ice storm. I hate it for him but I sure do enjoy his overtime checks! LOL!!
Right on the anniversary of
Right on the anniversary of the '09 big ice storm. Did you guys get all that ice last year? We had about an inch of ice, and in the night, you could hear the trees groaning and then breaking. It was truly a scary night. I've never heard anything like it. Thankfully, we did not lose power during it, although some in our city were out of power for more than two weeks.
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
OMG yes! We were hit
OMG yes! We were hit soooooo hard here! I didn't see DH for a couple weeks during all that mess! They were working nearly nonstop around the clock. We had up to 2 inches of pure ice in places. I actually got iced in at a friend's house about 35 miles from home and couldn't get home for almost 4 days because even the biggest highways were impassable. The big towns (over 50k populations were even like ghost towns)... it was like bombs had gone off everywhere. The first night we lost power at my friend's and we were hunkered down listening to the trees breaking and crashing and sirens going off and transformers exploding.... it was one of the scariest nights of my life!!! Power was out in even the downtown big cities for 5 and 6 days and rural places were out for nearly 3 weeks. Our area was actually deemed a natural disaster by president Obama and because of that the company I work for (thankfully!) paid us for all the days we couldn't get to work or our offices were without power and we couldn't work anyway.
DH said in over 25 years as a lineman that was by far the worst storm he had ever worked. The damage was just out of this world. I think I have some facebook pictures from that storm too!!
We're all scared of another one like that!
You must not be to far from
You must not be to far from me WSM. Because I live in Northeastern OK and I am in the area that is to get 12+" of snow by this Friday. I have a feeling that come tomorrow evening, they will be canceling school for Thursday before it even starts. And if we get what they are calling for, there for sure won't be school Friday. Even DHs boss is saying that they are expecting to not have any work for Thursday & Friday b/c of the storm.
I find all of this so annoying that everything shuts down b/c of snow. Even when it is 1/2" of snow. I am originally from PA and they didn't shut anything down unless there was a couple feet of snow on the ground. The so called snow storm we got here over Christmas, I went to the bank and the teller said "be careful out there, it is really bad." I said "I'm from PA, I'm used to this type of weather." But inside I was laughing.
I bet we are close... I'm in
I bet we are close... I'm in the Northwest corner of Arkansas! They are saying we will be getting up to 1/2 inch of ice with 5-8 inches of snow (possibly up to 10 inches) on top of the ice. The snow is not a big deal, we can handle that, it's these dang ice storms that mess up everything! LOL! I'm doubting that I'll be at work Thursday and possibly not Friday either.... I live on a mountainside 35 miles from work and getting up and down from my house is very very tricky with ice! No thanks!!!!!
Yeah, the snow is no big
Yeah, the snow is no big deal for DH & I either. But these people that live around us, don't know how to drive in it. Even the ones who have 4-wheel drive. LOL! We live right on the lake, so I'm hoping that we don't get the rain that they are first calling for, b/c the main road to get to our road will flood. I also hope they are wrong about the amount of snow we are to get. B/C if we get 12+", when it melts, the main road will flood for sure. Also our road is a dirt road and if we get the snow they are calling for we won't be able to leave our house.
I know what you mean about
I know what you mean about being scared of other drivers - we had snow here a couple of weeks back (south of England) and cos I only live a mile from work I just put my boots on & walked in. There were plenty of stupid people still wanting to drive at the speed limit on untreated roads, not leaving enough time for journeys (and memorably a major road getting completely blocked as the slip road was too icy and then complaining because no-one had come to help them, despite all the weather warnings & advice to take blankets, food , drinks etc!)
OHG-I'm with you on the
OHG-I'm with you on the nuttso drivers we contend with, but sadly I would be one of the ones who called in. Up here off 71 just above doe alley, it was very bad actually. I left at 5a like always and didn't think a whole lot about it blowing around me, but then I got to the interstate. Couldn't see the lines at all and the big truck breezing by added to the lack of visibility. I got to the next exit-7 miles from the house saw at least 2 big trucks slid off on the northbound side and decided hang it. I can drive in most kinds of weather but when I nearly slid into the tail end of a semi that was it-at $75/day vs my $500 deductible on my van and 3 weeks worth of vacation I'm at home hanging out with my kiddos
I only just saw a salt truck at my exit as I was finally getting off the ramp and calling my warehouse manager to tell him I wasn't coming in. This all nearly 40 minutes after i originally left home-I would have been in Louisville by then if the weather hadn't been so terrible. I just couldn't see 90 miles round trip in it but the rest of your office would have some explaining to do to somebody. The boss figures if I can make it in from HC then the Louisville-area people should be able to for sure;)
**I only have one shot at a truly great life and not one spent waiting for a man to notice me, want me, love me and be true to only me. 2010 is the year of "me" **
Ok fair warning, you've hit
Ok fair warning, you've hit a nerve! Not yelling at you, but this subject just makes me soooo mad! I live in Tennessee...it's even worse here (I have lived in KY too though so I sympathize). The farther south you get of the Mason-Dixon line the more idiotic people get when it snows. Our whole town shuts down when it snows. They've actually called off school because snow was in the forecast. Heck, they've sent kids home early due to RAIN here! It's ridiculous!
I am perfectly confident in my abilities to drive in the snow and ice (was raised in North Dakota) but it's the OTHER DRIVERS that make me nervous! I sat behind a minivan trying to get up the hill in the snow behind my work for 10 minutes one day before I finally decided to screw it and turn around to go the other way.
I get so pissed when the girls at work claim to be "snowed in" and can't get out of the house/driveway etc. In North Dakota snow doesn't melt until Spring...we would have snow up to the roof of the first story of our house by mid-winter. Couldn't even see out the windows much less open the front door. Know what we did? We went out the second story windows and walked out on the roof to get out of the house until we had time to use a snowblower or shovel the snow to get out. People don't PREPARE for snow around here... it's so annoying. It's never a surpise - we know it's coming for a week ahead of time but when that one inch of snow hits the ground everything falls apart because there's no salt on the roads, no snow tires or chains, no one shovels snow and I haven't seen a snowblower in over a decade. It makes me so mad! Actually let me take that back, they do "prepare" - if there's snow in the forecast then everyone goes to Wal Mart to "stock up". People will have like 6 gallons of milk and 6 loaves of bread in their carts. WTF? The longest snow has ever stuck around here was like 6 or 7 days. You'd think it was armageddon around here.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
Yeah.. people here do that
Yeah.. people here do that too. Last year is snowed on one side of town and not this side. Seriously a DUSTING. DH's receptionist called in for A WEEK. I am not kidding. It DUSTED snow ONE DAY and she used it for A WEEK. She got fired when she came back in. One time last year we got SNOW (I live in SOCAL, so it doesn't happen often) we got about 4 inches. I was the only one that showed up to work that week. An office of 20 people. I was the only one there for DAYS.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
Sorry here in Minnesoat that
Sorry here in Minnesoat that is a good day. Last time we had a bad snow it took me 3 hrs & 15 minuets to get home from work.
I will say when it is bad, I work from home because my time can be better spent working than sitting on the freeway. I work at 7am so my boss doesn't expect me out on the road at 4am.
Snow....? Oh wait I think I
Oh wait I think I heard of that stuff!
Is it that suposid little frozen flakes that magicly falls from the sky I hear about?
That stuff is real???
It is & it's sucks. My
It is & it's sucks. My parents are two hours north & they got dumped on again. I was supposed to go up today for a funeral but decieded it was to risky for BS & I to drive up for it.
I agree completely Nymh I am
I agree completely Nymh I am not scared of my abilities to drive in the crud what scares me is the ones who have no clue. Before I moved me and my kiddos into "town" off the farm I could get down that driveway but trying to get up and around the winding lane and a half road with some dips and hills that are not passable with ice on them at all was definitely a challenge. During the ice storm we had last year here I only didn't make it in the second day of it. It started while I was at work and overnight it got pretty awful with the warming just a bit melting then refreezing and being covered with lots of snow which offered no traction once you got down to the ice. I did get out of my driveway this morning (I love town-I live right across from the grocery store-lol) but when I got to I71 it was alreday bad and this was only 5a still quite dark out. I'm really not a chicken by nature but I'm a single parent with a deadbeat XI, long miles to drive to work and to be able to make it the other 360+ days I did call in
I didn't mean to make anyone angry I just always have to weigh my options when our weather gets questionable.
**I only have one shot at a truly great life and not one spent waiting for a man to notice me, want me, love me and be true to only me. 2010 is the year of "me" **
hey girl! It took me TWO
hey girl! It took me TWO HOURS to get from my house downtown this morning!!!!! I think what happened was that after the the temp dropped 2 degrees, it started freezing and then all the wet roads froze.
BUT, i DO agree that people are freggin morons!!!!! OMG it was hell! I was 1 hr late to BS's kidney doc appt AND then late taking youngest BS to school...what a day! maybe we can walk off the frustration later!!!! can't wait!