As a BM, what I don't need from the SM.
As you know, I am a BM. My son does have a SM. She is SM #3 officially, 4 if you count GF's! From the BM point of view there are just some things that I don't need from the SM.
1. Any advice on how to raise my child. *To include dinner choices, activity choices (unless being offered as just a friendly reminder) ie: Hey Jen, did you remember that the fair is coming this weekend, bet you and SS would love to go to it, advice on how to get him to do better in school (unless it's true good natured niceness and helpfullness, no "well I'm a better mom because I would do it this way"). I'm my childs BM. I have been since the moment of conception. I've raised him fine, basically by myself, for the past 14 years and I certainly don't need dad's new GF coming into the picture telling me how I'm doing it all wrong and sitting on the judgemental high horse. I just don't need it, I've got a kid to raise and don't have time to sit down and discuss with you why you think I'm a terrible mom. 9 times out of 10 if these ladies (in my case) knew me for half the woman I am (instead of listenting to all the x's lies about me) they'd be impressed and be happy that I'm the BM they have to deal with. My household runs the way it does BECAUSE I am the BM there......without me it'd fall apart just like her's would without her. I realize that she may have some good ideas from time to time that she would like to share about my child. That's great......I'm glad she's taking a interest in him. Tell my x those great ideas. Me and her are not a parent together, him and I are. And I just don't want to hear her ideas or advice regarding my child......I don't need them to be honest. I do fine and always have! **please note, if a friendly relationship did happen with the SM then I wouldn't feel this way, but since that's not the case this is how I a BM.
2. Don't try to befriend me.....and realize why. You are SM #3. I don't know how long you are going to be a part of my childs life. You may be gone tomorrow at the rate my x is going. Until I know you are here to stay please do not waste my time by doing the whole "Well, I'm going to meet BM so I can show her that this is MY man" thing. I know he's yours, you can have him by all accounts! I won't fight you, I promise! But I don't want to be your friend until I know you'll be here for a while. I'll be polite when I see you, I'll even wave at you in the store and say hello. But we aren't Best Buds for life right off the bat!
3. Don't tell my child to call you mom. You are not his mom. I am. I gave birth to him 14 years ago and have raised him, with not much help from your husband I might add! You met him six months ago and have seen him one time. You probably won't see him again until the end of 2010 or beginning of 2011. You are not his mom, and you never will be. Be his friend.........and be a good one. A good one would never make a child feel bad for loving his mother!
4. Don't talk smack about me with my son there to hear it. It's stupid. And YOU are stupid for doing it. I don't do it, even when you do it, I still don't please, stop the nonsense. Nothing you do or say is going to make my child stop loving me, on the contrary all it will do is make him hate you, and his father for allowing such nonsense.
5. Don't bring up child support to me. You don't pay it, he does. It's not your responsibility, it's his. Before you met him, it was his responsibility........and if you leave today it will still be HIS responsibility. I do realize that after being married and such that CS is paid out of the "family" account. I get it because I write the CS checks for my husband's x. And it does suck when I can't buy that new purse because I have to fork over all the CS money. Sucks big time! But guess's gonna keep right on sucking. For you and Me. But it's an obligation that is his.....not yours. So please, save it for someone else. I don't want to hear about how paying CS is killing YOUR pocketbook.
6. Don't expect me to give up MY holidays so you can take my son on a vacation to meet your family. It's not going to happen. I'm not even going to list reasons here........none should be needed.
7. Don't send my son home after a visit with a T-Shirt that has a photo of you, x, and my son on it. Seriously, why wouldn't you just keep that at your house? And do you think my son is 2? No lady, he's 14 and he's gonna tell me that he's only wearing the shirt because you've asked him to. He's even going to sit there and laugh about how insecure this makes you look. I'll laugh, because it's funny that he gets it.........then I'll tell him to go to his room and change that shirt! (don't worry, when he throws it away I will pull it out of the trash can, wash it, and mail it to may want this as a keepsake...I dunno.)
8. Don't be mad that I know all the names of people in x's family. Remember, I was once considered a part of that family. Of course I know who they are. And when my son talks about them of course I'm going to ask him how they are doing, etc. It doesn't mean I'm trying to step on your toes as my x's wife. I realize who you are and that YOU are a part of that family now and I am not. That's all cool with me! However, you also have to realize that I am linked to that family for the rest of my life because my son is. If something happens to one of them it will hurt him, in turn that is going to break my heart. So my concern for his family has nothing to do with you or him! It's only to do with my son.
That's all I got for now. Not all of these things are to do with me.......some are just how I feel on the subject. I actually don't get along with my x's family at all. But I do still have a small concern for them for my son's behalf.
We all talk about how we feel as SM's. Because we are Steptalk doesn't mean we can't try to have some understanding for the other party...............
If you have ever done even one of these things and the BM doesn't loath you I'd say you have a pretty good BM on your hands!
Peace out~~~~~~~~~~~I'll sit here and await the fire storm.
- BMJen's blog
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I agree with your main
I agree with your main points. I am a BM of three and have been a SM for more than 12 years. I do think there is a continuum of what the SM/BM relationship can look like, but do agree with the boundaries you are discussing here....and on the T-shirt's about all I got on that one.
3- yeah...I don't have
3- yeah...I don't have anything to say about this one other than,nobody better to try to play with the titles as long as I'm around to take care of my kid.
4-HUGE one. Sorry but that'll make me go for supervised visitation faster than anyone can even blink and say the word bitch.
5-(the cs doesn't bother's the alimony that kills my ass,hence,separate bank accounts)
7-(never actually happened..but it would suck if it did)
these are my personal favorites. F**king hate that sh*t.
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
As a SM I would have to
As a SM I would have to say.....
any SM that does these things is the problem
I have 3 bios with DH, never had children with an ex---but I can certainly put myself in their shoes
I just remembered something--about CS--
it is crazy of a BM to go back for CS constantly to get every last dime she can get out of the guy for her own personal gain. I would then be really pissed off, I still wouldn't talk to BM about it.
I have another: You cannot
I have another:
You cannot control how I feel about your husband, my x. I was once in a relationship with him.....he cheated, hit, lied, and was a real ass. Nothing you say or do is going to change how I feel about him. I think he's a peice of shit and I always will.
As a partner, and as a father. He sees his son once or so a year......there was a 3 year stretch that he didn't see him at all. He thinks it's cool for him to call you mom, a woman that he just met. What does that tell you about how he's going to treat your kids after you and him break up? He is disney land dad to the rules......nada. When he does see him it's nothing but ice cream and frozen pizza's! Of course that upsets me.....I try to make sure he always had a good dinner in front of him......2 weeks of frozen burritos and pizzas is not a good idea.
So, save the "he's such a wonderful father and husband" garbage. I know better. I'm happy that you think so, maybe you'll be able to stick around. We'll see...........but I do know, deep down, you can't think he's a wonderful dad. That's just the BS that you try to shovel down my throat. I'm not a idiot, but you are free to think what you like just as I am.
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie
oh man i've had to deal
oh man i've had to deal personally with this one from GF #3,450,999... she was in the picture for about 5minutes and felt the need to call me and tell me how excited she was to be with my ex and how wonderful he was. I felt like I was in the twilight zone on that one.
I just told her that was nice and i'm glad she feels that way. then i told her I really didn't feel the need to comment on my ex. she was hurt that I wouldn't discuss him w/her.
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
Well, BMJen.. I am a SUCKY
Well, BMJen.. I am a SUCKY SM!! And I know it... Let's see... which of these did I break??
Ok - I broke #1, 4 (out of frustration) , 5 and 6
I don't care that she knows DH's family. I just care that she uses them and manipulates them into thinking she is the "poor victim BM" and then, when given the chance will pick her family over his no matter what the circumstance. So as far as I'm concerned, she gave up any "right" to be all "oooohhhh pooor meeee" with that family. BM over here can go F*CK herself!!
I understand that a lot of people think these are unbreakable rules. But like I said, I"m the SM that no one wants. And if BM over here were to say any of this to me, I'd tell her to go suck sand. When she can stop emotionally abusing and stealing money - yes actually stealing money - from my SD... then maybe I would give her some consideration.
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
Well stick this wouldn't
Well stick this wouldn't apply as the BM in your life is a wack job. I'm saying if the BM is a normal woman.....
And, I should add that I never contact x's family. I have no use for any of them. But the concern for their wellbeing is still there, and always will be, because they are a part of my son's heart. KWIM?
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie
Stick your SD's BM is worlds
Stick your SD's BM is worlds different from where Jen is coming from as a BM. The fact that you march to a different SM drummer doesn't make you a sucky stepmom...the BM in your situation is a POS...sorry.
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
Sorry Stick.... I agree with
Sorry Stick.... I agree with Jen & Barbie here.. you don't count! hahahahah SD actually lives with you so as far as I'm concerned you GET to break the rules!
I second that notion. "If
I second that notion.
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie
I know that your rules
I know that your rules applied to normal BM's... but I think they are addressed to somewhat ABNORMAL SM's. Right? Like to me, that's the problem.
I have a pass to break these rules it seems because I am dealing with a whack job!!
BUT... If I wasn't... I don't think her and I would have any issues at all.
Having said that.... the SM's that do this stuff... me included... are dealing with something .... Either they are emotionally unstable, or b*tches.... OR... they are in a position as I am ... where I HAD to take control.
I think that's what sometimes gets my back up about posts like these. No offense BMJen - I know you are giving us a different perspective.
But the truth is... There are messed up BM's. There are messed up SM's. We really can't go into these situations trying to lay down the law. I think we have to meet and deal with these people in our lives before we tell them what they can and cannot do.
Had I read this list in 2002 when I met DH. I'd be like "Sure!! Have at it. I don't care."
But now? No freakin' way will I feel indebted to her or respect her feelings toward my DH. Because all he is is a freakin' paycheck to her. And her daughter - to quote my sister in law... "BM used to "wear" her daughter like a piece of jewelry". So BM over here is a JERK.
BUT I CAN TELL YOU - I've seen a few SM's.. some on this site and others .. that are jerks as well and deserve some of BM's animosity that you have expressed here.
I just really dislike "rules" from any party that I deal with. Boundaries, fine. But with individual instances, etc.
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
Not all BM's are wackjobs
Not all BM's are wackjobs though Stick.
I'm living proof, Barbie, Wicked..........we've all 3 delt with Satan SM's. And I just like to give the other view point so that maybe a SM that doesn't understand, can with this kind of description!
It's not always because the BM is nuts........sometimes the SM is.
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie
That's what I'm saying
That's what I'm saying BMJen. NOT all BM's are whack jobs. Not all SM's are whack jobs.
If an SM doesn't understand the very basics of past history and dealing with an Ex... then she's got issues herself as I said.
The problem is... your guidelines are written for SM's that SHOULD know better.
And that's where I think these things are sort of redundant. Because if the SM gave you basic respect, there would be no need for this list.
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
this is also a form of jen
this is also a form of jen venting too...her ex is a POS just like mine. I think we both get sick of the constant carousel of women/GIRLS floating around and trying to nose their way into being the most important and showing off their "mommy" skills for our ex's to oooh and ahhh over. It gets old and I think she's just releasing that tension.
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
Barbie you know me so
Barbie you know me so well.
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie
I think maybe it struck a
I think maybe it struck a nerve with u Stick, as it did with me, because we have lousy, POS BM's and yet...they have attempted to impart some of these "rules", when we as SM's have stepped in and done the mother's job. This is what u haveta remember too, Jen, BBB, WSM..there are BM's out there...who TRULY feel the way u do about the SM "boundaries"....AND have acted on them toward us.....but would sell their own child to score some Meth...this is where it gets hard for us to differentiate....even tho I KNOW u weren't referring to me, as a SM,...yur blog Jen..gave me douche chills..(sorry)....LOL..cuz I have heard some of this stuff from a woman who wouldn't even feed her kids...I guess its all where yur coming from...yur a GREAT BM, Jen and I think a decent SM would/should respect u as such...if she doesn't then she's prolly a POS, just as a crappy BM would be...
A mother is not defined by the "b" or the "s" in front of her name, she is defined by how she handles the "mother" part.....
I completely agree.... If a
I completely agree.... If a SM has full custody, it's pretty much a given in my mind what kind of BM we're dealing with here..... those circumstances are TOTALLY different!!
LF, you have summed it up
LF, you have summed it up for me so well (as always). I have nothing wrong with anything that has been listed my BMJen, I think they are all great boundaries when dealing with a healthy and normal situation.
What strikes a chord with me, is that a LOT of the things that I see BMs on this site say about their ex, or the SM, are things that BM says about BF and me. It's hard seeing these things said by women that I trust, respect, and believe are actually rational and sane people (for the most part :D), when they are the exact same words and phrases that I hear from BM about us.
There is a HUGE difference between my SS's BM and any of the BMs on this site, or at least I would hope. I couldn't imagine any of you poisoning your children to make them sick on visitation days or doing any of the other psychotic crap that BM has done to us and to SS...which is why it is difficult for me to know that she feels the same way about us that you [BMs on this site] feel about them [your exes and their SO's].
It's not something that I'm going to lose sleep over, just hits me in a soft spot, that's all.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
It's OK Nymh... you are not
It's OK Nymh... you are not the only one. I think this is a blog that can only be read when you not in a tight spot ....
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
I think it's in part a good
I think it's in part a good thing.
Seeing that sometimes reactions are normal so to speak but... exasperated.
I got a twinge of jealousy with the very first woman that entered my kiddos lives. That was all me not feeling quite secure. It was a normal feeling... it was my reaction that was different than the one of my husband's ex. I didn't try to alienate the kids from their dad to alleviate my insecurity.
I instead reflected on the bond that I already had with my kids instead and had some inner dialogue with myself telling me that it was okay that she be the first person to ever take them skiing... (although she never did).. I got to be a part of a lot of firsts.
Some mom's really do struggle in this capacity. We don't get a say in who our ex's pick. We have to trust their judgement and that can be really hard to do sometimes. I have to remember that they are his kids too... he gets to decide. That's not as easy as it looks.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
I've been thinking about you
I've been thinking about you a lot the last 24 hours CG!! Can you feel my vibes??
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
Hope it's ALL good thoughts.
Hope it's ALL good thoughts.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
Has SM#3 done these things
Has SM#3 done these things to you?
Most of, yes. Her, SM #1
Most of, yes. Her, SM #1 and #2.......oh and inbetween SM #1 and #2 was the GF who also did them.
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie
You nailed them Jen! Love
You nailed them Jen! Love this list! The picture t-shirt thing? Really?
My favorite thing was Satan would include me in her annual 'holiday letter' complete with 'family' pictures of 'their' kids..... gag me.
Love ya Jen!
*guilty handraise*
*guilty handraise*, oops! Does sending my wedding invite to TheFrizz's house count? It was TOTALLY addressed to SD bc she said she wanted to get mail from me about the wedding!!
then I got pissed when TheFrizz called DH screaming and crying bc she opened it even though it was addressed to SD...oopsies
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
Barbie.......I can't believe
Barbie.......I can't believe YOU did that! Crazy girl.
Come over here and get your spanking.
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie
oooh know I'd
oooh know I'd like too much! lol
honestly, I didn't think she'd open it and I didn't think she'd get hysterical if she got it before SD. SD was so persistent about receiving wedding mail at her house...
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
Oh I am SO mailing wedding
Oh I am SO mailing wedding invitations to the skids' home. Let Edith Bunker stew on that for awhile. }:)
Glad I'm not the only one.
Yeah, the holiday letter is
Yeah, the holiday letter is always nice.
I really like it when she's had pictures of my son blasted all over her myspace page with little remarks "My son" "My handsome boy" "My little man".............................c'mon. Just makes me want to choke her.
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie
Ohhhhhhh gag a maggot!!!!!!
Ohhhhhhh gag a maggot!!!!!! I loved loved LOVED it when satan would say great things about 'her boys'...... grrrrrrr..... Yah she REALLY loved 'her boys' so much that after she and EH divorced she signed over custody to her mother!!!!!!! Puke.
My son's sm does that all
My son's sm does that all the time. Over the years it has gone from irritating me to making me chuckle. After all these years she's still so insecure that she has to play those kinds of games.
"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards
How do they do this? Don't
How do they do this? Don't you live really far away from your ex? How often do you see these SMs?
Like you said your kid won't be seeing her again for like a whole year.
We've been divorced for over
We've been divorced for over 12 years now. When he gets a new one the first order of business is having them meet my son! So no matter the distance he'll make sure she gets to meet my boy! It's funny because he'll often say, well, I wonder who I'm meeting this time!
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie
But how often do you see the
But how often do you see the SM? How often does she talk to you or offer you parenting advice or you talk to her about the ex's family?
I overheard my son (14) tell
I overheard my son (14) tell my Mom last night that when he's 18 he won't be seeing his father anymore. The primary reason, cited by both he and my daugther (16), is that he talks bad about me to them. He has mentioned how much it really bothers him and makes him angry and makes him want to leave visitation...but the erosion of the relationship may be beyond repair at this point and I think my Ex has NO idea. I suppose if he stopped doing it, it might repair itself...but people really don't understand that the payoff they get from the trash talk about a kid's parent really will alienate the child completely and work the opposite of what you want it to. I have worked very hard to get my DH to understand this as well. At your son's age like with my son, they know how they feel about their Mom and who their Mom is...and nobody is going to mess with that and get any satisfaction.
I'm actually pretty laid
I'm actually pretty laid back about that kind of stuff.
I didn't say anything when she would take photos of herself and my son. I let it roll off. I didn't say anything when she babied my then 5 year old son and spoon fed him.
BUT I drew the line when she insisted that he call her "Mama SMName". Especially after ex drilled it in my son's head that FH wasn't his dad and therefore didn't have to listen. It took months of reprogramming to get the kid to not feel guilty for liking FH.
Then there was the time she said I was a bad mom because BS didn't have a haircut. His hair wasn't wild, he just needed a trim. Unfortunately since I get no CS and we live from paycheck to paycheck he can't always look fabulous. Shame on Me!! How dare I spend $ on food and not on a haircut?
And I would do as you would do in regards to sending the tshirt back to SM3. But I would shred it first }:) Must have gotten messed up in the dryer...
Another thing to
Another thing to conisder................just think of all the things said to BM. I often sit back and laugh with DH about all the idiotic things that Sm's have said over the years. Things like "I'm the only mother this child knows" after meeting him once. Or "He's never had a real holiday until he spent it with us"! LMAO.......I don't know where he finds these crazy people!
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie
I think all of that was very
I think all of that was very well said. Of course sm's do have their own list too...but I think if more sm's the opportunity to have this list in mind when entering the step role it would go a lot more smoothly.
As the "new" person coming in they might have a difficult time being empathetic about all the adjustments that are having to be made to the family (albeit separated) to accommodate the new person in the picture. Of course it's irritating when previously one could get an answer right away from ex and now they have to wait indefinitely for him to check with ms.newperson. I know a lot of steps think "of course ex has to wait, I'm here now, I have a right to be consulted" and they are right. But they need to understand that it does take some adjustment time.
I don't think the two sides are too different in what they want or their right to expect it, I think the break down happens in the inability to have respect for or acknowledge the other side's needs.
"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards
Okay, you would probably
Okay, you would probably hate me too. On face book I list all three boys, my steps & my son and don't differentiate who I gave birth to. BM is not my friend on facebook but MIL is & I know she loves that I treat all her grandson's the same.
Also, every year we take the kids to see Sanata, before BS I always got 2 pitures & gave one to her, but now that we have BS I haven't. This year I asked the boys if they wanted one of the holiday cards with the picture for their mom. Because of how it was set up my BS could be cropped out & it would just show the boys. They wanted to & gave it to their mom. I even offered last week to drive her to pick up her van at the shop. I have helped them buy her gifts & even picked up her birthday gift from them & dropped it off to them to give her because we couldn't go get it together.
I am not looking to be BFF's cuz other than the kids we have no common interests and are totally differnt people. But I am always friendly & nice & treat her the way I would a friend because I LOVE the boys & I feel that is healthy for them. long long have you known your SS's? Don't you think it's a little stupid for someone who's met a child once to list on her myspace tons of pics of a child that she hardles knows and write stuff like "my son"?
Another thing......I don't need SM's pics of my child with Santa. I do that every year........I've done it for 14 years without her help.
Your BM may need that kind of help from you, but I don't need it.
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie
I have known the boys for 5
I have known the boys for 5 years & married to their dad for 4. We have them everyday after school, one night till 8pm & EOW. So I see their mother daily and am a very active part of their life. Also according to SS12 I am the best step mom ever!
So I must be doing good.
I think it is odd that someone who was so not involved in every day life would do that, but I would be glad that she isn't treating him like crap too. I have followed your situation on here & from what you say, it probably won't last and your son doesn't see these people all that much. Hopefully her heart is in the right place.
My BM is uber mom about a lot of things, but she has never once made the effort to take the kids to see Santa since she & DH have been divorced. But I tell you what she has no problem sending DH's grandma a xmas card with her & my stepsons.
"I have known the boys for 5
"I have known the boys for 5 years & married to their dad for 4. We have them everyday after school, one night till 8pm & EOW. So I see their mother daily and am a very active part of their life" Well then that is a horse of a different color isn't it? However, I have known my SD for 5 years also but would still never list her on my facebook as "My little girl" "my daughter" etc. She's not my daughter, she's my step daughter. I love her to death, but she isn't my bio and I'm not going to purposley set out to stomp BM's toes. It's uncalled for.
I am glad she isn't treating him like crap.........I love it actually! Every time he goes for a visit and meets the "new" mommy they kiss his ass. Hey, that's all great to me, kiss away!
And her heart is not in the right place, she's a crazy SM!
I don't send my x's family pictures of anything, he can do that on his time.
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie
I didn't realiz that face
I didn't realiz that face book gave you the option to say that kids were step kids and I didn't want to leave them off because their pictures are all over my account. I take tons of pictures of all 3 boys & that is how I share them with our families.
I never give BM parenting advise. I personally hate when my brothers know it all wife offers it to me unrequested so I wouldn't do that to my worst enemy.
My husband & I send out xmas cards with all the kids every year so why BM feels the need to do it is and I quote " because she would never deprive anyone of her friendship"
You seem really angry today, not sure if I have contributed to that or not.
I do understand your points.
I do understand your points. I have an exhusband who goes through Girlfriends like candy. My kids look know that they are not going to last, and are don't even try tog get attached to them, because they don't want to get their little hearts broken. When my ex tried to get back together with me, even my kids were like, DONT DO IT MOM! HE IS NOT WORTH IT! HE WILL USE YOU LIKE A PIECE OF TISSUE!!!
Now I really don't care if he finds someone else or not, for me its not even a jealousy factor, I just really don't care about his life at all and try not to think about him. He isn't worth thinking about anymore. My thinking is he will be someone elses problem one day, and thank goodness that someone isn't me.
I think that his gf isn't so much trying to stick it to you, as much as she is trying to impress her new man. And as far as your son is concerned, trust me, she most likely has no intentions of truly wanting to be his new mom.
I know with my stepkids they could simply vanish from my life, leaving me with their dad all to myself. And as far as my DHs BM, she is just simply a pain in my behind. I have no real beef with her, and she really doesn't know me, and I don't think that she hates me per se, more than she has a real hatred for her ex-husband, so that much I can understand.
For you situation, I could be wrong, the SM could be one of these drama queens who gets off on hurting other women. But more than likely she just wants your ex all to herself, and like you said, and she sees you as a threat, because you are the other woman in his life that he still has to deal with.
I know how that feels. I would like to vanish my dh's bm to the far reaches of the universe, but that is because she still tries to act like she is married to him and tries to stick it to him every chance she gets. If she would just be like me, and not give a crap about her ex.
I think another thing is, with BM, she talked crap about me to DHs family, and that was not cool. She needed to realize that she had no place in his life anymore. The only connection that she had with the man is her kids. I am a BM myself, and I did mourn the loss of my husbands family, but I understood my bounderies.
If you as a BM want this woman, who may or may not be in your husbands life for a long time, to be good to your son, than you need to respect hers. You need to not be involved with your ex's family anymore. It is his family, and now it may be hers as well. And you need to respect that she want to love your son.
Yes, your husband may be a son of a bitch, that is why you are not with him. And he may be a shitty dad. But he is your son's dad, and you can't change that. Your son has that connection with him.
Hindsight is 20/20, you chose to marry him, you chose to have kids with him. Yes you didn't know he would be such a jerk, and a crappy dad, but he it is what it is. You need to choose to stop focusing on him and her. Just simply stop thinking about him. That is what I did. I will not talk to my ex at all, unless absolutely nexxessary. ANd I can't change his poor parenting skills. I have seen my daughter throw temper tantrums on the floor. But you know what, I can't do anything about that now, disney dad who is a guily parent lets her get away with it, and their isn't a darn thing I can do about it. Why? I can sit here and throw a pity party, poor me, he ruined my life, he is a shitty dad. Or I can take acknowledge that I made a poor decision in choosing that POS, and go on with my life, be a great mom to my kids, and take my power back by not thinking about him ever again.
So, my advice to you, is you can't do anything about the situation. You can't change him, you can't change her. You can be a great BM to your son. I know it sounds hard, but its sounds like you resnt him, and he really isn't worth it. She certainly isn't worth it.
"So, my advice to you, is
"So, my advice to you, is you can't do anything about the situation. You can't change him, you can't change her. You can be a great BM to your son. I know it sounds hard, but its sounds like you resnt him, and he really isn't worth it. She certainly isn't worth it."
You're right, I can't change either of them. And I don't really care. This is just a's just a blog to fuss a little and shed some light on a crazy SM for once. Really to get a laugh out of some who have delt with a psycho SM in their life time to.
Her, him, they don't bother me. I don't care about them......other than for my son's benefit.
And about his family.........I'll say it again since it was clearly missed........I don't do anything with his family. I don't care for any of them. I don't call them, I don't send cards, I don't do ANYTHING in regards to his family. If my son and I are talking and he tells me that his Uncle died, of course I will be upset, for MY SON! Not for the X, or even so much for the uncle........though if I was that is my business. I did know the man for years. I wouldn't attend the funeral......but I would tell my son that I'm sorry, hug him, be sad that he's going through this. Of course I would, I am a good BM.
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie
No, he didn't want to wear
No, he didn't want to wear it. She asked him to........he took it off as soon as he could! He was just nice enough to do as asked. I taught him to respect his elders!
Oh, and he still has a beach towel from NJ that SM #1 gave him........I think he still uses it. It doesn't make me jealous, I could care less. But the shirt thing, now that was just stupid. Especially when my son KNEW it to!
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie
****Guilty right here**** I
****Guilty right here****
I refer to SS as my son, I give BM my thoughts on raising him. I have had child support conversations with her, and taken SS on her days to go on vacation to see my family. I think it is different though when SM has been around since he was 1. He knows no different than having ME as one of his parents. I have changed that boys diapers, helped potty train him, taught him how to talk... cleaned up his vomit, givin him EVERY SINGLE hair cut he has ever gotten, sang him to sleep at night, stayed up with him all night when he is sick... you know MOM things. I would NEVER EVER tell him to call me mom though... I am his STEPmom, and he and I are BOTH ok with that.
Now, as a BM... my ex has had FEW steady girlfriends since we split. And now that my girls are 6 and 8, if his current girlfriend (of 5 months) started telling me how to handle my kids... as much as I REALLY like her, I would have to tell her to go pound sand. Ya gotta stick around for longer than a few months to weigh ANY importance in my eyes, when it comes to my kids. I would FLIP on her if she did some of the things you have listed... HOWEVER: I don't think she will get like that, she is a BM herself and her daughter has a stepmom. I think that whole "circle of life" things helps when you are dating someone with kids. The "been there done that" with the step mom role... As for me, I was a STEPMOM way before my kids ever had anything CLOSE to a stepmom, so I understand how she might feel (she and my ex fight about me sometimes... she thinks we might get back together, she is also pregnant and hormonal, I chalk it up to that because there is NOTHING going on that would indicate ANY kind of reconciliation between us!!!) but I also know how hard it is to come in to a childs life, and want so bad to be loved, only to have BM forbid it of their child I WILL NOT BE THAT BM!!!!
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
Well..............this isn't
Well..............this isn't the kind of BM I am.
I am a great BM. My kids always come first, always. I love them, take care of them, do every and anything for them. Always have, always will.
"I guess I could have been horrible to him, not taken care of him when he was sick and just let him lie there, left him in the dungeon daycare, let him eat mush, wear dirty clothes, neglect him, beat him...." Do you think that's what I feel about my son?
I WISH my son had a decent SM! I wish the x and her would get him EOW, holidays, etc! I wish I wish I wish!!! I wish she would stay in my sons life long enough to develope a relationship with him!!!!!
She's met him ONCE. Once.
Now he should call her mommy?
Oh but wait....if I say that does it mean I would rather she lock him up in a dungeon?'s means she needs to use her brain.
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie
Well, BM in my situation is
Well, BM in my situation is a little different. She loves SS very much. Almost to the point that she smothers him. She won't go get a job (even though she is about to be homeless) because she "charishes her time with SS". She will only take a job if it affords her the ability to pick him up after school and not have to take him to daycare while she works. She "helps" in his class 3 or 4 times a week... which is fine, I suppose... but he has expressed that he doesn't want her in there. I think she is smothering him. She concerns herself with things like, he can't read an entire book... he is 6, a lot of 6 year olds can't read an entire book... so she put him in to remedial reading classes, at the direct DISapproval of his teacher. It's like she loves him SO much, but she just doesn't know how to be a mom. She worries about stupid things, and then DOES stupid things that are harmful to him. I.E- smokes in the car with him in it (which is ILLEGAL in our state), drives carelessly and gets in to accidents ALL of the time, gets high with him in the other room... lets him sleep in and takes him late to school. It doesn't make any sense to me. But, I can't hate her for not being involved or not being around. She is just plain stupid. Lacking common sense. Instead of sacrificing picking him up from school, she would rather be without work, and have to move an hour away... there fore sacraficing the current custody plan we have in place. She confuses me.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
I know what you mean about
I know what you mean about your ex's gf not having to worry about you not wanting him back. Do these women not realize that we have been there done that.
I would NEVER go back to my ex-husband. And he has told me that he has wanted me back. He told me this when he had a girlfriend. I was like REALLY? If the guy would do that to her, what in the world would make me so darn special? Most kids harbor fantasies of their parents getting back together. Mine were telling me that I was better off with my DH.
If this is her first child, you are the dreaded BM of his other kids. Over time she will get over it. You are his past, and she needs to get over the fact that yes, he indeed has a past. She probably wished that this pregnancy and her baby was something special that she could share with only him, but you are in the picture. She has to share him with your daughter and his BM. So she is probably fighting with her internal feelings of jealousy of not only you but your child as well.
Obviously our POS exes have
Obviously our POS exes have to find women that aren't playing with a full deck because who else can they convince that they are "good dads?"
My ex actually prefers younger and younger women because they are more likely to believe him than someone in our age range.
I've done #2 - because I
I've done #2 - because I thought if she got to know me she would see that I by no means am trying to overstep boundaries as she is the children's mother, and I thought that if I got to know her better, maybe I would actually like the person she is and we could atleast have an amicable relationship to bring peace for all of us involved.
I've never done any of the other ones, but befriending her did come back to bite me in the ass. With that said, #2 will never happen again, but I would still like to get to a place where we can be cordial/respectful but indifferent about one another.
The only way to remain in her "good graces" is to agree with everything she says and make sure that we do exactly what she wants and how she wants it done. She will give her blessing for us to have a home and a family of our own, as long as she is the dictator over it.
“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”
I am a SM only and I think
I am a SM only and I think this is a great list. I wouldn't have a problem with a BM needing any one of these to be part of the deal. In fact, I would expect it. Can you be my BM instead of the one I have???
1. It's YOUR child and I've never had one so why would I want to give you advice on how to raise him/her? It isn't my place to give a parent suggestions on how to raise their child, just to help out.
2. I LOVE boundaries, especially when it comes to BM. We don't need to be friends, we just shouldn't be enemies. A BM is an ex of my H's that I have to deal with. I'm not interested in being friends with any of his exs.
3. I hope to have a child of my own. I'm not interested in replacing someone's mother.
4. That's very immature, and if I'm that immature unstable I shouldn't be responsible for a child.
5. We shouldn't be discussing finances period. That's just inappropriate. If I have a money problem, I should talk to DH.
6. I have no problem with her taking her child on any holiday, or any other day she wants. I wish she would take him.
7. Why in the would I....Nevermind. Don't need to address that one for obvious reasons. lol
8. I could see how this would be annoying, but it really isn't a big deal. Being genuinely concerned about people's well being isn't wrong.
"There comes a time when you have to surrender the idea of what your children could be to the reality of who they are."
I agree with your responses
I agree with your responses 150%!
Expecually on wishing that she was my BM too...
Why oh why did I get one of the crazy ones?
Whooohooo! I passed your SM
Whooohooo! I passed your SM test!!! However I would love, love love to break rule #1. UberSkank is very jealous of step-demons's (sd14) youth and beauty. So she feeds her crap, keeps her overweight and encourages her sedentary lifestyle. Drives me crazy what she's doing to this kid. And what's worse....we can't do anything to help step-demon out with this.
We're very careful not to mention her weight to her, and when she calls herself fat I tell her not to beat herself up, but to find small things to change to make herself feel better.
Step-demon told us UberSkank wants to put her on Jenny Craig (she can't afford it right now, it was a hint for us to sign her up and pay for it). All I wanted to do was scream out....Hey about you feed the kid a salad every once in a while, lose all of the ice cream and twinkies and encourage her to get off her backside and get some exercise instead!!!!
But I keep my trap shut......step-demon already hates me, and I'm very, very careful not to say anything that can be construed as negative about her crappy, lazy, slutty mother. :evil:
PS...I'm not a BM (why torture the world with my potential demon spawn??) and I love your list.
“Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath.”
Michael Caine
It's not really my test.
It's not really my test. It's just common sense.......KWIM?
Plus I've just been pissed latley. But this thread is a common reminder of why I don't post here to much matter what, coming from a BM you are just plain wrong and crazy! It's ridiculous people. Most of us here are BM's!!!! Not every BM is nuts!! C'mon!!!!
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie
I totally understand and for
I totally understand and for me it was a test of my own common sense as a SM. I'm glad I haven't personally stirred the pot with UberSkank....though the reverse isn't true.
I've seen several of the SM's on here that are also BM's and to be honest, you guys have a much more difficult time having to balance your lives.
I appreciate your words of wisdom on this subject and I will keep them in mind while I'm dealing with Uber for the next 4 1/2 years (that's when step-demon graduates from HS).
Thank you again for posting a SM only I appreciate your input!
“Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath.”
Michael Caine
BMJen - This is NOT aimed at
BMJen - This is NOT aimed at you. I took your guidelines and answered them.
As an SM only - cannot be a bm.... Here's my take on your list. As Lotus said... this struck a really bad nerve with me today because BM over here feels like some of these should apply to her. So - as I know she feels these ways... here are my answers to HER!
1. Any advice on how to raise my child. -
My answer - Really? What if I find something that he or she really like that I made once? Can I not let you know that they like it for dinner without being treated like I don't have that right? Or even worse to me.. is that you are trying to tell me how to propose activities for YOU to do and take credit for. What if DH and I wanted to take SS to the fair?? And as far as school... Of course NOT "I'm a better mom".. but what about... "Hey... we tried this over here and SS really responded to it. Just thought you would want to know..."
I have heard "You don't understand. YOU ARE NOT THE MOTHER. I CARRIED X IN MY WOMB" BLAH BLAH FUCKING BLAH. Does NOT make you a better person than me when it comes to this child. NOT FOR ALL BM'S ... BUT THERE ARE A FEW WHO LOVE TO TOSS THIS ONE OUT WITH NO CLUE ON HOW TO BE A MOM. And this is an SM's response, right?
2. Don't try to befriend me.....and realize why.
My answer - I don't want to be your friend. If I try at all it's because you are in my husband's life and will be for a while. So to make things better for everyone, I, as an adult, feel that we should be more than civil and polite. We may want to even exchange pleasantries. How scandalous. If I am smart, I will wait until I am in DH's life for a year until I try to "befriend" you... in the lowly position that I am. But I will try IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF EVERYONE .... I hope you can realize why.
3. Don't tell my child to call you mom.
My Answer - I NEVER told YOUR child to call me mom. BUT what if they ask me to? Am I to tell them NO?? Yes, you did give birth to them. Yes you do actually deserve that title. But I will tell you this. The child calls me by name until they ask to call me different. I am not going to make a child feel like sh*t if they ask to call me mom because you are too insecure to understand that maybe it makes your child feel better. I WILL NEVER ASK FOR IT. But if they do... I will let them call me what is most comfortable and best for them. A good mom would never make a child feel bad for LOVING his step mom either.
4. Don't talk smack about me with my son there to hear it. It's stupid.
My Answer - I won't if you don't about me or about my husband. I don't. But if you feel the need to and I hear about it or my husband does, don't be surprised when you are confronted back with FACTS that show there is nonsense going on. You can stop the child from loving his father, and having a decent relationship with his Stepmom. If that's what you want... then I feel pity for you. But let's make this a truce!
5. Don't bring up child support to me. You don't pay it, he does. It's not your responsibility, it's his.
My Answer - Yep - you are right! Child Support is my husband's responsibility. But hey!! Now that I'm in the picture bringing more money in, YOUR CHILD also benefits. Don't think for a second that they don't. Whether it be in the form of extras at our home, or extras that they bring home, or just a better frame of mind. And you know what? I don't want TO EVER HEAR from YOU either about Child Support. I don't want to hear you complain to me or my DH how it's not enough!! Save it.
6. Don't expect me to give up MY holidays so you can take my son on a vacation to meet your family. It's not going to happen. I'm not even going to list reasons here........none should be needed.
My answer - If you really cared about your child... you wouldn't place the emphasis on a single day. You would place it on the EVENT and the GET TOGETHER and all of the feelings that go with it. Because you know why? SOMEDAY that child will grow up. And someday they are going to need to be away from home - due to a significant other or due to work or whatever. WHAT MATTERS IS THE LOVE... and not the actual "date". And what about DH? Doesn't he get to spend the holiday? Or No... did he just give it up because his sperm doesn't matter in the making of your child?
7. Don't send my son home after a visit with a T-Shirt that has a photo of you, x, and my son on it.
My answer - Whatever, I wouldn't do this anyways. I hate those shirts to begin with. Non-issue. If the child wants to bring home a picture of DH though... I suggest you let him. As we let him display you in his room in our house. BECAUSE YOU ARE HIS MOTHER. I would love that same consideration for HIS FATHER even if .... gasp - I am in the picture!
8. Don't be mad that I know all the names of people in x's family.
My answer - I am fine with you being a part of that family. I have had to accept it when I came into this picture. I don't care that you ask. I ask your child about your side of the family too. For example, hey - I know BM's mom has been sick... how is she? Wow - I'm freakin' horrible. The thing that YOU need to remember is that YES you were once considered a part of that family. And in my opinion - YOU STILL ARE a part of the family. That doesn't give you the right to act superior or to constantly try to belittle me with dates "BEFORE STICK" or try to make me feel bad because you have to keep telling me how you are a part of them. They have accepted me and have seemed to move on. They still care about you...but not like they used to. And oh - it would be ESPECIALLY NICE if you let your family CONSIDER DH as still part of them too instead of trying to alienate him.
I like your list stick. It
I like your list stick. It fits your situation perfect, as mine does my situation!
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie
I totally agree with you
I totally agree with you Stick, bravo
have heard "You don't understand. YOU ARE NOT THE MOTHER. I CARRIED X IN MY WOMB" BLAH BLAH FUCKING BLAH. Does NOT make you a better person than me when it comes to this child. NOT FOR ALL BM'S
I need to read you entire
I need to read you entire post here, but something you said made sense. Just because you gave happened to pop out a kid doesn't make you a great mom.I happen to have a stepmother who is an incredible stepmother, she is better than my real mother. I would never tell her that, but it is true. Not all stepmother are wicked witches, some are caring people who actually love their stepkids. I am not saying that about the original posters ex's gf, but I am saying some Stepmoms.
Response to Stick as I
Response to Stick as I reread your comment here I see it is directed at me! So here's your answers.
1. As a SM who has met my child once for all of two days, no, I do not need your advice on how to parent him no matter how great you think you did! And as far as me not being better a person in this childs life just because I carried him in my that's not why. The reason why is because I've been his mom for 14 years and she just met him.
2. I don't want to be your friend because you are a bitch to me and my child. It has nothing to do with your has to do with the way you treat my child.
3. Don't worry, my son will never ask to call you mom, as you've found out.
4. Great.....then we all agree!!
5. I've never said the amount of CS that my x pays is not enough. And no my child doesn't benefit from YOUR portion of the money into the household income. You've met him once.
6. Ummmmm.......hello crazy've met my child once. Your family doesn't matter to him and he'd much rather spend the holdiay with me, as he told you when you put him on the spot. And we go by the court order since you and your husband can't play nice.......I won't give up my holiday with him just like I don't expect you to give up yours with him.
7. Of course he can have a picture of you and his father and his uncles, cousins, grand parent, I don't care who! They won't be hung up in my house.....and I don't expect of pic of me to be hung in yours! But to have in a photo book, yes, by all means.
8. I can't even follow you on that one. Because like I've said, I'm not a part of the x's life. When his brother died and my son was sad I was sad for him. Excuse the fuck out of me for hurting for my son.
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie
Jen - I wrote that it was
Jen - I wrote that it was NOT addressed to you!
I missed this before. BUT I made sure to write it was NOT addressed to you... ???
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
You know what crosses my
You know what crosses my mind is what do you think your ex is telling these women about you that is making these women do this. I think a lot of the bl;ame should go straight to him. What are the odds that all of them feel the need to do this?
I know that my husband's version of events & BM's of their marriage & each other is not the same. There are times I know that my husband's interpretation is so wrong... and I tell him. You know your a good mom, but God only knows how he paints you.
BTW my skids call me by my name but have made the mistake & slip up & call me mom, but that is cuz I am the mom at my house to their brother who they love very much and I do all the mom stuff at our house. They have never done it infront of their mom thank God, because that would hurt her, just like when my son calls me by my name on occasion because he hears his brothers call me that.
Sweetthing........yes, it is
Sweetthing........yes, it is all 100% the x's doing. I know that! But these women should also have enough commen sense in their head to know better than some of this stuff......KWIM?
My SD has called me mom before to on accident, it happens. But I don't post on facebook that she's "My precious daughter". My precious SD maybe! Because that's what she is.
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie
*sigh* ......................
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
Me to Barbie.....I forget
Me to Barbie.....I forget that I can't talk here. God forbid a good BM not approve of the SM's psycho antics.
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie
It's not an antiSM kick I
It's not an antiSM kick I don't think...she's frustrated with crazy SM's bc she's a good mother and is there for her boy. She is Not speaking about the great SM's who have skids with a shit for brains BM. Not aimed at the good SM's at all bc then she'd be anti-Jen as well since she's a SM too.
She's frustrated and that is evident in her tone.
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
BBB - I understand being
BBB - I understand being frustrated.. But some of the things on that list are really unfair just in general. And if a BM doesn't understand that.... or can't see both sides... then I wonder...
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
I wish you wouldn't let them
I wish you wouldn't let them be taken as unfair in general bc she isn't talking generalizations right now. This is her blog,about what's going on in her life. It's a rant about her son's sm and what she is currently dealing with. there's nothing general about that to offend the general sm public.
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
BBB - the list was being
BBB - the list was being presented as "another side" for SM's to consider when dealing with BM's.
I understand Jen's need to vent. What I don't understand is if it's accurate or a double standard. Personally, I think it's a double standard. I'm sorry to disagree so much , but I do. I am tired of defending BM to SD over here. And I think there many SM's here that feel the same way. And while this isn't general... it has been presented as such.. and noted that other SM's should look to it as a guideline.
It would be much more helpful as a true guideline if it were written with both parties in mind. If it's a vent, it's a vent and tell the reasons for the vent. But don't try to tell SM's the BM guidelines.
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
Stick....I don't think
Stick....I don't think anyone expects you to defend mom, the list just said no bashing- which I don't think you've ever done. You can choose to remain quiet at those times when you normally defend.
"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards
Hey Gestalt - I wasn't
Hey Gestalt - I wasn't referring to the list!! ha!
I was referring to the implication that because I wasn't agreeing with the blog, I wasn't agreeing / defending a particular BM and then they felt the need to not post. I used BM in my personal life as an example of where we personally give BM the benefit of the doubt to our own detriment. So I felt that by taking an opposing side here, didn't mean that I was anti-BM.
I didn't like the fact that there were "sighs" and the whole "We should know better than to post our BM woes here". To me, that's a bunch of crap.
We are all adults and can support each other. Supporting each other does not mean blindly agreeing with each other.
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
Well...I too did not see it
Well...I too did not see it as a vent....I saw it as...a "this is what I will not accept from a SM" post....It pissed me off a little to be honest, but probably only because some of what Jen posted as "boundaries" I have been told too by a non-existent BM who locked up food from her children, so for me personally, I was like WHAT????...who died and made u Queen?...LOL.., so it was personal for me..I get that Jen is frustrated with the new SM in her son's life but the tone of the post TO ME was angry and quite frankly, anti SM...but ya I said,,,,I had a crazy I'm enlightened enough to know that crazy comes in all forms.........But the whole,,,I should know better than to post any BM stuff here crap...I agree...that's ridiculous and imo, just looking for a reaction..
A mother is not defined by the "b" or the "s" in front of her name, she is defined by how she handles the "mother" part.....
I'm not sure why she's
I'm not sure why she's sighing anyway. It's evident she expected a reaction from the last line in her blog that said something like - "let the firestorm commence" or something of that nature.
And now she's like, I guess I can't say anything bad about SMs here. No one understands the plight of the perfect BM. Well, that reaction is purely stupid.'s so embarrassing's so embarrassing how I read things sometimes. I think defensiveness is natural- especially when one is feeling especially anxious about a topic. The friendships here are way too important to get mad at each other over venting.
Everyone needs to vent sometimes, I try to give them the benefit of the doubt and take their words in the best possible interpretation.
"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards
See and this is unfair....
See and this is unfair.... I'm not trying to debate you... and yet it is "God Forbid..."... C'mon girls... not right... No need for sighs... no need for "Oh poor me I can't express myself here."... What did you expect? You said... Let the firestorm start...
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
Ok, please don't be like
Ok, please don't be like that and include my sigh in this "debate"
I sighed because she keeps getting misunderstood and it's frustrating for me,as her friend,to see her thoughts being taken as an assault on all SMs...
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
We are all frustrating each
We are all frustrating each other BBB.
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
whatever. just because I
whatever. just because I sigh suddenly i'm a big baby who whines about expressing myself, talk about frustrating.. Unless you're indirectly referring to my deleted blog about being hesitant to post my choochoo issues here as a bm. if you are, that's hurtful to me.
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
BBB .... stop it. We are
BBB .... stop it. We are all frustrating each other here. You are not the only one has been hurt today.
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
Yup. I need to stop
Yup. I need to stop it...
sorry you were hurt by this blog.
Have a good debate ladies...I can't hang with it. My roles as BM and SM are too conflicting as it is. Peace.
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
The sigh as I took it wqas
The sigh as I took it wqas directed towards me. I don't misunderstand what she is saying but was only speaking my own situation & trying to show perhaps another side. I agreed it is odd after one meeting to be doing that type of stuff. We may not be dealing with a real top quality woman here & then she is told all sorts of crap by her man about the ex wife, Jen. Those were my biggest points about this.
And I still need to know what KWIM is.
Someone enlighten an old lady please.
It wasn't sweetthing. It was
It wasn't sweetthing. It was directed at the whole thing...I'm pretty direct, lol, I'd put an @ symbol to direct it to my source of was just for the whole thing though
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
KWIM = know what I mean?
KWIM = know what I mean?
Thank you!! At 41 some of
Thank you!! At 41 some of this escapes me.
Exactly, Stick
Exactly, Stick
Maybe you should just take
Maybe you should just take credit for raising such a great young man that random strange women want to call him their own!
Amazingly, I have done DONE of this stuff to BM and she STILL hates my guts. Oh well...
LOL- great post! "The beauty
LOL- great post!
"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards
OK, I meant to say I have
OK, I meant to say I have done NONE of this stuff to BM and she STILL hates my guts. Just to clarify.
Maybe you should just take
Maybe you should just take credit for raising such a great young man that random strange women want to call him their own! <------------------------ LOVE THIS!!! That's what I'm going to think about perfectson! LOL!
I gotta ask what does KWIM
I gotta ask what does KWIM mean?? Not all people have common sense. Trust me there are a lot of stupid people out there girl and they are usually pretty fertile.
If I was refering to the big boys as my precious sons, I think I would have to gag myself. I maybe talk that way about my 2 year old and hey I have referred to him as Satan too, but never in print where it can come back to bite you.
I would never want my BS 2 running around with a tshirt with our pictures on it... so not my style. Let's face it do you really think this guys going to attract a better type of woman. Sounds like you were the best he was ever going to get and you came to your senses & realized you deserved better.
KWIM ~ Know what I
KWIM ~ Know what I mean?
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
I just wrote to BMJen in a
I just wrote to BMJen in a private post..
The issues for us is that CRAZY BM'S say the same sort of things that SANE BM's do. That they have all of these rights that we as SM's do not. So it is very difficult to accept or condone a generic list because it does not accurately reflect the realities of all of these different situations.
It brings up an interesting question though... Do CRAZY SM's say the same sort of things that SANE SM's do? Personally, I don't believe so.
I WILL FULLY SUPPORT BM'S AND BM OVER HERE to the point where a counselor has asked DH and I 'WHY' we stick up for her so much.
But I will not support the whole "I gave birth SO YOU LISTEN TO ME..." from anyone. Because - and I'm sorry BMJen... but if you need to put down rules... then you are already breaking some of my boundaries. And likewise, if I were to barge in and put down rules, I would be breaking boundaries that I have no right to. My house, my rules? Sure. But to tell BM that she HAS TO RESPECT all of them and then list them out... Hmmmm not so much.
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
Stick.......I don't interfer
Stick.......I don't interfer with her life, her husband, her family, her anything.
I try to keep the peace.
When she instigates around every turn she does need some rules set down. Though I've never said any of this to her, I'm venting to my friends instead.
And she has given me a list of rules of her house, though I never broke a single on that was on her list in the first place! LOL
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie
BMjen you were looking for
BMjen you were looking for a reaction, posting that on Stepmom venting sight??? and when you get a different response you call them "pscho antics". totally not cool
I find it funny because you gave your BM one of the hardest times, you smashed that women to the ground every time.
Peace out~~~~~~~~~~~I'll sit here and await the fire storm.
Your right, you are right,
Your right, you are right, to an extent. BM did have a hard time, I was the cause of some of that. Her and I have both apologized to each other and do have a fantastic relationship now. One that I'm very glad to be a part of. I think she's awesome, and I love her to peices! It's strange, but she thinks I'm awesome and loves me right back. We have a great relationship, and again, I'm thankful for it.
A large part of our wonderful relationship is that I didn't step on her mommy toes. I never, though asked, let her daughter call me mom. I didn't think it was right........but Stick, she doesn't live with me and hasn't known me forever like your sd. So theres a difference there and I see it.
I tried hard to not step on mommy's toes. I stepped on wife toes.....that I'll take full responsibility for. And she was right to hate me how she did. It took alot of self reflection to see and understand alot of where she was coming from. I did, and I'm glad.
If I hadn't done the things I did as SM to her daughters I wouldn't be her friend today. She's told me that, and thanked me for loving her kids. She's also thanked me for respecting her role as their mother.
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie
coming from a sm who'd dh
coming from a sm who'd dh has 50/50..and ive been around for 2 years, never came in and out of his life....although im sure that what bm thought i was when i first came in to the picture. too bad for her.
this is my response as if you were my bm. we all know my bm has issues, but im sure she thinks like this, no one who is crazy admits they are crazy...they think they are the normal one
1. just because you give birth doesnt make you perfect. perhaps advice from some one else is helpful, and you shouldnt be so cocky as to think you always know better. I came form a much better home life than bm, and have much better parenting skills regaurdless of who gave birth to him, and if bm would pull her head out of her ass and see that, she might get compliments for his behavior from the day care lady too, but instead she has to pick him up early kicking and screaming because he never behaves for her. for example, bm is complete trash and a total idiot. Its freezing out side and she keeps cutting ss's hair in a buzz cut way so that his head is freezing. um, i know its not my kid, but hello moron, your kid keeps getting sick because your are too fucking stupid to know not to keep cutting his hair so short and sending him out in the cold because you are too busy drinking beer with your bf and pawning him off on friends. yes, dh told her to stop cutting his idea, yes, btter for ss, yes, so really i dont give a fuck who got knocked up and gave birth, i just want whats best for him, and clearly she is too fucking stupid to get it herself.
2. i am here to stay, so get over it, if you dont want to fight me for him, than please stop pissing all over everything like a male dog trying to claim your territory. and most importantly, if all you care about is your son, than stop trying to control my house. You should be so lucky that im trying to be friend you. there are many sm's that domt give a crap about you or your child and will make your life hell, me on the other hand is trying to get along with you so that things are best for YOUR child. Maybe you dont get that it is solely your child that benefits or suffers from our relationship, so maybe the next time you try and board the drama train you should think about that, because really the only person that suffers from you not liking me is YOUR child. Please dont say you dont want to be friends because really what it is, is that your jealous that you drive a shitty Honda, i drive a Mercedes, have an education, and a job. i wasnt raised by white trash, and am a wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better mother to your child that you birthed than you will ever be. i dont need to be called mom to know that, unlike you im not in secure, and dont need a title to make me important.
3. already adressed that, i am smnikki, and i am very good at that. bm is in his life, ha has a mom, and even if she is a dumb shit she is still his mother, and i in no way want to be considered his mother when he starts acting a fool in school because his mother raised an idiot just like her. I do control him in my house, i am the mother figure, and un like you, he will respect me and follow my rules. I am not a friend, i am a step PARENT, and i will handle him accordingly. this friend bull shit is what causes skids to walk all over sm, because they try to be a friend, bull shit, my house my rules, they will be followed and i will be respected.
4, ss is too young, i do not say a thing about bm...however when ss is older, if bm does something stupid, most likely ss will realize that the comments being made are in fact because bm did something stupid yet again, but that our bm for ya. the stupid train runs 24/7
5. we have 50/50 so doesnt apply.
6. i have a huge issue with this one. BM feels this way...and to our bm (not you) i say a big fuck you! you should be glad that my family cares enough to spend time and get to know your child to make ss feel welcome. we have 50/50 so regardless of where we are spending the holidays, you do what you want when its your time, we will take ss where ever we please.
7. hahahahahaa, thats funny. who does that? i would never do that. i did make a jar with stuff in it for bm so that we could use the same potty jar reward system at both homes to try and get him potty trained. dh asked her if she wanted one, she said yes, but then took it and through it away. ummmmmmmm, sorry you couldn't figure out how to potty train your own child, i was trying to help, dont be a fake bitch and then take it and throw it away.
8. caring about and remembering things about family one thing...calling, sending gifts, going to family things not ok, in any situation.
just venting...not directed towards any one but our bm. im sure the nut job thinks like this but really, she is a nut job
I had to laugh at your list!
I had to laugh at your list! Because it's the same things I would say to the BM we deal with! She's not like this anymore though, thank goodness.
**Again, my thing is directed to a SM that has met the child once. Someone that probably won't even be around the next year when visitation might happen again.
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie I'M I'M is she SM if she met the child once? she Dad's gf, or did they marry before he introduced yur son?....I'm she ACTING like the new sheriff in town without actually having that title?....
A mother is not defined by the "b" or the "s" in front of her name, she is defined by how she handles the "mother" part.....
They married at his last
They married at his last visit, the first time my son met her. Which is no big deal, I'm glad he got to be there for it! It's just that she barley knows him.......know what I mean?
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie
yea...I admit its very
yea...I admit its very creepy,,,,and I think u SHOULD set some boundaries with her..but moreso, yur son, IMO, needs to let his Dad know he does not appreciate being treated like that by this woman....let the father put this woman in her place....jmo, as always...
A mother is not defined by the "b" or the "s" in front of her name, she is defined by how she handles the "mother" part.....
Maybe the moral of this blog
Maybe the moral of this blog is to know your place.
If you are an SM whose Skids have two active and very involved parents, know your place. Know that mom and dad are there to handle everything and you are there to "step" in, for moral support, love etc.
If you are an SM who is married to a man who has custody of his kids, and BM isn't very much involved, then she needs to know her place. BM can't overstep the boundaries that you and your husband put in place.
There are always different scenarios for everyone. None of us have the same situation.
Of course this was going to cause a problem for some. This is an SM rant on a website for SP's. Where SP's come because they feel alone and misunderstood. Rare is the BM who doesn't have a friend who can relate to the madness. I have friends who have kids and have crazy SMs in their kids life. But I don't have many friends who are an SM and go through what I have.
I'm sorry Jen that you are going through it. It isn't easy on either side of the spectrum. I'm here if you need me.
I think this is a perfect
I think this is a perfect summation..... it's ALL situational. I know my place as a BM and I know my place as a SM an they are two VERY VERY different places!!
Well said Giana!
Exactaly Giana! "If you
Exactaly Giana!
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie
~*~When you kiss ass, your
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
When you speak up, your a
When you speak up, your a wicked stepmom
Putting my 'BM' hat on... My
Putting my 'BM' hat on...
My son does not have a SM and probably never will at the rate my ex is going so hopefully I never have to worry about this stuff but...
BMJen, if I did? I am completely agreeing with your list! Those are definately boundaries that I, as a BM would set. Do I have double standards as a SM? Maybe... Maybe not.
I think one of the main
I think one of the main issues here is that there are so many different types of BM's and SM's out there that it is hard, actually impossible, to establish a set of guidelines that are good for everyone to follow.
For me, I went into the situation with no expectations. BM showed her true colors eventually, and I learned what kind of SM I had to be by sitting back and observing for a while.
I took a little from here, a little from there, and made my own rules. I don't offer parenting advice because:
A. I don't want to talk to her if I don't have to.
B. I can't control what she does as a parent and she wouldn't take the advice if I offered so why waste my breath?
C. She isn't that bad of a mom where her kid goes without basic life skills and essentials, so whatever I feel she is lacking I just try to make up on my own. (Sign SD up for lessons, bake with her, teach her girly things, etc).
I don't talk about BM to SD because, once again, I couldn't care less about her. I will never allow jealousy to run that deep.
As far as the T-Shirt thing, that's just plain insecure.
CS, we only pay $100 a month plus extras she made need, like glasses, field trips, etc... Because we have a pretty even custody split, so it's no big deal.
Basically, there is no "one size fits all" rules for SM/BM relationship. Everyone has to figure out what works for them.
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
I think this blog has taken
I think this blog has taken a life force all of it's very own! LOL!
I can't keep up with it my closing statement I wanted to say this:
I love alot of you SM's here. You do a thankless job, you really do. I am one of you as well.
I am also a BM. I wouldn't trade a moment with my kids for all the tea in China! I love my kids more than anything........I mean seriously, when I see my BD2 smile and come running saying "Hold you mommy" it melts my heart. When my BS 14 stands next to me and I have to look up to him to talk to makes me so proud! I'm a amazing BM. I know I am because there's nothing I wouldn't do for my kids. I'm an amazing SM because there's nothing I wouldn't do for them either........
Many of you are exactaly the same.....amazing.
To anyone that this blog offended, I'm sorry, it wasn't my goal. My goal was to bitch and fuss about a new SM in my sons life that is just plain nuts. I knew before I blogged it that it would have hell released! I know it because this is a SM site! Not a BM site! So I expected alot of people to not agree with what I wrote. It's cool, we can agree to disagree. I'm not perfect, I don't claim to be! You may be right, if you disagreed with me. You may be right if you agreed with me. Rightness is in the eye of the speaker! LOL
Anyways, I still feel the same, nothing is going to change that. But, I do respect alot of the responses here.
~~~~~Peace out!
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie
I haven't read this comment
I haven't read this comment train and I'm not going to... but I just wanted to respond to your original post by saying that I appreciate the perspective as a BM. I think it's hilarious that I have never done any of these things and BM still hates me
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
I have gone in and expressed
I have gone in and expressed my opinions to my ex wife's husband.
I told him strait out, "you can tell me to eat shit" But I want to ask you to please smoke outside your home.
The kids don't need this 2nd hand smoke.
I also told him keep the pot to your own private bedroom.
He got in my face. tried to start a fight.
But I said, "Ok I will take that as eat shit!"
I gave my opinion. And left it at that.
I am all for co parenting from all parents involved.
I will speak my mind for your kid too.
I care and i show it.
Let's all have a big group
Let's all have a big group hug and agree it's back to that grade school lesson of "treat others how you'd like to be treated." and the grown up lesson added of treat the GOOD SM how you'd expect to be treated as a GOOD SM and treat the GOOD BM how you'd expect to be treated as a GOOD BM.
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
hmmm....I think I'd rather
hmmm....I think I'd rather tune into some dexter or trueblood
lol although I think some of our posts draw more blood than my favorite shows
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
lol...Dexter is awesome! I
lol...Dexter is awesome! I can't wait til next season!!
Sissy is the cutest mean word ever I think
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
I can't group hug just
I can't group hug just yet.
Please someone, explain to me why and how did I ever say these things?
1. That I think my x doesn't deserve a holiday with his son? because he does, on his days!
2. That the amount of CS paid isn't enough? When did I say that?
3. That I try to but into the x's familys life.
4. That just because I carried my son in my womb makes me better than SM? That's a stupid comment all the way around. He is my son..............good freaking grief. This SM met him once! I'm not saying she sucks and I rock because I gave birth to him.............I'm simpily saying I AM HIS MOTHER. And yes, that does give me more parental status than her..........and yes a large part of that is because I gave birth to him and she's met him once. Where would anyone get off making such a stupid comment as to say that the SM is the better parent here? She's not a parent at all!
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie
on CS all I saw was someone
on CS all I saw was someone saying that if SM can't complain about it then their BM shouldn't gripe to them about not getting enough.
*Formerly FiguringItOut* trying to take a new approach to my situation
Jen - I went back and
Jen - I went back and re-read a bunch of comments to see where this got out of control and why you feel attacked.
I specifically wrote 2x in my answers to your questions that it wasn't addressed to you, but to my BM. My mistake was using the genders in your original list, as opposed to switching them over to BM / SD to maybe make it more palatable.
I thought you kind of got it, because you at first answered... you agreed with my list for my situation. Then you went back and answered that I addressed them to YOU. Which I just saw.
I'll clarify my comments to all BM's - is that okay? On how and why I answered as I did.
1. You and your ex BOTH deserve holidays with your children. In the best interest of the child, I personally don't believe in "his days" "my days". I believe in working together to try to get all of the families' interests served. And yes, that includes taking DH and SD to see my family. So, we have over here, agreed that even though it may be during BM's weekend, we could still go to see my parents. We never went on the actual holiday itself, but always after. But I don't think this should be a hard and fast rule. I think it should be a circumstantial rule made between the 2 parents, about where their child would be. Because as I am sure everyone knows.... Holidays do not always fall on convenient days. We should NOT fight about them.
2. You were making a blanket statement to an SM to say that she should keep her mouth shut about CS or not speak to you about it. But do you realize how many women on here - SM's - that have to hear about CS from their BM? And do you realize how many SM's have gone after MORE support from their husbands BECAUSE of an SM? It was a blanket statement that got a blanket response - FROM ME. BM over here used to call and ask DH for more money all the time. And it was above CS. And you know what? That came from me, but she considered it CS because she "needed" it. It was inflammatory the way I read it.
3. No one said you try to butt into the family's life. At least I think on my response , I don't remember it coming across that way as I said SPECIFICALLY that you still ARE a part of his family's life.
4. Your number 4 is a judgment call - again - a blanket statement by you - about your situation now clarified - that has been made to many SM's on here by BM's that once they had the kid... didn't think twice about that kid's well being. So as far as parental status.... I hate to disagree with you - or any BM on here - but it's NOT THE FACT THAT YOU GAVE BIRTH TO HIM THAT MAKES YOU HIS MOTHER. It is what you did with those 15 years after that made you his mother. I think that's a SUPER IMPORTANT fact that is getting lost in all of this.
Having gone through the birth does not qualify... THE AMOUNT OF TIME SPENT WITH THE CHILD RAISING THEM is what does. And on that... we can agree!
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
Whew this was a good one!
Whew this was a good one! For the most part I agree with Jen's rules. I follow them for the most part. But let me say this:
-If BM doesn't want to be friends, fine. But she still has no right to be disrespectful. This is actually a sore subject with me because I'm damned if I do damned if I don't. If I act too friendly, she gets upset. But if I was EVER rude to her she would rant about how she deserves respect. Guess what? SO DO I!
-I don't complain about CS. So that means that BM shouldn't be allowed to complain about not having enough of it.
-I would never give parenting advice. But if I make a receipe that the skids enjoy or we find a new activity we enjoy, I'm not telling BM to make her feel bad or brag about how much better I am than her. I'm just filling her in on what the skids discovered while they weren't with her. That's all. No need for her to get defensive and angry.
*Formerly FiguringItOut* trying to take a new approach to my situation
The only reason I haven't
The only reason I haven't taken this blog down is because I'm afriad if I do it'll come out of the computer and eat me!
Being that it's a satan entity of it's own! LOL
Was I pissed at some things when I wrote it? Yes
Would I write it the same way now that I'm calmed down? No
Anyone here who knows me knows this isn't a blanket statement. It was for my own personal situation.
Sorry for the ruffled feathers and for the bloggers who got overlooked because of it.
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie
Actually Jen - After it has
Actually Jen - After it has all been said and done.. this is probably the most real discussion between BM's and SM's that have ever been held on here. If you read through this thing there are a LOT of valid points made on both sides - in support of BM's and SM's, as well as some real tools on how to get along. *** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
I agree with Stick. Stop
I agree with Stick.
Stop being sorry.
I adore you in emotional states or not... you always find your way back to good. It's part of who you are.
I think that sugar coating is overrated anyways.
Tell me how you really feel.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
Agreed Stick. I will keep
Agreed Stick. I will keep it up for that alone!
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie
Bravo. "if you don't have
"if you don't have anything nice to say, then shut the fuck up."
Can I just say that I am a
Can I just say that I am a little bit put-off by this posting and all the replies? This is a site for step-parents. Although your issues, complaints, and requests are all absolutely valid (and one might think common sense for appropriate adult behavior!), posting that on a site that is for step-parents to bring their challenges seems funny to me.
Almost like a married person posting her woes on a site for singles, or something.
Aren't their sites for divorced women who have to deal with irresponsible exes and their baggage?
I haven't been coming here
I haven't been coming here as much as I currently feel like I will no longer be a SM. Blessing on one hand with a borderline SD and well...curses...curses...curses...
My beautiful BD 4 that we were so happy to be blessed with and raise together, may have a SM that made a mission out of taking my husband from me. (I know that we had problems, but he never even mentioned he was unhappy and wanting out before she showed up, and they've not even known each other very long.) She's married and supposedly leaving her H, she has kids (don't know how old they are.) So my H thinks he will just plop himself and his disordered D, and our BD into a brand new blended family and THIS time it's going to work.
Anyway...I am not going to deal with shared parenting with this man. He obviously can't put his kids first or he would have tried with me to make this work. I am seeing now that it wasn't all BM who was the problem with shared parenting.
So I am now facing my daughter having a SM, with a ton of baggage to boot, right out of being a family here. Bam. Instant new family.
It's raw and like you Jen I don't think I'll ever be able to be the kind of BM I am with my sons' SM. We are friends and probably will be no matter whatever comes of her and my ex's marriage. But that took years to grow and I never wanted her husband back in my life, she didn't wedge me out of his etc.
H told me when he first confessed he only hoped I could not hate him one day.
At this rate the best he can hope for is ambivalence. He'd better not even expect us to be friends.
Jen I don't think there's anything wrong with any of your BM's bill of rights here. It may be b/c I am facing something so hurtful that I can't see ever getting over what he's done. He will likely be a "piece of shit" to me forever more if he never even tries to rebuild us before leaving us.
And at this rate? It's not looking likely that he's capable of doing the right thing.
I can see your points, bc I
I can see your points, bc I am both a SM and a BM.... but my husband's ex and BM to my SS is a WHACK JOB and I have had to step in at times and be the parent. Some BM's ( as well as SM's I am sure) are complete losers and that leaves you as the SM to step up to the plate. YOU can raise your child and seem to be doing good job, the BM I deal with CANNOT. I think it all depends on what kind of BM you are dealing with.