SO Confused!!!
I am writing this because I am so conflicted inside! I am a teacher, I am a mother, I am a step-mother. MY 11SS has never done what is required of him in school and it has always been me who has followed up and made him follow thru on getting things done since he was in Kindergarten. Now, the kid is in 6th grade been suspended from 3 different schools (which I feel bad for him having to change schools so often due to BM & DH custody battle) however, the kid is beyond smart! he has tested above average on all those state tests etc. He is almost too smart, but he is extremely LAZY!!! I have always done the homework in my home with him and my BS because I feel that is a "mom's job" and because I am a teacher & because my DH has severe ADD! Anyways, The kid simply does not do what he needs to do for school unless I am on his ass about it. I don't want to do it anymore because it just ruins my entire night, & my entire week that he is here! I really think after all I have done, there is nothing more for me to do but let him fail and go to summer school. I feel like if I don't go to school for him and turn in his work it is not going to get done! BM has been forced these last few weeks to step up because since the bitch called me an OVER zealous step-mom I feel like I just want to let her do it! But BM is an ignorant asshole and she doesn't know what the heck is going on with the kid until after the fact...she is too caught up in thinking he is a little angel. I am conflicted because I feel like if he fails, I have failed him, especially being a teacher. What should I do? keep on his ass? let it ride? Please help!
- sbplus3's blog
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Sometimes we have to allow
Sometimes we have to allow natural consequences to kick in. You won't be failing him, he'll be failing himself.
"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!
that is what i keep telling
that is what i keep telling myself...:( thank you
I know it is hard. I
I know it is hard. I struggle the same with SD5. Its a little different because she's still too little to not need help, but as she gets older, more and more responsibility goes her way and I have expectations. If she can't meet expectations (capable but lazy), then she will suffer consequences. You can't be responsible for his lack of effort. You can be there if he has questions / requests help. You aren't failing him if you're there for him when he asks, but it isn't your place to nag him. He knows what needs to get done and he is making his problem, your problem. Don't let him. The selfish world counts on people like you to feel badly and pick up the pieces (or keep them from falling). It actually does these people a disservice because not learning natural consequences prevents them from growing and learning from their mistakes. Good luck and I recommend "Boundaries" by Dr. Cloud and Dr. Townsend. It will open your eyes on what is your responsibility and what isn't.
"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!
I kind of know exactly how
I kind of know exactly how you feel. I am not a teacher, but I have went through the course for teachers aide and the course to be a Head Start teacher. My BS11 who is also in 6th grade, like your SS, is struggling to pass 6th grade. I have worked with him, have had several meetings with his teachers & principals, put him in IEP, and had him tested by professionals to see if there was an underlying problem. Turns out that my BS is very intelligent and actually smarter than most kids his age. However, there is one thing that my father did with my son that is causing him to struggle in school. And that is, my father has been teaching my son how to run heavy equipment since my son was able to walk. So because of that, my son is more into hands on & mechanically inclined than book learning. So that is part of my BS11s problem in school...the other parts are SD15 moved in with us and our lives have been totally turned upside down with her moving in & he just doesn't want to do the work. So, I have come to the conclusion after speaking with his IEP teacher & principal yet again, that I am leaving it up to BS to decide whether he fails or passes 6th grade. I have done everything I can, DH has done everything he can, BSs teachers have done everything they can, & his principal has talked with BS and told BS that it is now up to him. And if BS doesn't do the work, he will fail and have to attend summer school. My BS has started to improve because of the fear of having to attend summer school. My BS knows that I am here to help him, but it is up to him to take the initiative to do the work. I am not the one failing making him fail...he is failing himself.
Good for you Shell. It must
Good for you Shell. It must be so hard to let him fail, but you really are teaching him a life lesson of personal responsibility. Good for you for taking the hard road of parenting rather than the easy road of taking on all his problems. I wish you both luck.
"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!
I have always walked that
I have always walked that fine line and asked myself if I was enabling him to be lazy etc because I am so involved... I know I need to take a back seat... i think I will get that book Boundaries soverysad, sounds like i need it. Also, shell97 I think you are right, they are failing themselves when we have done all we can. i get it cognitively...just need to get there right this second, i know he has homework that he has not completed... i have asked him and he says he is done and has run off to play a video game with my i feel sick inside because part of me wants to go take him back to the table and show him what i know he has not yet done like i have so many millions of times before but then it will be a battle and i am sooooo not interested in a battle today. guess i better get him some good walking shoes for summer school. lol
It is a very hard thing to
It is a very hard thing to deal with. There are several times (even now) where I am pretty sure that BS11 has homework, but if he is not going to take the initiative to do it so he doesn't fail...then I am going to let him learn the hard way by letting him fail. Because I am tired of the fighting with him, I'm tired of nagging him to do it, and I have tried my hardest to help now it is up to BS. You just need to stay strong and remember that you are teaching him a lesson that he has to work for what he wants. Because if you continue to be on his case about doing it, he will expect you or someone to do so in the future...even as an adult. He will never learn that he is responsible for himself and will expect someone to always be there to give him directions on what needs done. I look at like this.....I am teaching my son that the only person responsible for him is himself and that he won't always have mom (or in your case SM)there to tell him what needs to be done. And if he fails, it was his own fault for now doing what needed to be done to avoid it. I still help BS when he asks for it. I also still say "Do you have homework?" as soon as he walks in the door from school. But when he replies "no" or "I already did it"...I leave it at that. And he will have to live with the consequences if it didn't or wasn't done. I wish you the best with this. It is a very hard thing to deal with.
Thank you Shell97...and
Thank you Shell97...and being that you do this with your BS, I can see it in a different light. It is his responsibility. So has worked this week.
I'm glad it is
I'm glad it is is a very hard thing to do. And you have to keep doing it & tell yourself that you are doing the right thing. As hard as it maybe, it will help your SS in the long run. That's what I tell myself everyday. Because if we don't teach our Bkids or Skids to take responsibility for their actions, then we will fail ourselves as parents. Just keep your chin up & repeat to yourself "I'm doing the right thing" and eventually it will get easier.
I guess I'm on both sides
I guess I'm on both sides here. On 1 BM needs to step up and do whats right for her child. but on the other this boy is 11 and seems like he needs someone to care enough to step up... nomatter who that person might be..... all that is nessesary for the triumph of evil is that good men ( or women) to do nothing" - Edmund Burke
Excuses are tools of the foolish. They build monuments to nothingness and those who are masters of them are seldom good at anything else.
I think you have said it
I think you have said it very well Vickmeister...I have felt this way for a long time and I have just continued to fall into this cycle of ridiculousness!!! I have known since the kids was very young what his parents are just now figuring out regarding his academic abilities...prob is BM babies him because he is her only "baby" and I am so over it! I never have handed in his hmwork for him, i was just saying that aside from doing that, there really is nothing else for me to do. He will fail and I will have to move on. But then again am I shooting myself in the foot here? I want to enjoy my own kids summer too & I will be the one driving his lazy butt to summer school & bugging his butt to get in bed etc. Oh well, thank you for your input. "To win one's joy through struggle is better than to yield to melancholy"- Andre Gide
Here's a there
Here's a there a different type of learning environment that he might thrive in than the traditional schooling environment?
Both my daughters had ADD...younger one had ADHD, and ODD..oh, it was a roller coaster ride at times.
I ended up taking them out of public school and started homeschooling them. Eventually they were unschooling. Both have their GED's (they chose to do that, even though it's not mandatory for HS'd students) and both are attending their local community colleges.
Perhaps SS has some learning disability...ADD...BORED...etc. Have those ideas been ruled out?
I do agree with the others and let him suffer the consequences of his actions. Also let him know there will be consequences for getting bad grades--he'll lose out on video-game playing, going here and there, etc. Advise him he's at the age where he can sink or swim (aka repeat 6th grade or move onto 7th grade with his peers.) and you're choosing not to enable him anymore, as much as it pains you to do that.
Put the control of his fate in HIS hands. BTW--was his daddy like this in school as well? If he was, then he can certainly understand where SS is coming from.
So many times I had the "SM2C has the ability, but lacks the ability to concentrate...she'd rather stare out of the window." My mom tells of a story where when I was in 2nd grade I wanted to quit school and go get a job. I HATED school.
I found out much later in life that I have ADD. I do have the ability to focus...on the things *I* want to focus on, not what's required. Unfortunately, life doesn't work out that way. In fact, with ADD'ers, they can 'hyperfocus' on things that REALLLLY interest them, forgetting so many things such as hearing someone talking to them, agreeing to do something...letting the time slip away. Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt & sold it on Ebay!
Just some random thoughts about what ADD does! Before I was formally diagnosed, they tested my stated that the test appeared to be lower than it should be for someone who has a bachelors degree.
I wish I had the opportunity to get tested after I started getting treated for ADD...I imagine it would be a total turn-around, because now I'm able to concentrate on the mundane.
~*~It's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye; then it's a game: Find the eye.~*~
He actually was diagnosed
He actually was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 7 from our doctor, but BM took him to her own private doctor to "undo" the diagnosis because she refused to accept and or help in the way in which was necessary. I have often thought of homeschooling him but BM would NEVER go for it. I have spent this week letting him figure it out. When he has a question, of course I help him, but I am done harping on the whole homework issue. All week I asked him, "do you have homework? and "did you finish your homework", but I honestly left it at that and I don't think I raised my voice even we will see if he sinks or swims. i am praying for the latter.
"To win one's joy through struggle is better than to yield to melancholy"- Andre Gide
Thank you storiesbysteve...I
Thank you storiesbysteve...I have these ideas in the back of my mind too and I often tell myself that God put me in this child's life for the purpose of understanding his "difficulties" especially since I also have a background in special needs and special education... I just feel awful though because I have been lax this week, & I felt great right up until I just got home and SS11 had already left for the week to be with BM and his book for his English class book report due this week is sitting here, his PE homework slip is sitting here etc. after he was told several times to gather up all his school stuff. Now I feel sick...and the old me would call him and drive it over to BM house even though it is about 30 min away... I guess the chips are going to fall as they may, but I will keep on believing in him and doing my best. Just wish his BIO parents had a clue!!!!
"To win one's joy through struggle is better than to yield to melancholy"- Andre Gide
Don't feel's time
Don't feel's time for *HIM* to figure out you are not going to rescue him all the time. Did he even call about the forgotten schoolwork?
Yes, the chips will fall...this is a consequence for HIS actions. Not your's, but HIS. Both his bio-parents are taking advantage of you and you are letting them. Let THEM worry about it sb!! Next time maybe he'll remember his stuff, maybe he won't. That's not your cross to bear.
~*~It's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye; then it's a game: Find the eye.~*~