Money allocation - stepkid and your kids
So....we have baby #2 due soon. It was a big decision. I've always wanted two kids, but with financial obligations to his first kid, it was a touch choice. I decided to not let past mistakes dictate our future, so I said okay, we can have a second baby.
So, I'm budgeting for the new year. I WISH we could put away for each of OUR kids as much as SD is getting (doesn't include medical/dental). Sigh, it's depressing.
What's been keeping me up:
1) I still wouldn't trade my life for BM's life EVER
2) still unfair she lied about her income to the courts (handwrote pay stubs) and lives off her parents (gets money from them whenever she wants, etc....has a new car).
3) the fact that our children will grow up with both parents together in the same house
4) seeing my first daughter smile/laugh when daddy carries and plays with her. He never did that with stepdaughter (BM kept her away), he didn't get visitation until she was about 6ish.
5) She doesn't/didn't live with either of the baby daddy's, so she'll never understand the nice feeling of cuddling up next to one of them ever night.
6) Hasn't accomplished/done as much as we have (ie. travel, college degrees), still under her parents' watch (per se).
Pretty much listing pros/cons. I'm trying to focus on the good of all this. We're going to have two beautiful children together in a good marriage. It just irks me that she got away with getting so much out of him/us and doesn't have to worry about money (her parents take care of it all).
OH, and whatever happens to SD, she ONLY references it as her "dad." Ie. Spending Christmas with her dad, her dad did x, y, and z...even though I'm the one that went shopping, thought of doing f%^%$@cking appreciation. Screw it, I'm cordial, I care about her well being, but I'm not going out of my way anymore to make things "extra" for her. Talk about being unappreciated. DH gets cards on his birthday...I don't. I guess that's just the way it is. She's spent as much time with him as she has with me in her life. He really wasn't around her until he got visitation (cuz BM found out we moved in together and went psycho)...the courts ordered her to give him visitation, so we've pretty much "known" her for the same amount of time. Sigh, whatever. Pick your battles, I gave up on this one.
Okay, done venting now.
- Mrs Katch 22's blog
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we would love to save for
we would love to save for our kids but with all the money we send out SDs way. We do the best we can, I refused to have no kids or less kids due to my DHs mistakes. I live my life for MY family. We are expecting our 3rd child this summer.
well lets just say we have a
well lets just say we have a 3 yr old, a 9 month old, and I am 4 months pregnant! lol
not right now. I am really
not right now. I am really enjoying them. I work part time at night, my DH works days (though his hours were cut) in order to avoid daycare costs.
I am sure that it will be crazy this summer but in the fall my BS3 will start 4 day a wk preschool (for free, low income) and spend his afternoons at 4-yr old kindergarden ( at the local elementary school). So I will have just 2 at home during the day again....
SD10 we have just Wed and EOW so although she does cause some issues they are generally minor. The main impact she has on our household is financial.
I'm 28 and still have know
I'm 28 and still have know kids of my own . And I would love to have a baby. But I sometime think that god is not letting me because 95% of the time I don't like my SKids who stay with us all the time . And we don't get a damn thing from the f*@king bm. Ok and maybe its not 95% but it feels like it a lot of the times. SD7 everything that come ouT of that kids mouth is a BIG fat lie.SD8 all she know how to do she cry like she one. I get up in the mornings and have to pray that ill make it another day lol. Grr ok I'm done venting . O and there only 8 and 7 so I have years before I can't kick them out of my house for being brats ... And how will it be with money with our kids when we have his two here to. My husband has said before that maybe we shouldn't have kids becuase of the money. F that's shit is all I have to say I'm having my kids ...
you're having your own kids
you're having your own kids with or WITHOUT him
ahahah...advice, get out now!!! 
thank you!!!! When are you
thank you!!!! When are you due? yeah, I KNOW BM is kicking herself for not accepting his proposal (he proposed after she got pregnant). Sometimes I wonder if he KNEW when conception condom broke, he didn't pull out, they were overwhelmed with passion he didn't pull out/she didn't get off. I know it's not healthy and it's irrelevant but my mind wonders...maybe I'll make another post asking if others wonder the same thing.