Baggage - His, Mine, Ours
In light of all of the recent flurry of posts regarding custodial and non-custodial Steps, disengagement, guilty parenting, SP's being happy their skids aren't in their lives, and SP's communicating with SO's and skids ... I wanted to write this blog.
A little background...
I was one of those skinny, boyish 16 year old girls. I was flat - My sisters used to sing "Flatsy! Flatsy! You're Flat and That's that!!" (after those dolls, some of you may remember!) Well, the summer of my 17th birthday, Lady Hormones finally paid a visit to me. I was still very thin, but all of a sudden had 32C boobs, so I was a 32-24-32. My hair grew really fast - long and thick and my eyelashes grew long and dark as well. I had boys that hadn't seen me since 11th grade literally stop and say "Stick!! Is that YOU??" when they saw me over the summer. I had boys literally singing to me in the hallways at school. I finally felt pretty. And then.... Well, then I became ill. I had always been sickly with asthma. But my asthma turned way worse, and my hormones and thyroid went completely out of whack. By that Christmas - 6 months after I had "blossomed" I had lost it all... I was sickly thin, and had lost all of my hair between illness and medications to cure the illness. We were testing for cancer, and my family didn't know if I was going to live out my Senior year, let alone in my 20's. Throughout my 20's I was hospitalized at least 1x a year, and still take medications daily. Needless to say, no college for me. I was devastated - physically and emotionally. Obviously, I made it through. But the September after I graduated, I went right to work- as much as I could - to try to get health insurance or some $$ to take some of the burden of my health off of my parents, whose business had just gone bankrupt. I still carry that baggage - from finally feeling pretty to 6 months later feeling like a "freak" - and all of that stress to this day. I never had a child because of all of the illness. Not sure if the medication I still take every day would hurt a fetus, and KNOW that I would not even risk a 1% chance of passing along all of my troubles. That's MY baggage. You would think 25 years later, I would have recovered... but I'm still a work in progress.
WE ALL KNOW what our SO's baggage is. We deal with it every day. The ex. Their kid(s). The divorce and the financial and emotional fallout. Guilty parenting to make up for lost time. Poor parenting because they don't have a solid unit to work from. Ok - so that's our my husband's baggage, right (except I am clarifying this... I actually think he is an excellent parent. Sometimes a little blinded by love... but an excellent parent).
Well, as irony and the fates would have it... my SD's most beautiful features are her long dark luxurious hair and long dark eyelashes. Just like I had when I lost it. And she is almost the same age as I when I lost it.
My baggage makes me check myself when she does the 16 year old girl thing and preens or admires her favorite feature. I know how that could be fleeting. So I have to stop myself from taking my own fears and deep hurts out on her. I have to remember what that feels like to finally like something about yourself, and not give her a hard time because of it. I have to remind myself that she is only 16 and never had to deal with anything - even though SHE THINKS SO - ... she really has not had to deal with true physical and emotional devastation. Sometimes I tell her.... Get over this. You don't have it bad and you don't know what it could be like. I do tell her enough. But I have to curb my own distaste for what could be considered her, "spoiled, entitled, all about me attitude" because I'M THE ONE with the baggage. I didn't have that childhood. While my resentment can be understood, for me to take it out on her is NOT - in my opinion.
The point of this blog is to say that it is very very easy for us to see, recognize and have a very distinct attitude on what our SO's should do to handle their baggage.
But do we have the same control for ourself? Are we even aware of what our baggage is and how it affects our perception of our stepchildren, let alone our opinions of them and attitudes and actions toward them? Can we turn the magnifying glass that we use so often on our SO's and the Ex's on ourselves? Because I can tell you, if we did, we would realize that NOT everything they do affects these relationships that we are in.
Speaking from experience, I have had SD look at pictures from me at that time, and say "ohhh that's weird" and it cut me to the core. Of course, her father didn't hear it and I told him later, and he was saddened. And I had to overcome that hurt and hide the hatred because I specifically traced that attitude back to BM. I couldn't let that incident stop me from being the parent to this kid that I needed to be. I was so in shock when she said it.. the lack of empathy.. that I didn't even say anything at the time.
So, for all of those who say to me so many times how LUCKY I am because MY DH supports me. You have to understand.... My DH supports me because he knows that I don't put myself before his child when it's not necessary. My DH supports me because I can just as easily see my own baggage and call myself on it as well as I do him. More to myself, even!! DH and I both strive teach SD the empathy, courage, and moral lessons she needs to know. And know that BM and her family do not. And that BM is the kind of person that would have hurt me back then.
Sometimes, I bury my hurt to him, or even to myself, or to a counselor, because I know it's ME and that it is old hurts that I am carrying.
You can place the blame on your SO for how they parent, and the situation you are in.
- Stick's blog
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I make it worse by allowing
I make it worse by allowing his baggage to consume me and literally drain the energy out of me....that I have no energy left to put forth anything good towards our, I just had that revelation reading this blog Stick. Thank you.
“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”
So Middlemom... I guess I
So Middlemom... I guess I would challenge you a little and ask.... Why do you allow his baggage to consume you? Are you a "savior" kind of partner? And, if yes, where do you think that comes from?
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
I have no idea why I allow
I have no idea why I allow it to consume me. I need to think on that one a little bit more. I do however, see that maybe I am the "savior" kind of partner, but I'm not sure why that is? I'd need some help figuring that out
“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”
Stick - I look at your
Stick - I look at your picture on here - you are absolutely beautiful. Getting to know you on here, reading your blogs and the advice you've given, makes you gorgeous inside and out. I love your positive attitude about things even when you are feeling low.
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
Thanks OneHappy. I
Thanks OneHappy. I appreciate your really kind words. I never feel beautiful... But I do know that trying to be rainbows and butterflies is what got me through at 17 ... Taking one day at a time.
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
Stick, your threads are
Stick, your threads are always so thought provoking.
I react similarly in instances where my first reaction is based on my own internal feelings. However, I don't react outwardly until I have had time to determine my own motives and distinguish them from my feelings. It is only then that we can put our own baggage aside and do the right thing even if it doesn't feel right at the time.
I have bled this over in my life to other relationships besides my skids. I always "put the shoe on the other foot." It has definitely saved me from doing things that would undoubtedly hurt people I care about. I have taught this to my husband and now he does it back to
I wonder if age and experiences have a lot to do with our clarity now. I can't say I've always been this way. In fact, I was just as impetuious as some are here at one time, but that was when I was younger and new to the stepmom thing.
Totaly - I have thought it
Totaly - I have thought it would be age and experiences that would influence clarity... but sometimes I see people so stuck in their own baggage.... On that one, I will use BM as an example. She lost her husband. She lost the last great guy that was going to propose to her. She pretty much has lost her daughter. You would think that she would be able to look inward... but she cannot. She blames my husband for leaving her and her daughter for being too sensitive. She blames that great boyfriend for leaving her. She's the "perfect, wonderful" mother and everyone else has issues. And she's older than me. So I don't know why some people can see past it and why others can't.
I think it has something to do with being able to look at yourself, even when you are being "ugly" on the inside, and still being able to handle it. And to forgive yourself, and understand that it's okay to feel those things, but not to act on them. I personally think that it takes a lot of strength to look at yourself and know ... "Wow I AM F*CKED UP!!" and still get up and live your life and be okay with it...
cuz lots of peeps haven't
cuz lots of peeps haven't learned personal responsibility, Stick....doesn't matter HOW old they are....
A mother is not defined by the "b" or the "s" in front of her name, she is defined by how she handles the "mother" part.....
I guess Lotus... but it does
I guess Lotus... but it does make you wonder, doesn't it? How someone can go through life like that?
I look at her and never understand? Like ... the amount of talking lies to yourself... blinding yourself to the truth. I don't think it can be real. I think somewhere.... deep down in her psyche... somewhere, she's gotta know, right??? Or do you think that BM and others like her can be so fully and deeply delusional about themselves that they never get it?
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! *** my case...I wonder my case...I wonder all the does this woman go thru life out there not knowing how her kids are???....I mean even if I f'kd up really bad with them, and I cared or wanted to be in their lives, I would call every day...even if they didn't want to speak to me...I would call every single day....but nope...she runs off with the latest guy and I guess pretends she didn't do anything that caused things to be the way they are...I guess it kinda has to be denial on some level...who could live with that every day???
A mother is not defined by the "b" or the "s" in front of her name, she is defined by how she handles the "mother" part.....
I really believe that some
I really believe that some people just wont get it....ever. It makes me sad for them really. And it still blows me away at times. Maybe they are scared to look too deeply within? I dunno. This thread is excellent. Its a good reminder to take a deep look at myself and define why it is that whatever is bothering me bothering me. Only thing you can change is yourself and how you deal with what life brings. Thanks for sharing this. It helps more then you could imagine.
Look within and make the
Look within and make the changes you need to make... thanks for taking the time to get this out Stick.
"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." ~Judy Garland
Awwww sheee-itt BBB !!!
Awwww sheee-itt BBB !!! You said in 2 sentences what it took me a whole page to say!!
I need to learn BREVITY!
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
but I LOVE the way you said
but I LOVE the way you said it!
That means we work well together
"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." ~Judy Garland
Stick, I have realized that
Stick, I have realized that perception is everything. Changing how you look at things can change your life, especially since you cannot control the actions of others. And I am a control freak. So this was an extremely hard lesson to learn.
I always expected everything to fall into place. For it be all blissful and we all get along and that's great. And when it didn't I just broke down. I bring the baggage from my experience growing up as a stepchild and constantly use it to compare to now. It took a long time for me accept that my son will have a stepfather because I assumed all stepdads were like mine, and I didn't want him to go through that.
I used to let FH's shortcomings consume me. I used to feel like every bad or inconsiderate thing he did meant that he didn't love me, or that I would always be nothing to him or whatever. Then I woke up and realized that I wasn't perfect, so how could I expect him to be? Especially considering that many of the things that upset me about him, I did it too! Once I embraced that him and I are very much alike and handle things the same, I understood his reasoning more. I stopped trying to make him into something he wasn't and accepted who he was. And in doing that I have come to enjoy the moments we have now and will have in the future.
Of course I slip up at times. And I revert back to my old way. But I recognize and try to correct it, because I refuse to let my past or his past dictate my future. Period.
Gianna - this is a great
Gianna - this is a great philosophy - quoting you....
"I refuse to let my past or his past dictate my future. Period."
Nicely said!
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
Oh...TB...I definately thing
Oh...TB...I definately thing age and experience definately is responsible for MY clarity...I was such a self centered, spoiled, selfish person and everything was all about ME and how I wasn't until I was older that I started to see the big picture...its so not about each and every one of us...LOL...I wish I had gotten that 25 years ago...and Stick...honey...I don't need to see u to know what a beautiful person u are...but I totally understand YUR baggage...I have always said personal experience totally dictates our perspective on things...loved yur blog, as always!!
A mother is not defined by the "b" or the "s" in front of her name, she is defined by how she handles the "mother" part.....
You're absolutely right,
You're absolutely right, especially with you very last sentence. I was thinking the exact same thing to myself this morning
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
Stick, I actually think you
Stick, I actually think you may have put your finger on what is one of the hardest things about stepparenting. At least in my case.
From the time I met my then-BF's daughters, until now, the process has been one of having varying reactions to this life I decided to sign up for -- some positive, some VERY negative -- and having to figure out what to make of those reactions and how to incorporate them into my life. I've had to deal with strong feelings of frustration and disgust at the things that my SDs do, or the relationship my DH had with BM, and try to figure out: is this a legitimate reaction? Why am I having it? Is it fair for me to bring it up with DH, or do I need to face that this is MY baggage to deal with and not his or his daughters' fault?
We all know those reactions, logical or not:
- Suddenly feeling disgust at a gesture your SD makes that is SOOOOOO a carbon copy of BM
- Seeing the kids do things that you are convinced you would NEVER allow a child to do if you were their parent
- Having BM call DH day and night with ridiculous requests and expect that he will just drop his life with you to cater to her, the "mother of his children"
- Watching DH cave to BM just to not have to deal with yet another sh*tstorm, when you want him to kick her a**
- Seeing values instilled in your stepkids that you feel strongly are detrimental, immoral, or just plain wrong
- Having very ambivalent feelings (from love to strong dislike) for your husband's children, and not being consoled by the knowledge that even bio parents feel those ways about their kids sometimes
- Watching your skids eat junk day after day and wondering how their parents can be so lax
etc. etc.
Some of us are of the kind of character that makes us tend to question our motives and our baggage and try to stuff it down deep as not being valid. Others of us are more the type to trust our instincts -- maybe not to see our baggage enough for what it is -- and demand that our baggage be accommodated. Most of us are probably somewhere in between.
The frustration of our baggage as stepparents, I think, resides in part in the fact that OUR baggage is thrust in our face all the time, all day long, by the situation we find ourselves in parenting someone else's children and having to accommodate a spouse from a past life. Resentments big and small, reactions to seeing situations that clash with our values and over which we have no control. Being a stepparent, at least a decent one, involves CONSTANTLY having to grapple with and second-guess our baggage. And if we don't have supportive spouses/partners, maybe also having that baggage constantly thrust in our faces by them as well, making us feel even worse for the fact that, frankly, this is a hard gig -- and it would be for anybody.
Even harder, I think, is the fact that it seems like, while we grapple with all these conflicting feelings and are sooo UBER-aware of them all the time, the bioparents seem completely oblivious to their own baggage. BM, in my case, is such a raving loon, and such a mass of petty grievances, past resentments, and vindictiveness -- and yet, because she is Mommy, she gets to hide it all under the Cloak of the Sacred Birthing Vessel. She's a Mother, so in her mind, every emotion she has is because she is only Thinking Of The Children. (Yeah, right.)
Yet, because we are stepparents, it seems that every ambivalent emotion we have, it's because we are Evil Stepparents Out to Hurt the Children/Replace their Mother/Brainwash Daddy, etc. etc.
Yet another frustration to add to the list of baggage: the fact that so often, everyone else in this constellation gets to pretend that they have NO baggage -- and all of them walk around like they're in the story The Emperor's New Clothes.
Sometimes, being a step feels like you're the only one who sees the emperor's naked. And trying to bring it up can get you banished from the kingdom.
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
Stick- I think this is true
I think this is true of every difficult situation we find ourselves in. There are always reason we wound up there and they aren't entirely to blame on someone else. We all have free will.
I know that one of the feelings I struggle with in my relationship with SD is resentment. Not because of her or anything my DH has made me do but because life didn't follow the plan I had in my head and I have a hard time accepting that and letting that go.
My first husband died when my BD was an infant. Instead of being consumed by my new baby and getting to relax and enjoy those formative years with her, I was grieving, angry and working my butt off to keep her daycare and pay the mortgage. I really felt like I had missed out.
When DH and I got married and I finally had a partner to share these "life stressors" with, I looked forward to being able to relax and really focus on BD. But life changed again when SD came to live with us and her BM took off. I know none of this is her fault or DH's fault and I do remind myself of this frequently. I have a really hard time letting this go. This is certainly MY baggage.
Thanks for the great blog.
BB that was a great post! Im
BB that was a great post! Im new to this position and already see what is in store. You all are so helpful in genuine advise and it is so great to be able to read here and know there are others that are in the same boat. Thanks for that post BB! And all of you guys rock.
Im feeling rather high road today, but Im sure I will let lose and you lucky people will get to hear it. lol
Stick - firstly thank you
Stick - firstly thank you for sharing your story with us, you have been through so much yet are so self aware of not letting it affect everything in your life - truly inspirational.
Reading through here made me think of a previous job, which involved going into a local prison and getting to know fairly well a small group of men who were all serving life sentances for murder. After I got over my initial fears of going in I started to get to know these guys a bit, and eventually I got to the point where the reason for them being there wasn't the biggest issue on my mind. One of them opened up to me one day & told me some of the details about his life - he got into drugs in his teens & then stealing to pay for them, one night, as he put it, a robbery got out of hand and he took a life. He has spent the whole of his twenties in prison, and may be granted parole when he's about 40. He has spent his time in prison wisely, got off drugs, got some qualifications, and most importantly taken the full responsibility of what he did - he doesn't blame the drugs, or the mates he was hanging around with, although he appreciates how they contributed to what happened. For me he is a great example of how prison can work as rehabilitation and punishment hand-in-hand - he will spend around 20 years in prison as punishment, but has used this time to look inward and although he will never forget what he did or stop feeling guilty he wants to do something that will contribute to society - his goal when he is released is to work with young offenders, especially those mixed up with drugs, and he hopes that he can help at least one of them avoid making the mistakes he did.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that admitting your own guilt for whatever your issue is always difficult, and I think most of us will try and blame others for this as we don't want to think that we're at fault. As steps it is easy to blame the skids or BM for everything (sometimes DH too) and perhaps because we feel more helpless in that we don't have authority over some aspects of our lives it can push us towards thinking with don't have authority in any areas.
I've noticed the most common advice on here is to sit down & talk with your DH, yet it is something I struggle to do with my OH for some reason - I bottle things up until I get angry and then explode. It's not healthy, and I need to figure this out somehow. Writing on here does definitely help me as a venting place, but I can always find an excuse to discuss these things with OH - one of us has had a busy day at work or is going out later, I don't want to ruin the one day a week it's just us two etc etc.
Sorry to ramble on, this turned our longer than I expected!