Disengage, not sure what to do??
So I am trying to disengage. Does disengaging mean not being there? If I am there he will rope me into doing everything. I don't know what to say to him when we are at home to disengage. you know without leaving the house. Last night I went to my class and sure enough I got a call at 7:45 saying are you on your way home? I said yes, just finished my class, he said ok we were waiting on you to eat dinner, I said I am not going to eat dinner, (in my mind I'm thinking it's 8:00 have you not fed your kids) I said go ahead and eat sweetheart, no need to wait on me. He asked what was there to eat, I told him. Ok I'm almost home 20 minutes later and he calls and says where are you, I said on my way. I again said go ahead and feed your kids.
Ok, I get home, he is on the couch with a stomach ache and a leg ache. I brought him some alleve because his legs were aching, and he said I thought you were going to make hamburgers!! OMG WHAT? I said nothing of the sort, I said feed your kids. He got up and took them to McDonalds. OMG
So tonight, some girls asked me to go to the movies to see It's comlicated! (can't wait) and I can either go or stay home and spend some time with his kids. I'm not sure if they need another dose of I'm not going to do it or if I should spend some time while they are there, I work all day and they leave thursday.
I guess I haven't had the chance yet to say, I'm not going to do these things for you unless you back me up on the respect issue with your son and not allow him to tell me to be quiet in any situation.
- sadstep's blog
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I'm sorry but he is just
I'm sorry but he is just funny...and sad all at the same time. Go see your movie dear. Being disengaged means not being a doormat. It means choosing things that make you happy without stepping on anyone else so it's a difficult dance. You can be there selectively when YOU are ready to be there OR when people in your house begin to respect your presence more. It's an uphill process and you'll slide back and do things like make dinner for his kids after you've been in class every now and then...and that's ok. You just have to keep a steady head about how far you want to disengage.
Enjoy your movie my dear
"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." ~Judy Garland
If being home means you're
If being home means you're going to get sucked in, then leave. They're taking advantage. Why should you spend time with them if your only role in the family is to be the only responsible person so they can all be friends and have fun while making you miserable. I don't know your entire situation, but here is my rule of thumb - if you aren't respecting me and you aren't following the rules I've laid out, then I can't be responsible for you. Sorry, that is just the way it is. If your dh doesn't support or back you and make them aware that you are a parental figure and they need to listen to you AND when he is there he needs to step up, then you can't ensure their safety and therefore should not be responsible for them. Maybe dh will step up once he (and they) realize how much you do for them. It had a real impact on SD5 when she came home from school one day and asked if she could play outside and I said "no, sorry, you don't think you have to listen to me and therefore I can't be responsible for you outdoors, you'll have to wait for your parent to come home". DH got home well after her bed time so she stayed indoors. I was able to disengage and be here because dh supports me. I'm not always disengaged. Sometimes I choose to do things for SD5 (like be a homeroom mom or get her all dolled up) He'll ask occasionally for me to watch her because he has to work. If it is at a time when I have chosen to be disengaged, he explains to her exactly what I will and will not do for her before he leaves. She is slowly learning that life is a lot more fun and a lot easier when she is being respectful because when she is not, I take care of her basic needs and make sure she is safe, but nothing more.
"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!
I completely disengaged from
I completely disengaged from my sd5. It had helped me tremendously!!! Stress free!!! Let fdh wprry about his princess. The only thing was, fdh resents me now. Thinks I hate his daughter (fdh always thinks in extremes - there is no middle of the road for him). I've told him time and time again. I don't hate your daughter. She is actually a pretty good kid. What i hate is YOUR lack of parenting her when she does something inappropriate, and then you expect my son to take the fall for her (going beyond his involvement). That's what I hate. So...what did I do??? For the last 3 months I have been avoising her eow like the plague. I will leave the house as soon as I can and come back shortly before bedtime. What ever it takes to keep the peace for the weekend. It's working for me, but not for fdh. He wants us to be a family. Minus the bickering and conflict. Sunshine and roses.
Personally disengaging has been my mental and emotional godsend, but it's been my fdh's undoing. Do what you need to do to get the point across...sometime our men need a good swift kick in the ass. The one thing I really like about my fdh is he can admit that he doesn't want to hear/see the truth b/c it sometimes hurts.
I can relate to your comment
I can relate to your comment about them wanting your Biokid to take more of the responsibility for problems than they should and also with the overreaction to you disengaging. My DH felt that I didn't want to be a "Mother" to his daughter as I tried to disengage. I have a daugther just a year and a half younger that I proceeded to continue to parent and do Mom/Daugther things with and it pissed him off to the limit...he totally lost it. I was a lot more blunt, telling him that I didn't "Mother" her because she's an asshole to me and my kids and I didn't want anything more to do with her....so obviously I let it go too far...but anyway, sorry for the hijack....just relating and validating. It only gets worse over time and gets harder to disengage the more ingrained the man/child is in making things your responsibility
Why do they all just want to
Why do they all just want to avoid conflict? Life isnt that perfect no matter who you are, what you have/don't have. Mine thought by owning up to being less than perfect made it acceptable until i crossed him by actually making him fend for his own. It wasnt at all what he envisioned when I totally disengaged (moved out-woohoo!!) after tuning them out. His whole family turned on me when I started ignoring them; then he told the kids they didnt have to listen to me either. No-win situation that was only going to get worse as me and mine bore the brunt of angry spiteful kids and an indifferent set of parents.
You have to love the inlaws.
You have to love the inlaws. You can't win. If you ignore the kids you are rotten but if you engage with them and set boundaries you are a monster. I'm not her mom so I shouldn't discipline, but I am a bitch because I don't love her like a mom.....
"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!
It is really tricky for sure
It is really tricky for sure and he's going to act all pissy about it because somehow they get it in their heads that it is your responsibility when it really isn't. I know when we sign on to marry or be with a man that has kids and vice versa we are committing to them too, but it is a two way street. I think the most common move in the world for biodad's in a step situation is to offload all the 'women's work' on the new spouse and then avoid the work required to give the new spouse/gf all the authority and respect that should accompany it. The only way I know of to get it, if they aren't handing it out willingly is to show them that you aren't going to accept it...which means taking a stand until they 'get it'....the fact that he is acting disgusted or trying to hook you into the subservient yet disrespected role tells me he hasn't 'gotten it'. Don't give in until the confrontation happens and he agrees with your main points...you will likely have to lay it out in black and white so to speak.
Yes and keep in mind that
Yes and keep in mind that when the confrontation does take place (and it will) you will be told that YOU are being SELFISH because YOU won't take care of HIM and HIS kids regardless of how SELFISH they behave. Stand your ground. Agree with him. "Yes, I am being selfish. If you won't stick up for me and let your kids know that I am not a doormat and if you won't stop being selfish and acting like my purpose here is to serve, then I need to be selfish because SOMEONE NEEDS TO LOOK OUT FOR MY INTERESTS!!"
"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!
You guys are all wonderful.
You guys are all wonderful. It brings tears to my eyes--I am so glad that I sought out this site. I think you are right that I need to take a stand until dh 'gets it'. The main things is I'd like to salvage a relationship with ss11. Going through all of this and reading all of this has made me realize that I DO want that. I have been unclear if I ever wanted to even see the kid again, but I do realize I want that. This resentment has to stop or it isn't going to happen. I hope you ALL realize the wonderful people that you are.