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Christmas courtesy

NEWMOM1_STEPMOM3's picture

I have been considering giving a photo card to my stepkids mother even though her and I do not get along. The photo is of my two teenage stepsons, my two year old son, and my 9 month old step-grandson. I am hoping this might give her some sense that we can share the grandchild. She recently became angry w/ my stepdaughter b/c she let me babysit on a day I requested. I refuse to fight over the grandson. I have already spent years dealing with her regarding my three stepkids. What do you think?


stepoff's picture

I don't think that will work. She might see it as the 'grandson with you/your family'. I don't know. It all depends on how she tends to look at things.

Kb3Hooah's picture

She's going to have to come to that revelation on her own, and if you have already spent years dealing with her like this, it probably won't do any good to send the photo card. She will probably view it as an attack on her by you.

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ChaiLatte's picture

I agree with above. She'll probably question your motives for sending it, that you have an agenda, which you kind of do. Not a horrible agenda, but you are sending her the picture to make a point. Why bother? I'm sure you mean well, but I don't think its necessary to send her the picture.

"There comes a time when you have to surrender the idea of what your children could be to the reality of who they are."