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Christmas courtesy

NEWMOM1_STEPMOM3's picture

I have been considering giving a photo card to my stepkids mother even though her and I do not get along. The photo is of my two teenage stepsons, my two year old son, and my 9 month old step-grandson. I am hoping this might give her some sense that we can share the grandchild. She recently became angry w/ my stepdaughter b/c she let me babysit on a day I requested. I refuse to fight over the grandson. I have already spent years dealing with her regarding my three stepkids. What do you think?

Should I accept gifts from her?

NEWMOM1_STEPMOM3's picture

I've been wondering if I should continue to accept gifts from my husband's ex-wife for my 2 year old son.She does not give them to me . She sends them at Christmas time with her two teenage boys, my step sons. She has never asked me about it either. Her children live with me. She and I have a very tense relationship. I do not like her as a person for everything she's done/not done for her kids over the years. She has to have control of any situation which is why I think she sends the gifts just b/c she can.In the past she's been verbally/physically threatening to me.