Just thought I'd...
Hi, just thought I'd write my first blog on here and get some things off my chest. DH and I have been married for 9 years (together for 10 yrs.) I posted before about his 2nd ex-wife wanting me to leave so their kids can meet mine (their half sisters). Of course once I put my foot down with DH the subject gets dropped...sort of. Just a week ago I noticed that some friends and family were getting weird e-mails that were sent from our e-mail address. I checked our sent files to see if it showed in there. It didn't, we changed passwords on everything just in case. While I was in the sent files I noticed DH had recently sent an e-mail to SD16 (2 days before I read it). It was a link to a site that showed how our weather will be here during the winter. He said to her in the e-mail "this is how the weather will be for your trip" As far as I knew the trip was not going to happen because I refuse to leave my home and let BM stay in my home. BUT then I read that e-mail DH sent to his daughter. I was afraid I'd end up blowing up at DH big time so I wrote him an e-mail. Of course I got no real response from him. I had to come straight out and ask him face to face to get any kind of answer. I asked if they were still coming without me knowing. I asked if he was just planning on letting them come anyway and let the shit hit the fan when they get here. He said he didn't know what was going on and that he hasn't spoken to BM since their son had been beaten up on the school bus. I think it's a load of crock. DH is known for doing things like acting as if he has no clue but really knows exactly what is going on and hoping it works itself out. I'm more of the type who wants to nip it in the bud before it gets completely out of control.
I really think BM and the skids are going to show up and I'm going to be stuck being the bad person when I blow my top. I have told DH if she shows up without me knowing I will pack mine and our daughters' things and will be headed for Florida. What kind of husband and father does this to his wife and kids. He tells me I am the love of his life and he'd be lost without me, but then he turns around and does this crap.
I feel like I am on a non-stop rollercoaster and no one can stop it.
- toriandred's blog
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I don't know if I
I don't know if I understand. Has he not seen his kids since you guys got together 10 years ago?
I don't understand why the
I don't understand why the ex-wife needs for you to be gone during this visit. Who is she to dictate something like that? As far as the kids go, if they are half siblings then you are fighting a losing battle. Your dh will probably end up hating you because he won't understand why ALL his kids can't be friends or know each other. If you end up splitting from your dh, the kids will get to meet each other anyway. So, you won't win. You are between a rock and a hard place, no doubt about it. I am in your shoes and my skids and bkids are not half or full of anything! (okay, my sd is full of something! but I don't want to use that kind of language!) }:) Just that my dh adopted my bkids. So, I don't like the influence from the siblings because they have many things in their personality that I don't want in my kids, but there isn't much I can do about it except talk to my kids after they have hung out with one of the skids and discuss any bad behavior and why they shouldn't do that. Fortunately, my skids live a long waaaaayyyyyy away from us and they only show up once and awhile. It sounds like yours are not close either. If the bm shows up, just put on a smile (drink a shot or two if it helps!) and let the bm see how wonderful you have it with her ex-dh! Rub it in her face if it makes you feel better while she's there! In the end, you will look like the bigger person to your dh and over time, you will get more from him then blowing your top will get you and refusing to let his kids get to know each other.
I'm confused by your post -
I'm confused by your post - Why does BM need to be there for them to meet? Does your DH not have scheduled parenting time with his kids?
“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.”
DH has seen his other kids
DH has seen his other kids since we've been together, but it's always on her terms. They've never met their half sisters because of BM. BM hates my guts and says she couldn't trust leaving her precious kids in both of our care. She wants to be able to stay in our home and see exactly what is going on while the skids visit. She wants to control every aspect of the kids meeting. I want the kids to meet. I've wanted nothing more. I have told my daughters about their brother and sister since they were inside of me. I have never tried to hide the fact that they have siblings. I have their pictures on our walls and in our photo albums. BM on the other hand hid my children from hers for about 3 years. DH is just not stepping up to her and telling her how things could go without any drama.
Is there a scheduled
Is there a scheduled parenting plan in place thru the courts?
“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.”
What a control freak!!!
:jawdrop: What a control freak!!! Well, she can't control what goes on in your home and I hope you don't let her!!!!! Stand your ground! Be there with a smile on and a kiss-my-a** attitude!!!!! That is YOUR home, not bm's!!! Just because she is a control freak doesn't mean she gets to be one in every situation!! It's good that you want the kids to meet. Maybe you should turn the tables on her and started saying the things that she is saying. That you don't want your kids around her without you being there!
Yes, DH does have court
Yes, DH does have court ordered visitation, but it never happens. And since we can't afford a lawyer to get any of this changed we're basically screwed. BM has never gotten over DH and she uses the kids to her advantage. They live in another state, but we have tried and tried to get them to visit. We've sent money for plane tickets and we have bought plane tickets that ended up being cancelled because I wouldn't let her stay in my home for 2 weeks. DH has gone to their state for a visit, but it was a last minute thing. BM had to go out of the country and her parents wouldn't watch the kids so she flew DH out there. That was all done and plane ticket bought before I even caught wind of it. I have told DH that it is unfair and unrealistic for her to say I can't be around her kids but she can be with mine. DH is being a total coward and letting her walk all over us. He told me when this all first came up that if this was the only way she'd let the kids meet then he was going to do as she says. I told him that was a bunch of bull and I couldn't believe he'd tell his WIFE to get out of the house so his EX- wife could come in and take over. Plus, we have already been thru this and when the last visit was ripped away from the kids she ended up apologizing and said that we could all talk about it so that everyone gets what they want. Of course she hasn't even tried to talk to me and DH is just letting her do this. He ends up pissed at me when I start standing my ground and saying if I can't be near those kids she sure as hell isn't coming near mine. He'll say things like "Fine, they'll never meet" and "fine, I'll just never speak to them again just to make you happy" When I tell him that is not what I want and I want everyone to get along he just rolls his eyes and says he's not going to talk about it anymore. It's so stressful!
Honestly, until your DH
Honestly, until your DH takes a stand in this matter, it will continue like this. Youre fighting a battle that you are powerless in unless DH stands by your side.
Have a change of heart, invite her into your home, cook her a nice warm meal with a little bit of exlax on the side
“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.”
You don't need a lawyer to
You don't need a lawyer to file contempt charges. It is a nominal fee to open the case back up and you can get the forms on line. I wouldn't let her get away with this.
But on to more pressing problems. Your DH obviously doesn't respect you enough to defend you to his x. He is letting her run ramshod over him at your expense.You two need to do some serious soul searching together. This is all on him. She can be a bitch if she wants to be, but it is his reaction to it that has any real affect on you. He needs to step up. This is him.
I have pretty much invited
I have pretty much invited her to my house, not to stay, but I came up with something that could've worked and she went overboard. We told her that we could make arrangements with my MIL for her to stay there or we'd put her up in a hotel. I told her in an e-mail that I have no problem having her come over for meals and visit, but to actually "live" together for 2 weeks was a bit too much. She went off on DH in an e-mail and cut off contact between him and his children. She uses those kids so much and she doesn't even realize she is hurting them. I have so many e-mails from her saying that DH isn't allowed to e-mail or IM with the kids anymore because of me. She has threatened so much court action and says that support and communication are two different things.
I get so upset when he doesn't stick up for me. He doesn't seem to have any respect for me and it hurts. I just know I would never do this to him. I watched my own mother do this stuff to my father. I don't think BM knows I actually know the way she is thinking because of my experience thru my mom.
I will definitely be looking into all the legal things we can do. If anyone is going to be held in contempt it's gonna be her! I'm sure I've got plenty of proof of how insane this woman is.
Here is exactly what was
Here is exactly what was said when she ripped that visit away from the kids...
Sorry if there any typos, but hey I didn't type it, just copied and pasted this.
I'm not sure if last message was received. I wrote it early this morning and the Internet was down for a short while. Due to your lack of back bone, I have decided that this whole trip was a really really bad idea. The tickets have been canceled and I will be taking my children on a vacation elsewhere. I will not go to a place where my children and I are not welcomed. I cannot trust my most precious children to someone who I don't know. I only have them, you have had lots of replacements.
Reminder, regardless of your new employer's verbal message, you are responsible for the payment of child support. If you become 30 days delinquent in payments, I will have the court hold you in contempt of a court order and have a warrant issued for non-payment of support. Believe me if Chrissie and your dad think I'm going to "take over" something it will be this.
This whole thing did not have to be this way, why would I make things ugly for my children while they where there?? It has been me that has tried and tried to keep you in both of their lives.
Jennifer will no longer be able to IM you. Remember, visitation and support are two different issues. If you want visitation go to court and have them order me to allow you to visit them. It is still stipulated that the visitation is supervised by my Mother. You better make sure that you have a better attorney than I do to change the existing order. This is "taking over".
It did not have to be this way.
Does her Mother live out of
Does her Mother live out of state and why is it supervised by her?
Also, this is complete proof right here that she is withholding visitation and with this, would be easy to find her in contempt. But again, your DH has to be the one willing to proceed and put in the effort to fight against her PAS tactics. If he's not willing to do it, then there isn't much that's going to change the situation.
“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.”
Your dh just needs to step
Your dh just needs to step up and do what needs to be done. He needs to take her to court and let the judge make the visitation rules not her. Catering to her, like your dh is doing, will just get worse as time goes by. His whole life will be about HER. Does he really want that? Just because she wants to keep in charge of the who takes care of her kids, doesn't mean she is going to get that. Unless your dh or you are not good parents and do drugs or something, then she won't have a leg to stand on. I bet the judge would see her behavior for what it is, manipulation and PAS! She sounds really arrogant to me on top of the control thing! Course, I think those 2 characteristics go hand-in-hand! Wow, all I can say is keep up the fight! and {{{{hugs}}}}}. You are NOT alone!
The visitations were
The visitations were supervised by BM's mother for a couple of reasons. One, she didn't want to see him one bit (at that time), and two because my DH is an ex pot smoker and she was thinking he'd go back to smoking it since they weren't together anymore. He hasn't, but she kept it this way. Her mother lives in the same state as her, but they're not even speaking much anymore. Her mother didn't want DH anywhere near the kids. When we did live in the same state DH would set up a visitation then BM's mom would cancel saying she had other plans that she had forgotten about. It went on like that for a year. The only time he did get to see the kids was when he went to pay for their daycare. Since he was friends with the people who ran it they let him in to see his kids for a couple of minutes. Other than that all visitation has been cancelled or completely denied. It's really like she holds those kids hostage sometimes.
Ya know what I thought was weird, she usually sends a copy of her e-mails to DH along to her lawyer, but this one she didn't....here's what led up to the nasty e-mail...
Dear Shawn,
The children and I will be staying with you and your family for 2 weeks. I hope that Chrissie will be alright with this. I will be renting a car sometime after we arrive so that I can do some "fiber" looking.
Also, Dad is not doing well and is in the hospital at Mayo Hospital. His heart is not doing as well as was hoped. According to Mom he is in congestive heart failure. Mayo will not release him until this issue is resolved. He did very well after the 6 vessel bypass, however, when the abdominal aortic aneurysm was repaired about 2 1/2 weeks ago he has become very frail. The family and medical providers are gravely concerned about his surviving this set back.
Take Care,
please let me know if the accommodations for me staying within your home is going to cause a problem.
She didn't send that one to her lawyer either. And she asks if there would be a problem. Of course she didn't like the answer she got even tho DH was trying his best to compromise with her.
Well if it says his visits
Well if it says his visits have to be supervised, he has to go back and modify that otherwise he really doesn't have a leg to stand on.
However, I would never allow my husband's x to stay in our home. That would be just... ICK.
Holy Toledos! Are you
Holy Toledos! Are you kidding? This is sooooo wrong. Save that e-mail. Have DH contact a "Father's Rights" attorney. He should be able to get one for a nominal fee. She tells him that HE has to hold up his end of the agreement, yet SHE can withhold visitation if/when she likes? NOT! And DO NOT invite her into your home! This will only give her reason to gossip and bicker about anything/everything that she sees. If she NEEDS to meet you for her own peace of mind, she can come out for a day or two, meet her at a restaurant for lunch, and keep her at a hotel. She can go back home on her own and send the kids separately (if they're old enough). She's looking for trouble. Why does she distrust your DH with his own kids? Has anything happened in the past? She's a total control freak who needs to let go. She's only hurting her own kids with this. Find a pro-bono attorney ... fast.
Nothing has happened in the
Nothing has happened in the past to where she shouldn't trust DH with his kids. He's an outstanding father. He gives what his children need and some extras here and there. Definitely doesn't try to buy their love with gifts, altho they have tried to sucker him into some things. She's just been this vendictive from the beginning. She has kept the kids away because of me. She doesn't like that DH and I are happy together. It's like if she's not happy no one else is going to be either. I know if I let her in my home she would bicker about anything she could find, even if it was a sock on the floor she'd say it was filthy or something. Of course if I had to show any court pictures of how she runs her home and how I run mine they'd see who was more clean. The skids are old enough to travel alone. SD is 16 and SS is 12. If BM would just put her big girl panties on and let those kids see their father and know their sisters it would all be fine, but we see that's not going to happen.
Coming from a divorced family myself I know and understand exactly how my skids are feeling with their mother. They're going to grow up resenting her in the end of it all. SD already shows signs of resenting her mom. I don't know how many e-mails she has sent saying things such as "I wish mom would just shut the f*** up" If she were my child she would not be using that language. She also shows love and care for her sisters and I. With every e-mail she tells DH to send her love to us and to give her sisters hugs. SS hardly speaks to DH. When DH calls on their schedule day SS will talk for a couple minutes then hand the phone to BM. Then on SD days BM can't wait to get on the phone but SD won't give it to her
SD wants to live with us, but she has some issues I'd rather not have around my kids. SD likes to play with fire. She gets lighters taken away constantly. She is also hanging out with all the gothic types, which I have too, but she seems too much into it. Either she is just rebelling against her mother or she's seriously crying out for help with her actions. I still want them all to meet and maybe learn to love each other. I know my BDs love their brother and sister already and they would love to meet them. We just have to get over this hump that we call "HER".
LOL and to top it off he'd
LOL and to top it off he'd have to pay spousal support too. I haven't worked a day since being with him. We decided from the beginning that I'd be a stay at home mom. Of course now that both of my girls are in school now it's time to get a job. I'll go nuts if I have to stay home alone all day. Thanks vickmeister, that made me laugh
DH knows I have plenty of
DH knows I have plenty of places to go and he knows the kids would be coming with me. He has been doing a lot of ass kissing to me, but hasn't done what needs to be done. I want him to just flat out tell her that there is no way he'd even suggest I'd go somewhere else. I want him to tell her that no matter what he's their father and he has rights. There's so much more that needs to be said and it has been going on far too long. She would bad mouth me, call up cursing and demanding that I get her exhusband on the phone. She has called me a bitch on many occasions. Not once has he defended me. Oh but he's quick to defend her. Pisses me off big time and he knows it. As you can see she has come right out and called my daughters and I replacements. He tells me, "she's just hurt" well, it's been 10 years and she threw him out so she needs to get over it already. Did she expect him to sit there wanting her back for the rest of his life? She made him miserable!
toriandred, I had a similar
toriandred, I had a similar situation... but with my EH. He was the controlling one and didn't want anyone else around his son. He has gone as far as wanting to inspect mine and DH's house and car to ensure his son is safe. I'm not allowed to let anyone else watch our son because he doesn't trust anyone else to protect his baby (even me but he doesn't have a choice there!).
I refused to allow these 'inspections'. He had no right and it was rediculous. I'm his mother and the custodial parent and I will ensure my son is safe! But I did try to reassure him of this to ease his mind. (he still tries to pull this crap though!)
Bottom line is this, your DH needs to tell BM, "look, I can assure you that myself and tori have only the best interests of the kids in mind and she is a good mother but you are not welcome to stay at our house and you will need to trust me as the father of ensuring their care and safety regardless of who is in my life."
The problem is your court order. She doesn't have to let the kids come unsupervised. You need to get that fixed asap if you ever want to see the kids on your terms.
Best of luck with this. It's just sad that this is only serving to hurt the kids. What a twit (both DH and BM!)!