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An entry in the dumbest BM contest

LizzieA's picture

In the divorce, DH was allowed to claim one kid--every year, no contingencies. BM wrote this up herself. Remember that point.
The first year after the divorce, we asked her to sign the custodial parent form--you don't need this, you can send a copy of the divorce instead. She wouldn't sign it, big surprise, and got mad at DH saying to him, "You f****** me" meaning taking the exemption.
Too bad, BM!
Today we got a letter from the IRS saying someone else had used SKIDS social on their tax return. Three guesses who.
DH has the legal right, it says so. He paid his support. And that didn't change. The greedy pig gets the earned income credit so fair is fair.
Do you believe this? DH called and we don't have to do anything. Just another hassle in stepville.


buttercup123's picture

That is dumb indeed. We pay CS and BM claims the skids. My fave is that my FH shells out 6k a month, of which $4500.00 of it is tax free to her and she runs around telling the world that he is not supporting her and won't even buy SD a dance outfit. Are you kidding me? That's what CS is for. At 6k a month, she can't afford a freaking dance outfit? AND, we pay for ALL the extra-curricular activities!! She is a dumb pain in my butt and I don't get how anyone can be so greedy, so I feel for you. Stepville is a royal burden at times.

DISbelief's picture

Ohhhhhhhhhhh. I believe it, because I have been through it. We have it in the divorce paper work that they flip flop years claiming him (even though TECHNICALLY DH should claim him every year because HE MADE MORE) Did you know that when this happens the IRS automatically defaults to the parent that made MORE MONEY as the one being awarded the right to claim the child, so long as the custody is 50/50 and they aren't behind on any child support. I didn't know that either until BM claimed SS two years in a row. We got the SAME letter you did... talked to our CPA, and he said don't worry about it... we didn't, and that was the result. She got screwed in the end. Biggrin


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ Wink

buttercup123's picture

I get called every name in the book because I'm not religious and yet she cheated, she is greedy, she is manipulative and a rotten parent who bad mouthes the children's father.....what in the heck are they teaching her in church?

vgill's picture

I am dealing with a dumb BM too!! I swear if she get's any dumber, she'll need to be watered!!!!

stepoff's picture

What is it with these greedy-assed BMs??? BM tried to do that one year. She called DH one night while doing her taxes asking all sorts of questions. I didn't know it was her right away. Then when I heard DH saying all kinds of dollar amounts, I asked him who it was. He mumbled "BM". I told him to hang up the phone! She was asking how much he spent on SD's college bills. SHE wanted to claim that money on her taxes. Is she f***ing insane??? He put her through school with his paycheck and she wanted to claim it as a deduction! Yeah, she never called asking for tax info again. HA!