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O/T Big Time. I'm thinking of getting some "enhancements".

RustyHalo's picture

Maybe too personal from some - but if you're bold enough, please give it up.

Has anybody on here had a boob job?

I have wanted new boobies since I gave birth to my youngest daughter almost 17 years ago. I have the money to do it on my own, but FH says emphatically NO! He says I all ready get enough attention now and he like me just the way I am.
I don't want giant huge knockers - I just want some that would be in proportion to my body. I used to weigh a lot more than I do now - let's not talk numbers, okay? - but after breastfeeding my daughter and then losing over 80 pounds in the following years, the boobs are gone. I mean, when I lay on my back, I'm completely flat chested!!! My "boobs" are laying in my dresser drawer INSIDE MY PADDED BRA! When I throw my bra on the floor, it STANDS up all on its own!! I would just like a large "C" cup. You've heard men say - "All you need is a handful", well, that's all I really want!

What do you ladies think?


Amazed's picture

ME!! I did boobies AND tummy tuck:) It was a wedding present. LOVE the boobies and the tuck was the BEST thing I have EVER done for myself:)

“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone"~ Audrey Hepburn

RustyHalo's picture

I have thought about a tummy tuck also. I had all 3 of my kids via C-section (first two were emergencies and the third was planned.) and since I've lost all that weight, I have this gross extra skin "down there" on my lower belly. I HATE it!! But I look absolutely wonderful and damn near perfect in my clothes with my "padded" bra.

**my stepdaughters did not grow in my tummy, they grew in my heart**

Amazed's picture

If you're even considering doing your breasts, you simply must do your tummy at the same's SO WORTH IT. But plan on having at LEAST 2 weeks of downtime...the breasts are simple, the tummy tuck is brutal. I'd do it again in a heartbeat though. I was barely an A I'm a full C and depending on the brand of bra a D sometimes.

~“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone"~ Audrey Hepburn

RustyHalo's picture

And just for the record - I do not want "boobies" for attention. I want them FOR ME! I'm not about to start wearing low cut sleazy clothes, nor do I want to win an award for the most mardi gras beads!!! Ha Ha!

**my stepdaughters did not grow in my tummy, they grew in my heart**

Pantera's picture

I don't have a boob job but I think you should do what makes you happy. I have always thought that I would get one after having children (I don't have any yet). Its your money and your life!!! BTW, congrats on losing the 80 lbs.!!!

RustyHalo's picture

Thanks for the congrats! Unfortunately, it happened after my dad died and I threw my ex out of the house. I was also working three jobs at the time and just didn't have any time to eat, but I was always very thin before I had my babies and I think my body just went back to the way it was meant to be.
After giving birth - I just continued eating for two! It was wonderful! hahahaha

**my stepdaughters did not grow in my tummy, they grew in my heart**

bearcub25's picture

Yea I had a boob job. Gained about 20 I am a 'c' cup and I hate it.
You know I had average size boobies all my life and all of a sudden I gain weight in them and in the belly, especially after the hysterectomy....least I don't gain in the ass.

If I was an A cup then I would want a full B or small C but be careful you don't go too big or even wearing tanks or camis that are decent looking, look sleazy.

RustyHalo's picture

I know what you mean about the "looks sleazy" part in tanks and camis. I definitely don't want that. I just don't want to be flat chested when I lay on my back. I have a very professional job and so I have to dress nice, but it would be nice to be able to wear a strapless bra that doesn't feel like it's going to fall of me.

**my stepdaughters did not grow in my tummy, they grew in my heart**

RustyHalo's picture

MEN think we're dense! My FH always says he's an "ass" man. But, if there's a set of huge knockers anywhere in the tri-state area, he's got his eyes on them. Pisses me off sometimes. I don't get jealous (well, maybe a little), but I am very envious. Also, my left boob is a little bigger than my right. Anybody else have this?

**my stepdaughters did not grow in my tummy, they grew in my heart**

FallingfromGrace's picture

I am just naturally very thin and small chested. I have always wanted a boob job, then had to kids and now I REALLY want one. How painful is it? I have heard it is not bad and I have heard it is terrible.

If you have the money and it is something you are doing for YOU then I say go for it!!!

"God grant me the serenity accept the things I cannot change; the strength to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."

Amazed's picture

If you get them under the muscle, they are really uncomfortable and recovery takes longer...but still worth it! If you get them over the muscle it's a breeze to recover from. I had my first surgery for my breasts under the muscle and it was brutal...then I went back for a revision bc I thought they were too big, the second time I got them smaller and over the muscle. Now they're perfect.

~“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone"~ Audrey Hepburn

Wicked.Step.Monster's picture

Ok ladies... see I just don't understand this because I had a REDUCTION! LOL... I am 5'2" and had D cups. I HATED THEM. I never went through the nice perky boob phase.. EVER. I woke up one day in jr high and there they were, then I stood up and they fell to the floor. UGH! No matter how skinny I was, there they were. I'm talking I weighed 100 pounds and they never got smaller than a full C. I'm short waisted too so no matter what I looked frumpy. Yuck Yuck Yuck! So finally 9 years ago, right after I married DH, I went to the plastic surgeon just to see about my dream. He said, oh yah I can do that for you, let's check on your insurance to see if they'll cover it for necessity! He called a week later and said you're 100% covered by insurance, do you want to schedule surgery? Ummm... HELL YA! I went from a D to an A in 4 hours and it was the single greatest thing I've ever done in my life!!!!! (Ok it was EXTREMELY painful too). Because boobs are basically fat, they have slowly worked their way back to a B cup and I still love my little boobies! LOL!!

Wicked.Step.Monster's picture

I should add this thought... I have the boobs I always wanted and I wish for every woman to be this happy! Next on my wish list is a tummy tuck for sure!!! Smile

mommommom's picture

I wanted them at one time in my life, went to the consultation and everything. Got to the last step of the actual surgery and chickened out. UGH! I am glad now that I didn't do it being I am expecting another baby. That would have been a disaster! But who knows what lies ahead. Wink
My mother had hers done about 2 years ago. She absolutely loves them. She had 3 kids and basically had hanging skin, I know it sounds GROSS. So, she had hers lifted and filled back up. Kinda like inflating a balloon. She is a full "c" and honestly the way the doctor filled them they look more on the real side. They don't look like the perfectly round up in your throat implants that some people have. I will probably wait until after I get BS a car in 2 years, but it may be in my plans.... If you have the body that will not reject them then I say go for it. Take DH to a consultation with you so he can get an understanding of the process and why some women decide on the implants.

HeatherM's picture

I would get a boob job in a second... and a tummy tuck, and a leg lift, and etc etc etc... I just need to win the lottery first! In my opinion...if this stuff is available..then why not?

buttercup123's picture

Why is he so against it? Because "you already get enough attention'? Is he insecure? It's your body and if you feel that it would make you truly happen then go for it. I had mine done 11 years ago. I went from an A cup to a C. I have never regretted my decision. I love my boobies.