So confused...
In August I told my Husband that I was struggling with the relationship with my stepson. I told him that I wasn't sure if I could continue on with how it was going. My stepson and I don't hug very often or give goodnight kisses. I don't want to pressure him into hugging me or telling me that he loves me when I'm not sure if he does. I also feel that my ss tries to manipulate me, dh, and bm. He tells lies about me to his bm and that all blows up into a huge mess. Her and her family slander me on the internet and to anyone who is willing to listen. My husband and I talked about the situation and how it is best that my ss and I work on our relationship because I didn't want to leave my husband and he didn't want to send the ss to live with his bm. My husband has Sole Legal and Physical custody of my ss. I could go into details about what I think of her, but that would take up too much time and it doesn't really matter anyway. I'll just say that her parenting skills are lacking and her family don't make the right choices in life. I thought my husband and I had moved past the issue with my ss and I. He just told me today that he is thinking of sending my ss back to live with his mother. My ss is so excited to see his bm when she comes and gets him or when she calls...he thinks that if he sends him to live with her that he won't want to live there because it won't be all fun and games like it is now when he sees her. She of course wants to be the "fun" parent who gives him everything, buys him whatever he wants, and takes him fun places every time she has him. (I think she just tells him those things then never actually does them.) I am in complete disagreement with him. I think that if my ss lives with bm his life in on a track that will lead him straight to jail and into drugs at an early age. My husband agrees with this, but he wants my ss to be happy. He knows that he's happy there and wonders if it's the best thing for my ss to live with his bm just because she is his bm. I also reminded him about how we would never get any informtaion about school activities/sports. She can't afford to come get him now or even pay 10 a week for lunch will she support him if he lives there full time??? I can understand wanting to make my ss happy by letting him live with his mother, but is it the best thing? He has discipline here, structure, a routine, and we have fun too. I worry about my ss picking up really bad habits and keeping them if he lives with her all the time. He already picks them up and does inappropriate things at school. If he picks them up every other weekend then what would happen if he was there all the time?? I do take responsibility for some of his mistakes, but when a child does something or says something at school that you know he hasn't seen or heard from your household what are you supposed to think?
I guess I'm just confused about my husband even considering to let my ss live with his mother when he knows what will happen in the long run. My mother-in-law thinks he should live with bm too now. She is the one who told us that we should fight for custody in the first place. I'm not happy about that one! She also talks to bm often I believe.
Has anyone else been in a situation where you thought the child would be better off with the other parent?
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i know that sd11 would NOT
i know that sd11 would NOT be better off with bm. but the thought of sending her there to keep my sanity has crossed my mind. bf wont send her, and honestly i'd rather leave than send her there cause she is likely to get knocked up and on drugs by the time she is 15 if she lives with bm.
i applaud you for wanting the best for your ss, even though he and u dont seem to see eye to eye.
i think it's great that you
i think it's great that you want the best for him! its a hard thing but when it really comes down to it, you dont really have a say as to what happens. i guess for me i just keep reminding myself that what i do do for them will pay off one day. that if i can leave a positive mark in there lives, then it was all worth it. we are there smoms for a reason so hang in there and try to find peace in whatever your husband decides. Its not on's on him and dont you forget that. keep it up smommy..i believe you are doing the best you can. that's all you can do![Smile](
I don't believe in babying
I don't believe in babying children either after a certain point. My ss is the biggest cry baby ever with my husband and his mother. I don't put up with it. I make him go sit in his room until he is finished or I just tell him that he needs to stop asap. He tries to pull things with my husband, but I keep on him that if we enable him to continue to be a cry baby that is what he will always be. It pisses me off that he cries over every little thing...I mean everything!!!
do what is BEST for SS. Not
do what is BEST for SS. Not what SS wants, kids don't understand what is best for them--often doing the opposite.
Did you ever here "the grass is always greener on the other side"? I bet if he sends SS to live with BM he will regret it for years.
I don't think it is a good
I don't think it is a good idea, to give up custody just to make SS 'happy'. Children are not mature enough to just know what to do, they need responsible adults to guide them. I am proud of you for standing up for SS and his ACTUAL needs.
I would never give up custody unless it got really bad, we just never had money to fight BM to get it. I think that would have made all the difference with my SD. I believe that often whoever has custody can make or break the child's character and success in life. Its that important!
"What luck for rulers that men do not think."
Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)