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The things these BM's do...

stpmommyof2's picture

SD6 came home this morning wearing a padded bra! SHE IS 6!!! She is so excited about this, but I am livid! Who buys their 6yo a bra? About 6 or so months ago SD6 asked me to buy her a bra...I didn't feel comfortable doing this (because of her age) so DH and I decided to buy her some "undershirts" (they look like bras but are not). She was very pleased with these and they did the trick. BM decided to get her a "big girl bra" and now she is wearing a real bra!?!?!?! How do I explain to her she is too young? HELP!!!


Stick's picture

Get some research from on line - print it out... and show it to DH. Let him call BM and REAM HER A NEW BUTTHOLE!

She's sexualizing a six year old child. At the extreme... in my opinion, this is psychological child abuse. Am I wrong? Does anyone disagree? This is INSANE to me.

I'm sorry, but this woman needs to get a dose of reality slapped into her.

Best wishes honey. You aren't alone in thinking that her BM is a piece of sh... for doing this.

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

ChaiLatte's picture

That's crazy. What is this woman thinking? This reminds me of a dance recital I saw recently where little girls were pumping and gyrating the way grown women do at the club. They danced and were dressed like little strippers. Children are supposed to be innocent. I am far from a prude, but teaching children this is normal is not okay. If you want your 6 year old to wear a padded bra or dance like a stripper that's certainly your choice. Just not one I would make.

DISbelief's picture

Where does she live? I wanna slap her right now. I am in a bad mood... and this kind of crap just pisses me of. What is she trying to turn this little girl into????? Sick sick sick.


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )

FallingfromGrace's picture

Wow. My bio daughter will 9 in less than a month and we JUST did the "half undershirts" thing. She doesnt need a bra - or anything but some of her girlfriends are starting to wear them.

Geez, I had a hard time doing that! I dont understand these woman pushing adulthood on their babies. Terrible.

"God grant me the serenity accept the things I cannot change; the strength to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."

Stepmom2Ched's picture

Oh HOLY COW, are you serious?! SIX years old?

So what's next? Thong underwear?!

~*~Cheer up! It could be worse.
I cheered up, & it got worse!~*~

misfit's picture

I'm shocked by this!!! Crazy shocked!! I woke up this morning, read this post, and called my SO to tell him because I'm just so flippin shocked!!

It's gross. That's all I can think of. Never mind inappropriate beyond belief. I'm guessing BM will do anything to please (or shush) a nagging BD but a BRA at 6 years old!?!?!??!?!?!


If you wish to give off light, you must endure the burning.

stpmommyof2's picture

When I got home from work yesterday, I explained to my SD6 that she is too young to be wearing a padded bra, if she wanted to wear a half undershirt that is fine, but NO padded bras – at least not at my house. BM came to pick up the SD last night. Not 20 minutes after she left I got a text message from BM telling me SD was upset that I told her she can’t wear her “big girl” bra. SO WHAT!!! She is 6! She is not wearing it at my house – end of discussion!

Misfit – you are right…when I asked SD about the bra she told me that BM bought it for her because she kept asking her for it. C’mon, if your 6yo begs you for something over and over again that you know they shouldn’t have are you just going to give in to shut them up? No, you’re going to be the parent and say NO…my parents did!