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Our Anniversary, preparing for The Wookie's call

onehappygirl's picture

Mine and DH's anniversary is Monday. Last year, The Wookie who NEVER texts DH, sent him a series of texts and pictures one evening, two days before our anniversary date. While sitting there wondering what the hell, it dawned on us that she thought it was our anniversary and was being spiteful. We actually thought it was pretty funny.

So that means, she will be calling Saturday night.

This year, I'm ready! I intend to either text back or call her and tell her that DH is busy, has his hands and mouth full and can't be bothered.

I think I will actually be disappointed if she doesn't call. I know, I'm bad.

Any other suggestions?


Storm76's picture

If she calls make sure you answer the phone breathless, and during the conversation giggle, make little kissing noises and appear incredibly distracted by your gorgeous husband.

If your DH picks up the phone, rustle some paper and then exclaim "A whip & handcuffs, how did you know?" in the background.

Alternatively, just completely ignore any texts or calls, then phone back about 3 days later apologising & saying you were on a romantic getaway somewhere exotic (ideally somewhere she always wanted to go & never has!)

He He! Have fun!

MeanOleMe's picture

BM once told the girls she was "mad" at us because we don't pick up when she calls. I told DH next time I was going to call back about an hour later all out breath, and say sorry... we were busy... both of our mouths were full!

You will HAVE to tell us if you really do this!!

"I will not take responsibility, where I do not have authority." ~ MeanOleMe

onehappygirl's picture

Don't worry, I'll tell everything - IF she calls. She will probably only text, though. But will still reply in the same manner, and she will know it's from me.


Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!

Kb3Hooah's picture

You could say, "Sorry BM, DH's hands are "tied" at the moment, so he is unable to text you back" Bwahahahaha }:)

“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.”

onehappygirl's picture

That's so funny because that's what someone in my office told me to say. She's such an idiot she probably wouldn't get it anyway. LOL!


Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!

onehappygirl's picture

The Wookie hasn't moved on. She hasn't dated or anything. She lives with her brother and they live next door to their mommy who pays for their house and cooks all their meals. LOL!! The Wookie is 48 and I think her brother is 50. Their mother hinted to DH that they are both waiting for their ex-spouses to come back to them. Brother's wife left YEARS ago, is married again and has more children with new husband. But still they wait. Sad really.


Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!

onehappygirl's picture

Am I reading this right?? She took your husband and their kids out to eat on your and DH's anniversary??? If so, why in the world would he agree to going out with her to celebrate his anniversary with you? Wow!


Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!

LizzieA's picture

We had a "special" 1st anniversary (married now 2 years)--we went back to the beach where we honeymooned and it happened to be a court date for SS that day. Truancy and pot. So DH had to call them to find out what happened--of course they wouldn't call him.