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Things i would love to say to BM

KeepTrying's picture

Dear BM:

1. You are 5'2" and weigh somewhere near 200 pounds...when I met you 10 years ago, you were probably closer to 130. Please take off the transformers movie are almost 40 years old and you look stupid!!

2. I realize that your 15 yo daughter is a pain in the ass...i think so too. But, never in a million years would i say "you are a bitch" to a 15 year old girl. I can't believe you say that about your daughter. You have no class.

3. You are not a celebrity. Please do not compare our lives to that of Brad and Angie. I don't care how many kids they have, they can afford 10 nannies per kid.

4. Your daughter dresses innappropriately because you let her. It's your job to say "NO"

5. You've been married once, but had children with 2 different men that you have never been married to, you are with the dad of the 2nd child and still carry the other guy's last name what's that about?? least you don't have my DH's last name.

6.Please don't act like what you do is work. We all know you do not go on these "site visits" you sit around all day, watch tv, and take valium and somehow manage to draw a paycheck with the BS notes you send in to your boss.

7. I know I am the SM, but one day, your daughter will be grown and she will realize that you are an idiot and that I was the real mom...she's already starting to get there. Why else do you think she works so hard to get your negative attention?? :?

8. You don't have to have friends over at your house all the time...can't you be alone with your family?

9. If we ever got into a fist fight, I'd kick your ass. Not that I would stoop that low, but just so you know, I would win. (I may be too lady like to do it, but I can fantasize)

10. We have 2 years and 3 months until SD turns 18. That means we can finally stop sending you money for things you want instead of things she needs. The other kid is what...8 now? you better drop her dad and find a new guy to get prego by soon...I know you won't be able to make it without child support!


Anon2009's picture

What I'd like to say to BM, because she recently wrote that DH "left the family and stole her daughters":

dear BM,

DH left YOU, NOT the kids and he didn't "steal" them from you, he WON CUSTODY of them because you're a lousy parent! Even your parents think so!

Marie09's picture

OMG not you hate that! They say Dh left the "family" nooooo he left you're stupid ass NOT his kids!!

Storm76's picture

What I'd like to say -

Child support is exactly that - don't phone towards the end of the month saying you can't afford food when you spent it on going out & getting drunk!

DISbelief's picture

I have soooo much I'd like to say to her...

1. Lay OFF the cigeretts and WEED, and spend THAT money on some clothes for SS. The hand me downs you get are 3 sizes too big and the PHAT Farm pants are God Awful!!

2. CLEAN YOUR HOUSE, you don't work... for crying out loud DO SOMETHING with yourself.

3. "Telling yourself" you don't have Herpies, does not make it true, at least tell the guys you are sleeping with so they know to WRAP IT UP!!

4. Skinny is not always sexy... please keep your road map stomach under cover!!

5. It is not "cool" to mooch off of everyone you know. GROW UP!

6. STRESS is not a good excuse for a MEDICAL MARIJUANA CARD... cancer, yes... glaucoma... yes... STESS.. GIVE ME A BREAK!

7. BATHE your son when he is at your house. He comes home smelling like a foot!

8. Just because you SIGN the homework packet, does NOT make you mom of the year.

9. I know you are sleeping with your friends husband... you are a dirty slut, and give it time honey, your friend will find out too. If I KNOW, then SHE is bound to find out!

10. Candy and chips is NOT dinner

11. 11 oclock is NOT a suitable bedtime for a 6 year old on a school night

12. "My alarm clock didn't go off" is not a good reason to keep your kid home from school.

13. PUt a skirt and make up on a worthog, and it's still a worthog...

Oh, I could go on for days, and just think... I actually TELL her 90% of what is on my mind... these are just the things I would LIKE to tell her.


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )

KeepTrying's picture

you are my new BFF. The part about the Phat Farm pants made me laugh out loud!

I forgot one more thing I wanted to say to BM:

When we sit down and eat dinner together, your daughter tells us about how you walk around the house naked and that your boobs look like utters dragging around and that your husband tells you that you should go put clothes on!!

DISbelief's picture

Heeeheeee... I HATE THOSE PANTS. I "accidently" put them in the wash with my daughters NEW red sweater, then the ended up in the wash with DH's new RED work shirts, those damn pants are like a cockaroach, they just won't die! I swear!

Utters... ewwww. When SS was, ummm maybe 2 or 3, he would walk around saying "My mom is BEAUTIFUL". DH asked him what that meant, he said "I dont know, mommy told me to tell you"... LOL. Funny stuff!

I was watching home videos last night of when the kids were little. BM was in a few of the ones for SS. Which doesn't really bother me... cause, I can see WHY he left her. She may be skinny now (geee, TWEEEKKK MUCH?!?!?!) but she was SO big before!! She never did her hair, it was always in a big messy bun on top of her head, no make up, in pajama pants in every picture and video.Pictures of SS in the bath tub, with MOLD all the way around the edges of the tub... dishes stacked up to the sky in the kitchen. Hmmmmm, gee DH, why did you leave her? She's a CATCH!


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )