When BMs Attack! (In response to Chaotic)
Chaotic posted her horrifying experience and made me think about BMs and their tendencies towards physical violence. My experiences have been way, way, way less scary, but I thought I would post my experience and would love to see what you all have experienced in a similar vein.
As awful as Chaotics experience was, it put my own experiences with the BM way into perspective because I have never had to deal with something that bad. I think that woman should be locked up in a mental ward or jail.
My experience was that BM threatened to physically attack me, but she didn't follow through with it. We were working at the same job and after H left her and got together with me, she lost it and told H and two other people I work with that she was going to come in while I was working and confront me. She told H to tell me to meet her in the back alley and to have someone with me so I "wouldn't get hurt." I thought she was a complete psycho (it was the beginning of her psychotic behavior) but I was very concerned for my safety. I sometimes worked nights (this also happened in winter and it was freezing cold and my car was parked two blocks away from my work building) I went to my direct supervisor, but that was no help because she was friends with BM and completely unprofessional. She told me that she had tried her best to talk BM out of it, but her words had "gone in one ear and out the other." My boss was a total coward, backstabbing and a friend of BMs so I went above her head to the next level and she also was a friend of BMs! (both women have massive problems and I couldn't stand either one of them-in that job they promoted incompetent people to managers as a habit). The higher up supervisor is like an old version of BM. She is old and looks like a witch with long frizzy salt and pepper hair that is always in a disheveled braid. She wears frumpy hippie style clothes and is fat and out of shape. She also has an ugly face with staring blue eyes and the same blotchy skin as BM. Shockingly enough, BMs elderly clone (I shall call her Boss X) was also dumped and left for a younger, prettier, more intelligent and nicer woman and so Boss X identified with BM and projected her own problems on to her. Because of her own massive personal issues and insecurities, Boss X refused to acknowledge that me being threatened was a problem. She told me that she couldn't do anything!!!!???
TANGENT: BM was so nuts at that point that I had no idea what she was or wasn't capable of. She had taken my reading glasses that H had in his backpack and accidentally left out at BMs when he was picking up the kids and she put them in her driveway and ran over them with her car. They had cost me $200.00 which I could do nothing about, but buy new glasses. My revenge was that H and I got married just after this and I got on his insurance which paid for my glasses. The revenge part was that the insurance company messed up the address and sent my insurance statement to BMs house (that H had lived in with her) with "Mrs. NewLastName" written on it. BM not only was reminded that we were just married, but she knew I was on his insurance and that they had paid for brand new glasses for me. END OF TANGENT
I wound up going above Boss X's head to the big boss, which I will call Boss Evil. Boss Evil is completely ruthless and cold and she didn't like BM at all, but she had never dealt with this kind of situation before and she completely screwed up. She cares about one thing and that is: Money. I told her that if BM attacked me while I was working, I would sue the shit out her and the whole company (I phrased it in a more ladylike manner in real life). I had already talked to a lawyer about other issues that were happening at work as a result of my personal life and I had called her and asked her about the situation and my legal options. My lawyer said if I had alerted three bosses about the situation and expressed my concern and BM actually attacked me due to their lack of protective action, I would own the company. Boss Evil knew this and didn't want to lose a load of money in a lawsuit. She lectured me about making "personal choices" that put me in danger and had the nerve to tell me that I had made an "unwise choice" in getting together with H and that it was my own fault if I had a "hard road ahead" of me. She was completely unprofessional, but didn't want to lose money, so she said she would call BM and make it clear that she would lose her job if she threatened me or harassed me in any way while I was on the work premises. Apparently she called BM herself because BM got even more angry, but couldn't come in and attack me without losing her job. BM was so crazy and delusional at this point that she told H and others that there was no way she could lose her job. She assumed that because two of her bosses were on her side that she was invincible. What she didn't know was that the second she touched me in any way, I would slap an assault charge on her and get a restraining order that would cause her to lose her job.
Despite the bosses phone calls to BM, I still felt unsafe and so had my dad meet me at the door when I worked an evening shift and walk me to my car. BM didn't know this, but my dad (my step-dad actually, but he adopted me and I consider him my real dad) was beyond pissed that his daughter was being threatened in any way. He looks mild mannered and quiet, but he can be very scary when angry and wouldn't hesitate to risk going to jail if it meant protecting me with physical violence. He is a quiet, sweet man who is well liked and has tons of friends, but he has a wild past and years ago the wife of his brother was raped by a man that they knew. He and his brother made a little visit to the man and he wound up in the ICU for six months. He knows that violence isn't the answer to that kind of thing now, but his protective instinct is very strong and if she attacked me with my dad present, I wouldn't put money on him standing quietly and letting it happen. BM never knew how close she came to winding up in the hospital or jail.
The whole thing turned into a stupid fiasco that I won't go into, but BM was forced to desist and eventually she came to work and had to work with me at the same time. She did a different job, but was in the same work area. I have a strong professional work ethic and I was completely professional and pretended like nothing had happened. Work was for working and my personal life and issues were separate in my eyes. I ignored BM unless I HAD to talk to her for work purposes, where I was polite and unemotional. I was ultra polite and just focused and did my job, but that seemed to rile BM up even more. She has no professional sense (duh) and acted like a total freak and psycho at work. She slammed things around, yelled at me once (when no one was in the room, of course. I pretended like she wasn't there and smiled to myself, which just made her lose it even more!). She was a total wreck and came to work with food stained clothes, disheveled hair that was wet on one side and dry on the other. I stayed calm and professional and it just made her lose it. She went home "sick" every day for three weeks and she got away with it because her clone boss sympathized with her. I've never heard of anyone being able to go home "sick" every day for three weeks because they got dumped! That's like calling in sick because you have a zit on your chin! She should have gotten fired for threatening another employee with physical violence. (it took a while, but she got fired eventually! After Boss X got fired). It was a horrible situation and got worse before I finally quit.
So BM never attacked me, thank God and I am full of awe for Chaotic for handling her situation so well. I still can't believe that these crazy bitches think that they have some sort of right to damage our possessions, hurt their own kids emotionally and actually threaten or follow through with physically attacking us! It just blows my mind.
- StepMadre's blog
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*eyes glazed over*
It sort of numbs the mind and the eyes reading about all the BM drama and violence...sad and pathetic some women can be today. Our founding sisters and mothers would be shocked and appalled at some of the truly weak and pathetic things women do. Each time a woman acts a fool it sets all women back in the equality fight.
Personally, I consider myself lucky. My husbands ex would NEVER dare try me on for size when it comes to verbal sparring or physical threats. She knows I'm scrappy and I'd beat her ass mentally and physically
(if I was so inclined to be beneath my usual standards.)
Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others. ~Buddha
I know! At the time I was a
I know! At the time I was a wreck about it and stressed to my eyeballs, but now in retrospect I can kind of think it's funny and just think she's sad and pathetic. I completely agree, it's depressing that these women are making a bad name for all women, when we've worked so hard for equality and fighting against stereotypes of women acting like hysterical fools. Fortunately, there are enough of us out there who are normal, strong, confident women to balance it out!
You rock! I bet your BM doesn't want to mess with you because you could dress her down in five seconds with some hilarious comment (well, I would think it was hilarious, she would probably pee her pants in fear). BM is actually scared of me now too and has NO desire to take me on. I was respectful and understanding when all this was happening at work and kept a professional attitude at work, which she interpreted as weakness (wrong!) and months later, when she was doing even crazier stuff, I lost it with her and told her exactly what I thought of her and her pathetic behavior and I was not kind or tactful. I was extremely blunt and got out all the repressed anger I had in my system and now she is terrified of even talking to me. I called her on being a horrible person, a horrible mother (her achilles heel) and her trashy family. I clearly spelled out that H had left her because she is ugly, fat, has no intelligence, no personality, no passion for anything, no life and pointed out that he didn't want to be with someone who was a sociopathic liar. She liked to act like H left her for me because I am younger and pretty and insulted us by implying that it was a lust thing and I made it very clear that it was not about that and listed the things she has done to H that made him want to run away as fast as he could. I really focused on her mothering and that her kids are so messed up because of her that she couldn't even take them in public and that really got to her, because she knows it's true. She used to wait until H came home before going to the grocery stores so that he could stay with the kids because they were completely socially inappropriate and had earth shaking temper tantrums. I wasn't trying to be cruel, I was just pushed past my limit and decided to tell her what I really thought. She actually begged me not to send her any letters or to even talk to her about this stuff and I was able to negotiate using it as a weapon. I told her that I would not send her any letters or talk to her about this stuff, if she would refrain from making comments about me and our relationship to H. I also told her to quit bashing me to the skids and she has slipped up and done these things a couple of times and gotten verbal responses that scared the shit out of her because I was brutally honest and called her out on still being pathetically in love with MY husband and that she was making a caricature-like fool out of herself and showing her trailer-trash roots. It freaked her out enough that she hasn't said anything to H or the skids since.
It took me a while to get my strong woman thing going, but once I did, it's been very empowering and she knows not to mess with me. It's so great. 
"The truth shall set you free." ~John 8:32
What a story StepMadre!
I can't imagine working with BM. I think I would have ended up doing sneaky, passive aggressive things like putting salt in her coffee. Thank goodness she's gone from your workplace. Oh the stress!
LOVE the thing about the eyeglasses though. Isn't cosmic justice wonderful?
You have no idea the lengths
You have no idea the lengths these crazy bitches will go, StepMadre. Nutty McDougal threatened me ALL the time via DBF. He would take me to work and call me throughout the day, even though she lives 3 hours away. I told him that I wasn't scared of her, but he was still overprotective.
One time, she came to town unexpectedly and we ran into each other. She was very fake, trying to be nice, but I called her on her shit. Nutty McDougal said she never said any of those things and backed down. Sometimes, crazy bitches think in their mind that they can take you on, but when handed reality, they get scared and clam up. I wish this bitch would test me! She continues to talk shit about me behind my back, but I don't really care. I just ignore her dumb ass and I'm glad you did the same.
No one can make you feel inferior with your consent - Eleanor Roosevelt
Mine never threatened me to
Mine never threatened me to my face or to DH - but last summer I washed, combed and braided SD's hair. (She was with us for 4.5 weeks)
BM got upset I guess and made some comments to SD about it.
So the next time she came for a visit - she told me her mom said If i combed her hair again, "There was going to be a big problem."
I just laughed it off. And combed her hair.
I refuse to let in to the foolishness. AND i am not going to let my SD walk around looking a hot mess - cause her mother has an issue.
********She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!************
It was hard to work with
It was hard to work with her, but I think it was harder on her because she kept acting out and trying to get a reaction out of me to start some petty bitch-fight (if I had engaged, it would have deteriorated to slapping and hair pulling, because she fights like a girl, lol. One good punch from me and I would knock her fat ass on the ground. Fortunately, she is too much beneath me for me to engage in anything like that with her).
Even though it was insanely hard to take the high road at work, it ended up being absolutely the best thing to do. She just wound up looking like a psycho and I didn't. She gossiped about me and spread ridiculous untrue rumors about me (such as I had gone after H because a fortune teller had told me to and that I had gotten seven abortions-is that even possible? LOL, I don't judge and am pro-choice, but I wouldn't get an abortion, because I DON"T HAVE A UTERUS! The freaking idiot forgot that I had a hysterectomy because of my cancer.)
Whoa, we are all dealing with some pretty high grade psychos! BM also doesn't want me to do nurturing things with the skids (tough shit for her) even though she isn't willing to take care of them. I give them hair cuts every two weeks and she hates it but can't do a thing about it because the skids absolutely love it and I can actually cut hair and she doesn't know how to. The boys fight over who gets to have a haircut first and I give them lots of attention and tell them how handsome they are after the haircut is over. Also, they leave a grease ring in the bath after ONE BATH after being with Psycho because she doesn't bathe them. With me, they are squeaky clean and smell good and they love the attention and nurturing so much that it's almost sad.
Anyway, the end point I think is that we do have to deal with some really crazy psychos, but we should not change a thing and continue to take the high road and do whatever the hell we want to give our skids love, affection and attention that they don't get with the BMs. Psycho happens to be very neglectful and if she is going to let her kids (that she supposedly loves) be filthy and disheveled, I am absolutely going to keep them clean, sweet smelling and taken care of when they are with us. SS11 has just recently begun to say that he wants to live with us instead of BM and has been repeating it every day. SS5 isn't very good at expressing feelings or what he thinks, but he gets really mopey and clingly right before he has to go back to BM and he wants lots of hugs and basically to be carried around or cuddled and says he loves me and H constantly. He never expresses a feeling, but he is very emotional and sensitive (unlike SS11 who has a completely different personality) and expresses himself by acting very sad, withdrawn and clingy when he has to be with BM.
I have hope that BM will fall apart to the point where we get res. custody. I love having time away from them and love our new schedule, but I think they would be different kids if they rarely saw BM and lived with us full time and I could make time for myself and get away when I need to. We'll see what happens with BM now that she is unemployed and falling apart!
"The truth shall set you free." ~John 8:32
OMG I can SO relate. BM
OMG I can SO relate. BM HATES me b/c DH left her and we started dating shortly afterwards. She blames me for their breakup when I had nothing to do with it and barely knew him when they split. But she and her g/f's (at the time) loved drama. She use to call my DH and threaten me through him. And say if they saw my ass in public that they were going to beat me up and all this. I use to tell her try me, all the time. Do you know how many times I've seen her fat ugly ass and she can barely look at me?! Not once has anyone ever said anything to me or laid a hand on me. Granted I didnt want to get in a brawl with her or her friends b/c all of them easily have 100-200 lbs (LITERALLY) on me. But I never backed down and I think she thought she could intimidate me and make me live in fear.
She didnt know where my house was out but knew the area when I first started dating my DH and I get this bang on the door. And at this point, I had only seen pics of her, I never saw her. So I said I think your ex-wife is at my back door so I opened the door and she starts yelling and I started to laugh. I couldnt help it. They had been split for quite some time at that point and he moved out and she was still calling him her husband and accused him of cheating. It was hilirous b/c it just made her status from pathetic to crazy!!!
She still wants to be with my DH even though we are married and own a house together, did I mention she has a b/f now? She still cries to DH mom over him. It's really lame. She has been all talk and I've never let her get to me. I dont see the point. I have def made some under hand comments and smirks and it gets to her. But she is dumb by giving me that power by letting me know I get to her b/c when she acts crazy and pisses me or DH off, I know exactly what to say or do to get to her!!
It's so comforting to read
It's so comforting to read someone else's story that is similar to mine in that we got together with our H's right after or close to their breakup! It sure adds to the drama. Your BM sounds absolutely crazy! Isn't it ridiculous that they make all those crazy threats and then can't even face us? My BM threatened to physically attack me and now can't even meet my eye. She gets completely flustered and scared whenever I run into her face to face (school plays, open houses etc...)
I can't believe your BM is still completely hung up on your DH??? What the hell? Mine is the exact same way and the last time I talked to her face to face she repeated all the crazy stuff about him always loving her and that they would end up together eventually??!!! I know she is still completely hung up on him and it's completely obvious, even to H, who tries to ignore her as much as possible and just stick to exchanging the kids with minimal contact. After all her heinous behavior, she tries to act like nothing is wrong. If she thinks i'm not there (and I actually am, because, shock! surprise! I live in my house!) she gets all smarmy and tries to make small talk and ask about H. Her past behavior towards both of us merits us hating her guts and treating her like crap, but H just shuts off his emotions and is completely bland, business-like, and neutral with her and doesn't respond to her pathetic attempts. If i'm obviously there, she will not go anywhere near us. She's so sad and pathetic and it sounds like yours is equally psycho and lame.
Mine also claimed that my H was cheating on her AFTER he dumped her and was engaged to me! She told a bunch of people that we all know that H cheated on her and some people believed her until she acted so crazy that they realized she had made it up. She also told a bunch of people that he was her husband, even though they were absolutely never married! She still wears a ring H gave her for Christmas years and years ago. He meant it as just a pretty ring and there was no symbolic reason that he gave it to her and he told her that at the time, but now she wears it on her ring finger!!! As if they are engaged or married or something!!! She's so crazy! It's not a ring that looks like an engagement or wedding ring and is more like costume jewelry, but I think it's crazy and really creepy and weird that she wears it at all, let alone on her ring finger!
Anyway, thanks for the post, it cheers me up to know that i'm not the only one with this specific type of crazy BM!
"The truth shall set you free." ~John 8:32