Newbie to the site
Hello all! I'm new to this site and this place is perfect for me. A little about myself:
Me: 36 years old, divorced with no children...well, a 15 yr old cat (she counts!)
My boyfriend: 37 years old, divorced with one child (has joint custody)
SD: an 8 year old princess with issues (gag!)
When my BF and I met, it was 4 years old and we lived separately. We had it good. I didn't know his daughter for those years and when his weekends came up, he spent time with her and I did my own thing. When he didn't have her, we spent our time as a child-free couple. We went out with friends, we went out to dinner and movies, we had a grand ol' time. We decided to move in together and before we did, we set up a meeting between his daughter and I last summer (we moved in together last fall). I'll come back to this.
Since I don't have kids, I didn't know what to expect. I really never wanted children because my ex-husband was a child himself. He came from a VERY dysfunctional family and was reliving his lost childhood with me. He was verbally and emotionally abusive towards me and after 10 years of marriage (I married young), I decided to walk away. Luckily, I had and still have awesome family and friends that saw me through it. I met my BF a few years ago and he came from a very similar relationship where his ex-wife was the abuser (verbally/emotionally). We made an instant connection. I was hesitant though because he has a child and I wasn't sure if I wanted to take on the role of step-mom. But, stupid me, I thought to myself "How hard can it be?" ...Boy, was I wrong (and stupid).
Back to the meeting, which by the way, went well. I thought, "Hey, she's a great kid!" She was ok with us moving in together and we all looked forward to the future. My BF and I moved in and we have her EOW (for the most part), a few days during the Christmas holiday and part of spring break. Sounds cool, right? Not too much time with her and we get more alone time with ourselves. Not the case at all. BM manipulates the schedule to her liking and when BF and I want to have a weekend to do something, it's always a big NO. It's rare the EOW thing stays consistant. We now can not make plans because BM changes them for us. She tells us last minute details and more times than not, she forgets and my BF gets yelled at over the phone for not being on top of things. We're not mind-readers, but I guess she thinks we are. I just chalk it up to her being an angry bitch all the time. I know for a fact she's furious that he's moved on and she can not find a partner to save her life. I've been told that she only has one or two dates and the men never call her back. Wow, I'm not surprised. Anyhow, I've tried to convince BF to talk with her about these issues and he will not. He feels guilty leaving his daughter and does not want to rock the boat with BM. He'd rather her be happy than me be upset for way things are going. He will not communicate with her unless she calls (and when she does, she always yelling). Ugh...
Now, the SD. She was a sweet the beginning. A year later, the honeymoon phase is now over. We had a fabulous time this time last year but as time when on, I could see her real personality start coming out and it is not pretty. She's a lazy, boring child. Nothing excites her because she's been so spoiled all her life. She basically has no personality to speak of. She has to be told what to do and BF has to tell her the steps on how to do it. For example, when she finishes her dinner, if she is told to put away her placement of the table, she then ONLY puts away her plate in the sink. Her dirty fork, napkin, glass and placemat are left on the table. BF has to then tell her to put away EVERYTHING. I can see if this happens once or twice, but it's ALL THE TIME. Same with her room cleaning, picking up after herself, washing hands after using the bathroom, etc. Again, ugh! And on top of that, BM is molding her to become a Stepford child. Her actions and words seemed to be programmed and rehearsed. It's been creeping me out a bit lately. She just doesn't seem genuine to me. She's been caught lately doing stuff she not supposed to do and when she's reprimanded (by BF, not me), she appears to have no empathy or remorse whatsoever. She's just sorry she got caught and her apologies are not sincere.
BF and I came up with the discipline routine before we moved in together and he proclaimed he would do it (thank goodness!). He basically let me disengage from her, which suits me just fine. All I am to be to her is a friend, that's what he told me. I can handle that! BUT, she knows this and does anything and everything she can to act up and misbehave with me, knowing full well there's nothing I can do about it. Talk about PUSHING boundaries and buttons! I nip that stuff in the bud, right away though. I then become the snitch. It's sad because all I have to report back to BF about her is bad behavior. Luckily, it doesn't happen a lot, he and I have weekends off from work so he's here while she's here. The times when she does act up is when he leaves us alone for a short period of time (i.e. he takes a nap, goes to the store, etc.).
Other than that, I can truly say that I do not have a hand in raising her and that's fine by me.
Well folks, in a nutshell this is my life so far. Sorry this is so long but I needed to say this. I've been lurking around this site for a couple of days and have wanted to comment on a few things but I feel that I better reveal myself first. Thank you all for listening while I've ranted. It's refreshing to know that I'm not the only one out there who is going through stuff like this and it feels like a weight has lifted off of my chest... for now.
- NotMadeOfMoney's blog
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have you tried an allowance with her? If she doesn't do her chores (like clearing her table) completely, no "candy money". and is there an agreement regarding custody? Why is BM switching schedules all the time? If the custody agreement says you get her every other weekend, then she is in contempt of that agreement. Take her to court!
Thank you for the welcome!
This child thinks that coming over, messing up her room then cleaning it constitutes an allowance. My BF told to her that that is not the case and she would have to do more in order to gain an allowance. Yeah, that flew like a lead balloon. Needless to say, she never brought up the subject again b/c she figured out: work=allowance. She doesn't like work, she'd rather be glued to the TV.
As far as taking BM to court, the subject has come up, repeatedly but BF is afraid of her and doesn't want to anger the dragon. Also, he's afraid she'll take the precious angel away from him. Sheesh! I've since dropped the subject and just go out with friends when this happens. He gets to stay home and watch Spongebob over and over again and I get to get out for a while and socialize with adults. It's a win-win situation...for me that is!
i could have written your post!
my SD10 is exactly the same. I have to tell her the SAME thing every weekend. Pick up after yourself and that means everything! I always feel like the bad guy because DH is oblivious and I am not about to pick up after her. She acts like she has a maid or something. I just know that at her house with BM they live like slobs and it's such a "chore" to come to daddy's. We're supposed to have her EOW and guess what - BM dictates our weekends now. BM claims she's working or she's going out or whatever and we dont know until the last minute whether we're getting SD10 or not. DH is just happy to get her when he can, so it doesn't bother him. SD10 actually told me one day that it was better before I came along because daddy didnt make her clean and they both slept in every saturday until noon!!!!
We must be living parallel lives! Either that or our SDs and BMs are reading the same book on how to treat SMs. Haha!
Move!!!!!!!!!!! Get BF at least 200miles away so visitation goes
from EOW/EOWE to ~5wks Summer, ~1wk Winter and ~1wk Spring. This gives you 40 wks a year Skid free.
This is the only thing that has kept our intermittent skirmishes with the SpermClan from being a 15yr all out war. My Wife is the CP so we don't have to deal with any StepParents since BioDad is not been marriad since he divorced his 16yo wife that he married to avoid statutory rape charges when we were heading to court to get closure on our Son's (My SS) case.
My then teen single Mom wife left the state to attend an accelerated University program so that she could support her son and herself sooner since BioDad was (and still is) a worthless piece of shit who deserted them in a rat hole travel trailer to run of with his next 16yo statutory rape victim. My Wife was 16 when our Son (My SS) was born. BioDipShit was 22. We have never lived closer than 1200 miles to the SpermClan.
From what I have discerned from STalk and other StepParent sites long distance visitation schedules are less intrusive on second marriages than EOW/EOWE schedules.
All we have had for our 15+ year blended family adventure is the long distance schedule to deal with. The primary challenge in this is getting our Son (My SS) through his post SpermClan visitation detox period which usually lasts for a few weeks after he gets home.
Just my thoughts of course.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)
Oh, how I wish we could do just that!
I had casually mentioned it to BF if we could move down to where I'm from so I could be closer to my family or at least half way between here and there but to no avail. He just simply can not move away from his precious angel (gag!). No worries though, if I get too fed up with this arrangement later on down the line, I'LL do just that.
So much in common!
My boyfriend is also a gem, a complete opposite of my ex-husband. He is like a breath of fresh air after a stagnant and stale 10 year relationship. I never believed in soul mates but I must say, this man comes VERY close!
I feel so lucky he came into my life and I'm just going to try to cope with the SD and the BM. I don't want to have to walk away from an awesome relationship b/c of these two. If I just blend into the background while the SD is here, I hope things will go a bit more smoothly. We'll see, I know the teenage years are coming and I'm sure there will be plenty more battles. Yikes!
I must say I was rolling on the floor laughing my butt off when you said "I don't care if BM stands on her head and shoots M&M's out of her bum..." I could picture my SD's BM doing this and I was laughing so hard, I was crying!
"Who needs therapy when you have wine." ~Anonymous
This gives me hope...
My SD's BM is also starting to sign her up for sports, cheerleading, dance classes, etc so I'm hoping that later on she'll be too busy to keep the visitation schedule. Or, she'll want to spend time at friends' homes instead of coming here. She's only 8 years old and already wants a cell phone. My BF was on top of this one though, she called up a few days ago and asked her daddy for a cell phone. This was answered with a loud and resounding "NO!!!" and there was no follow up on SD's part so she got the hint. Good for him!
I'm hoping all this will eventually get resolved and settled. We're going to try a few things to get the schedule thing under way. I've told him about Google Calendar and emailing it to BM so she's got a heads up on things. She seems to respond better to electronic communication than anything else. We'll shall see!
"Who needs therapy when you have wine." ~Anonymous
I too, when newly married
got yanked around with the "let's switch weekend" crap. It happened once too much and I put my foot down. I said NO SWITCHING SCHEDULES FOR ANY REASON (except a death)and held firm.
Now if they want to switch schedules, the kiddo misses the weekend & we resume the regular schedule with no-makeup weekend. Boy, that put a stop to them switching I mean yanking me around.
The exwife doesn't switch schedules too often any more because she knows it just means she forfits (sp?) her manchild free weekend. We never cancel weekends for any reason. Had my dh not stood with me we would be divorced. I wasn't going to tolerate ANYONE controlling my weekends like that. I agreed to EOW not EOW with her controlling which weekend (and switching at the last f minute). This is my life NOT HERS.
Don't let them yank you around. Sometimes you have to take a stand sweetie. Pick your fights----this one is a fight you must win to keep your life YOURS.
No kidding Angel!
I think my BF is getting it through his head (I hope!). He really hated it this last time when BM switched the schedule and I kept our original plans. We were supposed to have dinner with friends that we'd planned weeks before. As it turned out, I went out with our friends and he was left at home to babysit. Yeah, he didn't like that at all. Oh well! Too bad, so sad!
Only time will tell, though, if his spine has grown in or not since then.
"Who needs therapy when you have wine." ~Anonymous
Not Made of $
I pulled a few of those too! Plans that I make a few weeks in advance are NOT CHANGED. So he had to babysit his own children?!
Funny, when my kids were growing up, I never pawned my children off on ANYONE! I PAID for babysitting (and not tooo often because I actually LIKED BEING WITH MY CHILDREN).
These flaky people, that move whichever way the wind takes them, don't give a damn if you are caught in the tail wind of their lives. YES, THEIR LIVES. Don't let them do it to you.