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Nasty!!!! BMs house SO NASTY SD14 can't find drillteam shoes for tomorrow--PANIC MODE

lilly7's picture

Well, DH and were I having nice supper preparations, getting ready to grill dinner tonight, then SD14 calls, WHERE ARE MY DRILLTEAM SHOES?!!!! VERGE OF TEARS, FULL PANIC MODE!!!

Guess What?! NOT HERE!!! I keep this house clean, organized, laundry done (yes, even when we have SKIDS FOR A MONTH), The shoes are NOT HERE! I Go Under All Beds On Phone With SD14, No Shoes. She doesn't believe me, has to call Daddy and have him put brakes on our supper, come get her and look for herself.

Guess What: Shoes are not here. Shoes are in NASTY HOUSE WITH BM - I PROMISE!! That house is soooooo gross, you just walk in the door and it stinks to high heavens (I AM NOT EXAGGERATING, LAUNDRY COVERS THE FLOOR IN LAUNDRY ROOM AND VOMITS OUT INTO THE KITCHEN), she has ants everywhere because she won't clean, skid told me the other day a roach jumped out of the dirty dishes when she was trying to clean them (After a 4 day stint in the sink remaining dirty) -ick ick ick.

Well, DH is now, at this moment, with SD14, looking for drillteam shoes (she HAS to have them tomorrow morning) in BM's nasty house. Dinner with ME? Forget about it.

Well, at least he will appreciate me (maybe)...when he comes back home to supper and a clean house * sigh *

By the way, DH asked SD14 if BM was looking for shoes in her house, SD14 said "I think mom is mad at me, said she would not look for shoes, she was taking a nap and I woke her up..." A NAP?! at 8 p.m.? What a SLOB!!!!!!

BTW, that's her modus operendi (I know I spelled that wrong), - she sleeps her life away to avoid any work/issues/mothering that might be required...poor kiddos.

Okay, I feel MUCH better venting. Love you guys for listening!!!
How can she be such a lazy cow slob with 3 teenagers? She just HAD to have those kids so she wouldn't be DEPRESSED and alone while DH was at work. Go figure...


frustrated454's picture

I am familiar with the ss left so and so there he needs it immediately call. Although bms house isn't a pig sty, my ss is a total slob and would forget his head if not attached.
my dh used to actually drive 45 minutes to drop his shit off after working a 14 hr day.
side note: he is constantly being reminded to recheck and make sure he has everything and chooses not to.
I finally told my husband if he needs it so bad have her come pick it up. He did stop doing this and miraculously these things he forgot were not so important that bm needed to run down and pick them up. Of course after a phone call dh would say ss left this here did you find it, do something with it? uh no not my problem