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Lazy SD Princesses-Their Dad

RB's picture

Well, I found out last night after I got home from work that my DH does not support me at all on on my firm date of August 21st being the date the Lazy SD Princesses (20 & 25) either move out of the house or get kicked out and clearly and firmly informed me "We are NOT going to do this!" Well, great. Thanks for the support A**Hole. This isn't going to go well. If I push it I know it will destroy my marriage and the bitchling Lazy SD Princesses know this. I guess I will work more and be at home less and when I am not at work I will take my (his and mine together, but he acts like they are just "my kids" so there you go)kids with me and go to my family members homes for visits. I will try to wait this out, but I don't know how much longer I can take it. I know I can't leave my house because when I refinanced I was so stupid as to refinance the home in both of our names. Big mistake. Never do that, no matter how much you hear from your DH you are a team. What a bunch of shit. If we were a team he would stick up for me now instead of sticking up for his lazy bitchling Princesses.

I have put up with the Lazy SD Princesses crap for a lot of years. I need for them to fly from the nest and get out of my house and give me, my DH, and my kids a chance to be a family as well. I have provided for those girls for many, many years and they are adults now.


AllSmiles's picture

I've read your other blogs and konw you were looking forward to tomorrow. You say pushing it will destroy your marriage....but so will letting them stay. If you don't kick them out, he never will. What are you going to do?

"Courage is fear holding on a minute longer." General George S. Patton

onehappygirl's picture

Make sure you put your wishes about the house and your bio kids getting it in writing. Even though you and BF aren't married, because you are living together, the house could possibly automatically go to him, depending on how many years you've been together. That's a law in my state. Make sure you have a will that states specifically what you want. I work for a law firm, and we had a case just like this.


Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!

RB's picture

I don't know what I am going to do. I thought about putting it all in writing. I do own two of the parcels of land outright that surround my home. I'm about ready to say F*** it. Maybe just wait and see, give it a couple of weeks. If things don't change, in a hurry, I think I will just give my DH (I really do love him, but I hate what this situation is doing to us) an ultimatum. I hate doing that shit, but I guess I have no choice. I could just get my 1/2 (no contest state) and then build a new house on one of those parcels and just start over. The first thing I am going to do is to sit down, figure out the finances and start socking money away that my DH does not know about. I may need it to get by. I hope my mother and sister weren't right about this situation, but in case they are I want to be ready. My Mom and Sister think my DH is in this with the Lazy SD Princesses. I find it hard to believe, but if that is how it turns out, then I have just been used for a lot of years as a maid, cook, housekeeper, bill payer, gardiner, contractor, etc.

LizzieA's picture

How long does DH think they should be allowed to stay there? Forever?

If he is not going to back you up at all, here are the choices:
1) suck it up and accept they will be there for the unforeseeable future, as is
2) Insist on rules/rent etc. - downside, you need his support
3) tell your DH it is a deal breaker for you and if he wants to be married to you, he had better come to an agreement with you about this situation
a) kick him out
b) move out yourself
Consult lawyer first! Can you say WAKE UP CALL!

I went through something like this (not SKIDS but a debt/money prob) with my EX. I tried to work it out, took on more responsibilities so he could get ahead, then after five years when he didn't, I hit the wall. I came up with a list of requirements (counseling, debt plan, etc.) which he only gave lip service to.
So it was over. I wish I had put my foot down sooner. Obviously his spending habit meant more to him than I did. Instead, I became the beast of burden and adjusted myself to his dysfunction. Don't recommend it!!

My deep sympathies, it sounds hellish, and we are rooting for you. I hope DH gets his head out of his butt and saves his marriage--and your sanity!

glynne's picture

Emotionally and physically. My DH pulled somethng similar on me. I didn't physically move out but I was not there. Work late,work out, dinner with friends, visit family. Absolutely no chores: shopping, laundry, etc. If he doesn't get the picture soon and change, you'll have some money saved up and then proceed with the legal action. After I did this, my DH had the SD move out. He wasn't happy about but he knew that our marriage was on thin thin ice. Stay strong and good luck. Let us know how it goes.

AllSmiles's picture

move to plan the finances. Cash works well. You may also think about what u have in the house to sell on short notice. Craiglist party with his junk.

I'm sorry you're going through this. I wonder....if you did get a uhaul and pack him up with them...think he'd like it for long? If he was the one doing all the housework and upkeep for the princesses maybe it wouldn't be so fun?

I guess in the end, you have to decide what you are willing to put up with....

Shit, I'm mad for you. Still vote for the U-haul. Good luck tonight.

"Courage is fear holding on a minute longer." General George S. Patton

Hanny's picture

if you have children together, then he will have to pay CS for them. Can he afford to stay in house if you split everything and take care of his princesses and pay CS to you? I feel for you, but think only you can make this decision, and I think you already know what you need to do. I know it's hard to follow through...but proceed as they said above and save and plan silently in case this is the way it goes.

stepmom2one's picture

Sorry but if I were you I would think about leaving. You are a stronger woman than I.

RB's picture

My DH has promissed me he will get the Lazy SD Princesses out, maybe not by the 21st, but out soon, but he hasn't given me a date yet when "soon" might be. We will see. You know, I don't get it. He can't stand his daughters any more than I can stand them. They are lazy, flat out tell both of us they are entitled to everything, use us for free babysitting at a moments notice, eat our food, use our electricity, cable, internet service and, not to mention, act and look like their crazy BM (and she is a whacko basket), yet my DH won't put his foot down. My DH said that their sister who is the middle child who lives with her boyfriend (thank goodness, not with me, never with me, I did pack her up and move her out a few years ago, it was awful because she was super hateful and violent-in and out of jail all of the time) said the two SD Princesses are working on getting an apartment and told my DH that the SD Princesses' brother is going to co-sign for them on an apartment. Yeah, well, I know their brother and I find him co-signing for those two a far fetched tale. It would really surprise me. My guess is that the two SD Princesses told their sister this little story so that she would feed it back to her father and then he would feed it to me. I'm fairly certain it is a bullshit story so that the Lazy SD Princesses can manage to stay in my house longer and not have to move. Those two went through this whole thing a few months ago with the same story when I was pushing for them to move out then. They just work their Dad over and he won't do a thing. So, we will see how it goes. I could get really nasty and kick all of them out, but I would really prefer for my DH to be with me and our two kids.

Oh, and by the way, I have thought about leaving many, many times. There are 3 reasons why I stay: my 2 kids and their Dad. They are really close and we are a real good team when the Lazy SD Princesses aren't home to F*** it up for us.

AllSmiles's picture

you didn't have a big blow up. first he was agreeable to the move out date, then he wasn't, now he's agreeable but won't set a date...what do you think his problem is? Guilt?

I understand wanting to keep your family together and hope you succeed. Have you tried making their life a whole lot less fun? Cut cable down to local, no internet except on your locked coomputer of course, no food they like, padlock fridge, curfew, lights out time(seriously, even if you have to flip the breaker), lock down DH money so he can't give them any.

you're a better woman than me. I'd run that house like a federal prison, except for your angels of course!! haha

Best of luck! and keep stashing cash!!

"Courage is fear holding on a minute longer." General George S. Patton

glynne's picture

If I was in princesses' place I wouldn't want to leave either. AllSmiles is right - make it less hospitable. They can buy their own groceries, etc. See if you can book a date on the Dr Phil show - he'd move them out for you! :)Glynne

RB's picture

Well, my DH probably does have guilt issues. His ex-wife drank heavily, chain smoked, took tons of prescription meds and mixed those with other drugs, and was a premiscuous scag bag. So, his daughters and son saw this. I worked with him (fellow employee) long before he went through his divorce with her and he was always trying to make up for her "ways". So, there you have it. His daughters now hove their own issues with promiscuity, smoking and drinking.

glynne's picture

Guilt driven parenting. And my DH still does it. So now he has (not me - I've disengaged) HE HAS a 26 YO who has been attending college FULL TIME since she was 18 and still no degree. Last thing I heard - another year and a half to complete her education. Unbelievable. He still pays tuition, books, medical insurance and cash as needed. He is not doing her any favors but I've given up telling him. It's too bad - she might've turned out all right with some tough love parenting to shape her up. As it is he has a 26 YO Princess Twit. She is so high drama, low self esteem and needy. Sad, Sad, Sad.

RB's picture

All I can see is that my DH avoids the subject of the Lazy SD Princesses moving out at every turn. I bring it up and he throws out a new subject to talk about, almost like I never even brought up the subject in the first place, except for the other evening when he flat out told me "We're not going to do that". Well, now tonight, I get to go home (sometime this evening) to a pair of snide, rude, Lazy SD Princesses who will make my life a living hell because their father won't set his foot down with them and now my two children will be watching how their mother has no say in the household. It disgusts me. All because my DH feels guilty about his first wife being a crappy mother to her and his children together, but always forgetting that those children are full grown adults now. What a bunch of shit. Those Lazy SD Princesses know they can work him. I am dreading this evening. Just dreading it. So, I have three choices this evening: Go home, pack up the Lazy SD Princesses crap and discard it out to the street causing a war with them and my DH, go home and pack up my children and leave for my mother's house, or go home and just "take it" and don't do anything. And when I say take it, just deal with the disrespect, snide and rude comments and so on. The man needs to have a backbone here, but he didn't have a backbone with his ex-wife, or with his kids and for some reason he has a backbone though when it comes to me. I don't get it. I'm not a drama queen or anything like that, but I am so pissed off I just want to cry. I know I can't show any emotion at home, and being that I am taking a break at work, I can't show any emotion here, either. This sucks.

RB's picture

Hey Glynne,

Thanks. I appreciate your comments as well as everyone elses. I will gladly accept all the advice I can get.

glynne's picture

I suggest packing and staying over at Mother's. Would this give DH a good shake up and give you time to cool down? You could tell him that you would like to talk with him later but you are too upset right now to calmly discuss. One of my concerns is what this disrepect to you is doing to your children. Glynne