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Evil Lazy Step Daughter Princesses

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Well, those Lazy Step Daughter Princesses (both girls are in their twenties) didn't move out like I asked them to. They are still living in my house and annoying me every chance they get. I've been on vacation for a week. Last Saturday was a fun day. The youngest Princess appeared about noon with her boyfriend so she could shower, eat and do whatever, but she was trying to keep a pretty low profile. The oldest Princess was camping with her boyfriend, so she wasn't around, but her things were still in my house. Then the middle princess (who does not live with us, she lives with her boyfriend and I will not allow her to EVER move back home-she was awful/violent) shows up because she wants to pick up the hot water heater that we were giving her, which was fine. Anyhow, she is inside talking to her Dad while her boyfriend and baby are waiting in the car, which was weird. Anyhow, I was outside in the pool when this Princess marches herself outside onto the deck and yells at me and demands from me why her Dad will not allow her to take our pick up truck to move the hot water heater. Well, I'm taken a little off guard here, because I think the Princess is coming outside to smoke a cigarette like she usually does. I proceed to try to explain to her that if her Dad has decided she wasn't going to borrow the truck, then that is the way it is. Then that princess starts yelling at me and accusing me of causing her Dad to not allow her to use the truck. What the heck? I'm giving her a free, fairly new hot water heater and she is out on my deck ripping me up one side and down the other because her Dad has told her she needs to find her own transportation for the hot water heater she is getting for free from us. Well, I try to calmly tell her that she could open the trunk of her boyfriend's car and set the hot water heater on its side and tie the trunk since she is only going about a mile to her house. Of course, the Princess can't handle that because she isn't getting her own way and she yells at me and starts cussing at me being the true Vulgarian she is. Well, I lost it. I had enough. I stood up in the pool, climbed to the top of the ladder and yelled at her that she was now officially tresspassing and that she needed to get off of my property and she had better take that hot water tank with her or forget it because this was the last time she was going to be on the property and she had better haul a** because I was heading for the phone to call the Sheriff. Well, get this, that SD Princess told me that I had no right to kick her off of "her" property. It was never "her" property! I told her she better get moving and she was running inside by the time out was down the other side of that ladder. Anyhow, her younger Lazy SD Princess sister was hot on her heals trying to get her middle sister out of the house and when I got in the house here was the younger Lazy SD Princess telling her sister to get the h*** out of there because now she was going to get into trouble too. Well, yeah, what did either of them think was going to happen. I looked at the younger Princess and informed her "What are you doing here, you were supposed to be moved out yesterday!" She started out the door literally dragging the middle sister out of the house all the while cussing at her. So get this, later I listened to the answering machine message the middle Princess left before she came out to the house-it goes like this, "DAD! I'M ON MY WAY OUT TO THE HOUSE TO TAKE THE TRUCK!" Let's see here, did she really think her Dad was going to let her borrow the truck after a message like that? Who actually tries that? The next question I have is-what is wrong with her boyfriend's truck since he has a truck as well as a car? This guy is hiding in the car because he already knows his manipulative girlfriend is going to make a scene and he has to be ready in the the "get-a-way" car when she finally makes her scene.