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I am so over it

lori302's picture

Ok. I am new here. Don't have a clue really. I don't, nor do I EVER blog. But I absolutely feel the need to vent right now, so it's gonna be a long one. My husband and I met six years ago, married a year ago. He goes to the track and/or poker approx. 4-6 times a week. I don't care about that. But what I DO care about is the fact that I am not ALLOWED to tell him about/parent his kids. Let me tell You about them. They are good kids who have suffered a lot in their 12 & 14 years. Lost their Mom to an OD in 2000, their Aunt to an OD in 2003, the rest of their Mom's family is dead due to ODs or natural. My husband's family are all dead. That leaves my family, who have taken these two boys in as their own. Whenever I refer to the boys, I refer to them as "my kids". I have one son, age 18. I consider them as my children and love them as I love my biological son. The problem is that when I direct any complaint to their father, I am ignored. COMPLETELY....ALL THE TIME. I am not allowed, so to speak, to say anything about his boys when they are wrong. But, its no problem for my husband to tell ME what MY son does wrong. If I bring up something they did today, for example, to my husband, its re-directed in a totally different direction towards MY son and becomes MY fault.I.E. they are 12 & 14 years old, want allowance. In the beginning of summer, I gave them a chore chart, lasted about a week. Things got left undone. I tried to talk to their Dad, he referenced 5 years ago when my son stole $$ from him. Relevant? I say not. I handled that situation. Anyhoo, I took down the chore chart one day, didn't say a word. They asked me about it and I told them that I thought they must be too busy to handle it. But they ask me for money every single day. I told their Dad, he berated me when they were within earshot. Did I mention that, like Rodney Dangerfield, I get no respect? I asked him to not do that. I came home a few days later and had to wash (because they stopped all chores on their own)10 glasses. I asked them to please stop using a new glass for each drink and to not let their friends in the house. Each day that I come home from work/the gym, I have more and more work to do. Tonight when I got home from work/gym I had EIGHTEEN glasses to wash, not to mention the other dishes. Thats fine, its my job, to a certain extent. But what I don't get, and cannot handle is the fact that whenever I approach with my husband the fact that his boys didn't do something I asked, its ALWAYS MY FAULT!! And its always re-directed to my son or to me! And....the fact that my husband sleeps on the couch EVERY SINGLE NITE keeps bringing me to the point that I am ready to move on. Alone. I hate to say it out loud, in a blog. I have told him several times in the last few weeks. I was thin when we met, got fat over the last few years, and recently lost all the weight to where I am below the weight I was when he met me. Do ya think it matters? Nope. For the longest time, I accepted his behavior because I thought that because I was fat, I had to accept that this was what I was dealt with. I even threatened him jokingly "Wait till I get skinny again", in front of my brother, a year ago, and he joked back, "Yeah, like that'll happen" Well, due to my hard work, it DID happen. And I don't want to leave but I'm making plans to. Please, if anyone that might read this, has any suggestions, I'm open to them. I don't even know how blogs work, really. Am I just venting? Cuz thats ok too. I needed to. Peace.


Most Evil's picture

Are you actively making plans to leave or do you hope to try to work it out? Maybe if you talk to him and say, you are seriously considering leaving if he cannot put his MARRIAGE first priority over his 'friendship' with skids and see what he says?

Also regardless of what he says if you can start saving a squirrel fund it could come in handy. I am so sorry DHs can be so dense sometimes . . . congrats on losing weight!! that has got to make you feel good Smile
Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale
Her infinite variety.

William Shakespeare, "Antony and Cleopatra", Act 2 scene 2

Amazed's picture

I wonder why your dh is so disrespectful to you? Perhaps it's because he KNOWS what a gem you really are. This sounds like classic insecurity on his part. He's going to put you down until you start to believe it...then you'll be too insecure to leave him. Don't let it happen. Call him on it, confront him and his insecurity. And congratulations on the weight should be on cloud nine for a lifetime based on that alone Wink

As far as his little angels are concerned...I hate to say it but try another tactic. STOP doing for them AND your DH until you get respect. Stop going to DH everytime they do something rude and stupid...turn the other cheek. Definitely save money of your own in case new tactics don't improve the situation. Don't let them beat up on you...sounds like it's 3 against 1. If DH is sleeping on the couch I don't think it's because he's feeling differently about you I think it's because he's probably getting the vibe that you aren't happy and you might leave him...he's disengaging from you to avoid the deep hurt that will come to him when you leave. Also, he might realize he is doing wrong by you but he has too much pride and he's too protective of "his boys" to fix it.

The thing that impresses me most about America is the way parents obey their children. ~Edward, Duke of Windsor, Look, 5 March 1957

Sia's picture

BBB! Go on strike. Your husband sounds rather abusive to me. Maybe I am reading too much into it? Can you try counseling by yourself if DH wont go with you? How about family counseling?

Welcome! HUGS to you!

NotsoHappyNewlywed's picture

Lori302, as a mom of 3 boys of my own and one SS/16 I can say this...MOST boys are slobs. They despise chores, HOWEVER YOU as the woman of the house HAVE to put your foot down.
Sit all the boys in the kitchen. Do this with or w/o the dad. Explain what you expect from them and what they will get in return if they abide by the rules. (allowance, playdates etc...)
In my house, before I leave for work, I make sure there are NO dirty dishes in the sink.
That is the signal that ANY dish that is used there on after MUST either get washed or put in the dishwasher.
If I get home and there are dirty dishes, I call them into the kitchen, point at the sink and walk out. I'll sit on the couch and read a magazine.
If they want dinner, the dishes get washed within 5 minutes.
I have made it clear that I am no one's maid. As far as DH sleeping on the couch goes...Go out to dinner alone and talk with him about what's happening. Ask him what is wrong. Explain that you are in this together for the long haul but that if he wants out he should be honest and tell you so that you can move on as well. If you don't discuss the problem, you'll never know what the solution is.

Best of Luck. Congrats on the weight loss!!!

"Some days are better than others..."

no fairytale's picture

My bio boys are And, my SD at 22 is a slob when she comes to visit but, I agree if there is a mess I call the boys downstairs and make them do it. Usually they get it done without to much argument or complaining. And, FH makes SD or he himself will clean up after her I am not her maid especially when she is 22.
These children live with you and you should be able to have a say in their cleaning habits.
It sounds like your husband may be insecure now that you have lost all of the weight. (CONGRATS by the way)

I am sure BF will notice if you are not picking up after them all the time and hopefully step in and say something to them.

As far as him always bringing your BS into the situation to deflect the attention from his children I completely understand that one. i live with that issue myself. Each time it happens I explain this is not about the other children this is about the issue and the child that did it. It has taken sometime but it usually works.

Good Luck and Congratulations on the weight loss that is a huge achievement!!

jojo71's picture

do I detect a little low self-esteem on your part hun? You talk about how you felt that "I accepted his behavior because I thought that because I was fat, I had to accept that this was what I was dealt with" and "Tonight when I got home from work/gym I had EIGHTEEN glasses to wash, not to mention the other dishes. Thats fine, its my job, to a certain extent."

First, don't ever let what you look like on the outside tell you how you should be treated. It doesn't matter if you are 90 lbs or 290 lbs, you deserve nothing but respect. Have you ever looked into life coaching? It might be a good way to begin to love yourself from the inside out, not the other way around.

Secondly, these boys are 12 and 14...oh HELL no it's not YOUR job to do the dishes...why are those boys not doing them on a daily basis??? I think they're a little old for a chore chart. They're old enough to pull their own weight in the family and part of that is (at the very least) cleaning up after themselves. If you can't get your husband on the same page as you with this, these boys are going to grow up lazy and one of these men that sit on the sofa with their hand down their pants yelling to the wifey for a beer. Ew.

Tell you husband to do these boys a favor and set some rules and expectations for them. He needs to be a father first, not a friend.

Good luck've got your work cut out for you.

lori302's picture

To all of you that posted/messaged me back THANK YOU!! I went to bed last night thinking that I was just going to leave and call it a day. I'm still considering it, but let me tell you what I did before I left for work this a.m. I decided that I am NEVER EVER EVER going to come home and wash eighteen glasses again. I got a box, packed up all but one cup, and put 'em in my truck and went to work. I figured, let 'em share a cup for a day. They'll learn how to wash a flippin' glass now. I stopped at the grocery on the way home and picked up some stuff for dinner tomorrow, my one stepson asked me what was for dinner and I told him leftovers from last night, then proceeded to sit on my butt and watch Big Brother. He bitched and complained and I just turned up the volume. Then asked me if their friend could spend the night, said nope!
Most of what all of you suggested, I have already tried, but I made the decision that I will not walk away from this without doing everything I know possible to make it work. Thank you for your suggestions and for your support! I will keep u posted!

jojo71's picture I LOVE that you only left them one glass. That is great...I may try that myself sometime! Smile
Good to hear that you put your foot down and stood your ground. Keep demanding that respect and expect no less!!