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Karma ROCKS!!!

mumzy79's picture

BM picked up skids yesterday after missing her last 2 scheduled visitations during our summer visitation (we have skids for 6 weeks in summer). Of course she has to make a problem wherever she goes. Court ordered time is 6 pm pick up and she requested to come earlier. FH said okay 3 pm from which she said fine. He texted her to make sure she wouldn't come before 3 as I had an appointment. She freaked out that she could not work her life around my schedule. So FH replied fine then you can get them at the court ordered time (I was actually trying to be nice and save the skids from traffic on the Beltway). Anyway, she got all crazy and normally I would dig my heels in to teach her she can't remain the controlling b*tch that she normally is but I was afraid she wouldn't come AGAIN!!! and I needed the break. Anyway, she finally gets her skanky butt here and there is no hug, no kiss from her to the skids she hasn't seen in one month, nor excitement from them. Mind you when I came home from my appointment (I had only been gone 2 hours) they ran up and grabbed my leg before I could even set my purse down. Her acne infested boyfriend, who resembles a grown up version of what I picture Crayon's Droopy to resemble (a bar of soap would do him some help), stepped out of the car as if to make sure I didn't jump out and knock her out for her psychotic comments. She barked at the kids to get in the car and he went to shut the door and it slammed on her hand! I know I shouldn't have enjoyed her pain, but who am I kidding I laughed as hard as I could - then called FH and laughed some more. I'm silently singing the McDonald's theme in my head (Ba da ba ba da...I'm lovin it)


justme2's picture

I know it is bad to wish bad things on others or become grattified at someone's misfortunes - but oh my - how sweet it is when someone has treated you like s*** for so long. Please send some Karma my way! Especially for next week (see my blog).

Too funny!

HummingBirdHunny's picture

LOL, I would have done the same thing. I just hope you didn't laugh in front of the skids.

Whenever we do drop offs and pick ups with BM...DH always finds some way to throw zingers at her. Most times just says something and that's all my DH needs to say a smart ass comment. I laugh every time he does it too. There was one time she said something then quickly told DH not to say instead I said responded with a smart ass remark. Little does BM realize I can somehow get into DH's head and say what ever he may be thinking. Getting inside his head like that is actually funny. He usually tells me to stay the hell out of his head. I told him I can't control it! LOL

Sia's picture

I always say that you can always rely on KARMA when you can't rely on much else! too funny!

TheCharm's picture

Sounds like a TV sitcom moment! Fantastic.

Crizzle's picture

I could only hope to witness a great event like that with SKs BM. I have, however, seen her with black eyes and bruises from her BF, who sounds a lot like Droopy. She deserves it though after what she has put her kids through.

"They say God doesn't give you more than you can handle. I just wish he didn't have so much confidence in me."

hopeful12's picture

Moo Cow needs some major, major KARMA... I have been waiting for like 9 years. Maybe someday huh!!

But your KARMA rocks I will live vicariously through you! Smile

Jbee27's picture

Gotta love Karma.
I'm hoping once SS8 and his half sister by BW get a little older, they'll start moving furniture around and misplacing her crap. I'd love to hear a story about how she took a tumble over a foot stool or couldn't watch tv because the kids hid the remote. Hahahahaha!