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BM never ceases to amaze me....... (long,,,,, really long!)

imagr8tma's picture

She alledges we abuse SD (emotionally, physically, & over medicate her), we leave SD in unknown places with unknown people where she is anxious, frightened and sad, we sometimes do not give her the medications and sometimes we have over medicated her, no one in VA likes her here, DH's sister has intentionally burned her with an iron, told the counselor I hit her and scream at her constantly when she visits, SD is so afraid of us she hides her clothing to keep from coming, we threatened her to take SD out of cheerleading, force her to drive 1/2 way, we constantly change meeting locations and times, do not allow sd to participate in any activites and that we upset sd whenever we call her. She states DH does not pay his child support on time (has never been late in 6 years) and does not pay medical insurance (government does not have dual coverage here in VA - however we cover her here cause BM refuses to send her medical card or all of the medications - since he did not pay for the insurance).............

She put all of this information plus other stuff in her intake form for the counselors office and filed it in an affidavit against us in January. In March she filed to have joint custody revoked, visitation ceased and have DH pay more child support because she alledged all of the above things plus that our home was not stable and only pick her up to abuse her..... (who drive 4.5 hours or more some times to abuse a child - the entire family - i mean come on)

We were supposed to go to court 6 May - but she and her lawyer continued it till July 14. Now the Judge has read all of this crap she has filed and has sent us a letter stating case can no longer be continued and that we should all be prepared to have the court case take up to a week before a decision is handed out.

Why I am amazed is because - we had SD for 2.5 weeks in June and will have her now for 2.5 weeks until 19 July.... BM has only called her daughter 2 times the last visit and 1 time so far this visit.

WHAT? If all of these things were true - or if you even thought these things could even be true... would you not as a mother be calling to check on your child daily? If you believe she was being hurt this badly to file affidavits against us in court, to take her to a trama counselor, to deny some of his visits, and have mentioned to a counselor how tramatized your daughter is - having nightmares, cold sweats, hysterically crying when visit exchanges come up.

How do you not call to check on your kid but 4 times so far for a 4 week visit plus two weekend visits?

We note her telephone calls in our medication log - and that is going to court as well. But her actions are just amazing.

I am sure she will go to court and try to say she was just a concerned mother checking out what she claims her daughter told her. But she will not be able to overcome our evidence, plus sd on dvd stating her mom and grandma do not like gr8tma and that they told her to tell the counselor I hit her. Along with the 6 years of other evidence and things she filed and signed.

I just don't get it.... but then I am a sane individual - so i guess i would not understand.


StepG's picture

I bet you are so anxious to get to court and get all of your documentation laid out for the judge to see. Our BM is crazy like that too and tells all kinds of crap.

Good luck and keep us posted!

imagr8tma's picture

curious - to see BMs reaction to all of the documentation DH has against her. He has been keeping her dirt for 6 years and really has not let her know he has the stuff so it will be a surprise to her.

You can look back in my blog and see the wealth of evidence she has give DH.

I really want to know what her reasoning for all of this crap is.

My DH seems to think she started back up because of our marriage and that she told SD she does not like how i look.

I think I am just a new face to a old problem. She is going to hate any woman in his life and will stop at no end to try and make sure her daughter does not have to be around anyone but her.

However, the day of reckoning is coming on 14 July....... I am praying the Judge really listens and gets my SD out of that toxic and damaging enviornment......

BUT if the judge doesn't make a move for the better of SD - we have already discussed putting out house up for rent, and seeking jobs in NC. We will not stand for SD to be abused 24/7. If we have to move - I am sure everything will be 50/50. Which is still a better situation than now.

MiseryNMissouri's picture

Well you know i am praying for you constantly, and on the 14th you will have your day...just be ready for any last minute suprises that may come up...keep your DH's spirits lifted (and i know i dont have to tell you how to do that)....but BM has her day coming soon enough....