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zerostepdrama's Blog

OSD did not invite DH to her wedding

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This is actually old news since she has been married for a year since July. And really the wedding was in front of her trailer... with her bridesmaids (YSD and her friend) dressed in hooker dresses and the bride 8 months pregnant. SS didnt even bother to come.

However, thinking about this. OSD created a FB event for her wedding and invited every single relative of hers from DH's side and didnt invite DH. Even invited DH's friends that she hasnt seen since she was a kid (yet has on her FB :? )

Update on BM collecting CS for MSD and what DH was going to do about it

zerostepdrama's picture

Update to this that I posted last week:

#1- Of course BM filed for modification when MSD "aged out" in May 2014. DH just got the proposed new amount and of course it went up AGAIN. Even though CS was just modified last year (per the every 3 year rule). DH's income hasn't changed! How did it go up?

Then to add to that frustration MSD "aging out" really happened in November 2013- when she turned 18. But because she was living with BM and in school, her legal emancipation date wouldnt be until she graudated in May 2014.

Do you get mad when your SO doesn't discipline as you would?

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A common theme I see on here is that we are often mad/frustrated/dissapointed when our SO doesn't discipline their kid(s) as we see that they should.

I know my DH would probably say that he gets mad when I dont discipline or deal with my BS when he is acting up, as my DH thinks I should. However, he doesnt help me parent in any other way when it comes to BS, yet he wants a say in how I discipline or when I should discipline or what I should or shouldnt be okay with???

So frustrated about CS- coming from both sides

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Ugh too much CS issues going on right now.

#1- Of course BM filed for modification when MSD "aged out" in May 2014. DH just got the proposed new amount and of course it went up AGAIN. Even though CS was just modified last year (per the every 3 year rule). DH's income hasn't changed! How did it go up?

Then to add to that frustration MSD "aging out" really happened in November 2013- when she turned 18. But because she was living with BM and in school, her legal emancipation date wouldnt be until she graudated in May 2014.

Morbid content- Not sure why I think about this- skid related

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I'm an overthinker and think ahead on most things and will also have a lot of "what if" scenarios.

As much as I dont like the girl skids, I would never ever want something terrible to happen to them.

With that being said... sometimes I think, what if something bad happened to them? How would I handle it? How would I support DH and his family?

Would I feel guilty attending a funeral of a skid, knowing how much I did not like them.

What's his deal? Food issue

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When DH and I first got together and I was around the skids I would always hear DH talk so much about how his kids like to eat. Oh his kids can eat their plate and then some. It was annoying. Like okay- encourage them to be fat asses. Ironically they did eat like grown men, yet never gained weight. But it was always "Oh my kids can eat" and he would say it all proud with some stupid grin on his face.

DH would order pizza and let them order salads and garlic bread and pop and wings.

A confession

zerostepdrama's picture

MSD used to steal from me. (She is no longer welcomed in my home, so thankfully its been awhile since I have had to deal with it.)

It went on for months. I would mention to DH that something of mine was missing and he would accuse everything and everyone except MSD.

Even though he knew she had a HISTORY of stealing. That she was the only one in the house when an item came up missing, etc.

When she was finally caught, he even admitted to me that he just couldnt believe that she would steal from me....
