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my first vent

young_stepmomma25's picture

This may be my first & last vent on this site as I contemplate what my next step should be.
Let me introduce myself (once again)
I'm a SAHM mom to my 5 month old twin boys. I just recently moved in with my fiance of 2 years and his 3 children. The ages of the kids range from 16-13. The 16 yr old boy is in a facility for juveniles. Yes, you read that correctly. He isn't home yet, due to him serving time for violating probation. In the house now is his 14 going on 15 yr old daughter & 13 yr old son. Both children are disobedient & disrespectful to their father. Their mother lives in Pennsylvania & gave up custody of them when they were literally in pampers. So yes, they're here full time & again, I have 5 month old twin boys. I repeated that because if anyone knows how hard it is to try & raise babies in a household full of rambunctious teenagers, you'd know it was or is a challenge. I'm alone during the daytime with all four children when my fiance works. Yes, I am the designated babysitter. His kids are not to be trusted alone in the house without an adult nearby. When he is at work, I'm constantly arguing with his kids to do their chores & whatnot and it's taking a mental toll on me. Especially when I'm caring for babies by my lonesome. They have little to no respect for me & I'm at the point where I just want to up & leave. I wish I hadn't brought my babies into this. Every time I try to get him to at least discipline his children when they get out of hand, he half ass it" ; like he'll tell them he'll take away their games or computer privileges but he never does it and the'll return being the brats they are. When my fiance & I first got together, his kids were not nearly as bad as they are now. I'm debating on whether to stay or to go...


hereiam's picture

It sounds like your BF is, and always has been, a lazy parent. Nothing will change unless he changes how he parents and that is not likely. Even if he did, he has raised them like this long enough that they will push back hard.

They have no respect for him and it doesn't sound like he cares.

Tuff Noogies's picture

sounds like he needs to find other arrangements for his kids during the time he's at work, at least until the school year starts back up for you. surely there are relatives or friends who have kids off for the summer they can hang with.