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So fed up

young_stepmomma25's picture

Today I now feel like I made the biggest mistake in my life. I'm sick with either a cold or flu (fevers & chills) and my hubby had to work. I'm home with my 7 month old twin boys and his two (SS13 & SD 14). I asked him since I'm in no condition to care for my babies could I at least go to my mother's to have her help me with the babies while I recuperate. He asks well what about (SS13 & SD14)? You'd think we'd allow them to be alone to watch themselves but nope. They're not even capable of watching paint dry. Every time we try to give them responsibility and let them stay home alone, they fudge it up! Anyways, I say why don't you let them go somewhere then? They wouldn't be much help here with me anyways. I hate asking them to help out because I get the sarcastic back talk so I just ignore them as humanly possible. Yes, he has full custody of them so they live with us *gag*. I don't know if I've mentioned before that their bm lives in Pennsylvania & has no intention in being in their lives. Anywho, here I am, letting my babies roam on the living room floor while I lay on the couch waiting for relief and SS13 is vegetative on his Xbox & SD14 is out running the streets being an alley cat. And nope, I didn't make it to my mother's & yes I became the designated babysitter for his spawn. If I knew this years ago, my darling little twins wouldn't have been here. I don't regret them, I'm regretting him.

Stormyweather's picture

Start taking control over your own decisions and give him some notice so DH can arrange care for his kids. They aren't your responsibility. They are his. And then just do it. Like Ybarra says, he's not your father!