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BM trying to be a mom but failed.

young but wise's picture

So BM decided to take SS5 yesterday at 6pm to go to some sort of bday dinner. Totally fine. She said she would drop him back off in the morning before shcool. At about 10pm she text SO and the convo went like this

BM "I think I will just drop him off at school instead. What time does he go? Like 10 right?"

SO "No he goes at 9:15. You can drop him off at school but you need to make sure he is dressed in nice clothes that fit because he has pictures tomorrow. You know what all you have to send?"

BM "Did you already pay for the retakes?"

SO "They are technically not re-takes. They are spring pictures. I just had to sign a permission slip, You don't order them til after you see them."

BM "So does he have pictures tomorrow or no?"

SO "Yes, he has spring pictures. They will send home an order form after they post them online for us to see."


SO "Oh and BTW the code to get in the door is ****"


Then we get a call this morning at 9:20. BM "How the H*ll do I get into this place? all of the doors are locked!" SO responds with "I text you the code last night." CLICK!

Then at about 10am we get a phone call from the school. They told us that SS didn't come with a lunch or any winter clothes to go outside in. So needless to say I had to put together a lunch last minute and bring it up to school along with his winter clothes. I can't wait to pick him up from school so I can see what he is wearing. I swear BM does not pay attention to a single thing SO tells her. She can't even handle dropping SS off at school one time without us having to fill in the pieces. Guess this is the last time SO lets her get him off to school.

Oh and she is the reason the school had to put in a security pad on all of the doors because she flipped out on them after the Sandy Hook shooting because she was scared something would happen to him at school. She went as far as posting stuff all over their facebook page and website. This is a preschool in a church in a small town with maybe 10,000 people in the entire town. The class size is 15 students. And you really think it is the next school to have something like that happen?


princessmofo's picture

Psycho hose beast. Way to parent, bm. Nutjob. And no winter clothes? Nice touch.