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Yosemite's Blog

Shit finally hit the fan! BD19 called FDH out for being a POS...needless to say he was not pleased

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I blogged awhile ago that we have a lot of stress going on right now. FDH's dad died a few weeks ago, health issues, family drama, BM drama, you name it we got it going on. Also, FDH was pissed that I gave my BD19 $2000 on her birthday to use for a down payment on a new car. He doesn't like it when I help out my adult kids, but he really has no say because we have separate finances.

No FDH, we cannot trade weekends with BM so SHE can take SS9 to the event I bought tickets for months ago. Nope, sorry.

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SS9 is really into a particular toy and there is a kid event themed around that toy in our town next weekend. I have known about this for months, brought it up to FDH, bought tickets to take SS9 and BS13 but we were keeping it a surprise.

Semi O/T -Getting it from all sides lately. FML I need a vacation from everyone, FDH, bios, steps and most of all BM(s)- vent

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So I'm not sure why but I am just getting drama on all fronts lately. And I HATE drama...I have zero patience with it.
Anyway this is what I got going on that's making me crazy:

In case you didn't know, FDH, I could care less about your opinion on how much or how often I spend MY money on MY kids- Rant

Yosemite's picture

I am trying to be understanding because his dad passed away recently but FDH is PISSING me off with sticking his nose into my financial affairs! I put $2000 down on a brand new car for my BD19 for her birthday and he is running his mouth about it. We have separate finances. BD19 got her loan herself, I just put down the down payment as a birthday gift. He is bitching about the money I spend on my kids. I pay my own bills including my share of our household expenses, I have savings and I also have money going towards our retirement someday.

SD20 thinks I should let her dog bite me. Am I the crazy one here?

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Her dog tried to bite me and I kicked him away from me then put him outside. This dog bit my son bad enough to need stitches last month and in our county he will be put down if he bites someone again. I am not an animal abuser, but I wasn't going to just sit there and let him bite me either. Especially when he I know he bites hard enough to need stitches. He's getting old and cranky. I told FDH when he bit my son he had to go, but we haven't been able to find anyone to take him.

BM asked me to look for the pics of her wedding to FDH because she is feeling sentimental and wants them back. WTF?

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I never knew this but apparently when they split she threw the wedding pics at him and said she didn't want them. Now she does and she thinks it would be appropriate for ME to look for them? I spoke to her in person for the first time since Sept. at my future inlaws 50th wedding anniversary a couple weeks ago and again at the visitation for my FFIL who passed on Tuesday. Now all of a sudden she thinks I am her BFF and should be doing her favors?

O/T- FDH wants to have a quickie wedding ceremony at his father's deathbed. I love him but I wanted a real wedding. Help please

Yosemite's picture

My FDH's father is on hospice, doped up on morphine and ready to check out any minute. Suddenly FDH needs his father to see him get married. So he wants to hire a minister and get married at his parents house, today!

OT- 50th anniversary party for bigot FMIL is Saturday. What gift is appropriate for someone you want to smack?

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My FMIL has recently shown that she is a bigot and a homophobe by making racist/homophobic remarks about my kids (see previous blogs). Her 50th wedding anniversary is Saturday. Since FDH will not attend the party without me and his dad is dying, I have reluctantly agreed to go with him. Problem I have now is what to do for a gift. I would like to spray paint dog shit gold and give her that, but I am thinking that will not go over well, LOL.

OK I shouldn't have done it but it made me smile!

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BM freaked when she heard about our engagement. I haven't spoken to her since September cause we had a falling out. Today I get a text from BM asking what the date of our wedding will be. I felt like messing with her so I texted back and gave her the same date she and SO were married. Then when she responded that we could not use that date cause it was their anniversary, I said Oh SO must've forgotten. It's too late now we already booked the venue.

Our engagement went over like a turd in a punch bowl.

Yosemite's picture

BM started texting SO regarding why she wasn't informed first so they could talk to the stepkids together. BM also questioned why we want to get married at all. Then she started crying and asked him if he was sure they might not have somehow gotten back together someday.
Then SD20 told me that she just can't support our getting married cause it is upsetting her mom. Then my BD18 has been acting all jealous and asking what about her, will I still be there for her if I vow to forsake all others?
Then FMIL said we were stealing her thunder from her 50th wedding anniversary.
