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Dragging her feet...

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Ughhhhhh... frustrated at the way things have gone this week. DH has been waiting for the final consent order for SDs for 3 weeks. I kept telling him his lawyer should just do it and be done with it, but BM had her lawyer "working" on it. He decided to let her burn some of her money instead of blowing through another grand of ours. Well turns out BM picked a shitty lawyer. Not only did her lawyer fail to complete the consent order for custody, she also messed up her paperwork to wave court ordered parenting class and mediation. She left it with a judge who was on vacation for two weeks! Less than 12 hours before said class. I am so glad I talked DH into covering his ass by attending the class even though BM didn't go. They would have thrown out the case if he hadn't. And now BM is looking at a contempt charge since the paper wasn't ever signed to excuse her. Lol. Lazy woman didn't want to drive all 4 hours to be there. I'm sorry I'm really amused by this whole thing.

So this weekend DH gets a call from our lawyer. BM finally decided it was time to send a nasty gram to her lawyers boss complaining about how slow she's being with t

he consent order and the whole parenting class fiasco lol. Her lawyer is FINALLY doing the order and he should have it to sign on Monday. All the while I'm lolling that BM has to pay a 500$ fine for her lawyers mistake. Should a just gone to the class, but that would require her to care.

Final note! Wedding planning is almost over! August 8th can't get here fast enough, I can't wait for beer and bbq! We are going to have so much fun, hopefully my mom doesn't have a stroke from the stress. She's my bridezilla by proxie.