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Thinking of divorce

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I am not in the financial or emotional situation where I'd be okay with divorcing my husband. I don't have enough funds to support myself and the baby and have a normal life. Even when I count in the child support I'd be getting from my husband if we divorced, it's not enough. I couldn't cover up even the basics. There are not many women's help organisations where I live, and the ones that we have are not really..dedicated or helpful. And I probably wouldn't even qualify to get their help because I'd be leaving a marriage that tehnically has no reason to be left.

am i wrong?

wreck's picture

Is it wrong of me to expect my husband's family to pay attention to our newborn?
Because I somehow believe that in a family, when there's a new baby, the grandmother would be interested. Probably the aunts and uncles, too. It just seems like the normal thing.
However, I can tell already that my baby will not only not be recieving any love or attention from them - but that they will try to make the bith of my baby about my stepdaughters, just like everything else.

A question

wreck's picture

OK guys - here's a question.

You and your husband are Christians. You find a witchcraft book in your stepdaughter's things. It's not the Wicca nature loving type, it's not harm none type, it's not nice at all.

What do you do? :sick:

I just need to tell someone.

wreck's picture

I'm not posting this to find a solution for the problem - because it seems like that's impossible. There are many people in my situation and it seems like this goes on forever and ever...
I've always been bothered by this, but the recent issues made me realise how bad it really is and how annoying.
Everything is about SDs. EVERYTHING.
Their father makes it so, but also their whole family. Except their mother - but she's a different story.
Aunt's bithday? SDs get gifts and money.
Cousin's graduation? SDs get gifts and money.


wreck's picture

I talked to my husband about the hotel..
Turns out he already reserved the rooms for them. AND paid for the extra wellness thingy.

Well fuck.

I don't want to see their faces when they hear! Sad

His solution

wreck's picture

So my husband and I talked, again.
His great new idea? "Keep SDs occupied so they don't cause me any trouble."
18, 14 ,12. And he needs to keep them occupied so they don't cause me any trouble? Seriously.
Let's analyze what's wrong about this.
